I never knew I could find Peace in the graveyard.
Life is not easy, but conquerable with God, the Almighty. No matter the situation, stress involved, or obstacles encountered, Jesus Christ provides calm. My Uncle Randall Robinson passed away on 24 Mar 2023. It was a blow to the world, especially our family. He was legendary. Founding and leading the lobbyist group, Trans Africa, to help stop apartheid in South Africa was one of his many accomplishments. In spite of being stressed out about the death of my uncle, leaving my son, William, as well as my business going unattended for a week, I found peace in St. Kitts at the funeral. It was at the most interesting time and place. I am Billy Yancey. God is THE GOAT!
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Website: www.ANABOFIT.com
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With Anabo, Billy brings a pioneering approach to fitness and health to the Coastal Virginia area and beyond with his personalized and timed technique. As a business owner, Billy remained confident and resolute in spite of two divorces, two bankruptcies and the mayhem of the COVID pandemic, and has emerged with a thriving enterprise.
He has produced two books. Rocket Fuel, aimed at helping people battle through adversity, especially young adults, and Anabo Nutrition, a step-by-step guide to achieving excellent health using foundational processes. Billy is currently developing a mobile application for Anabo’s fitness levels with his team and will soon launch a vodcast called “Rocket Fuel: Talent Will Only Get You So Far.”