Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast
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Hijacked by Stress? Why a Summer Bucket List Lowers Anxiety, Draws You Closer to God & Why You Should Make One #79

July 10, 2023
00:00 24:11
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When you’re overrun by busyness or stressing out over a worry that can’t turn off, what do you do? Learn how creating a simple Summer Bucket List can help you lower anxiety and why it can bring you closer to God.

Bonnie shares how a powerful trifecta of happy hormones gets released into your nervous system when you create space for laughter and do what makes you smile.

God’s promise in scripture supports the importance of laughter. Learn a practical soul care tip to lower anxiety right away to activate your body’s natural rest using a simple breath prayer.


  • how summer can be a time to refill the needs you’ve put off the past year.
  • one simple way to release a powerful trifecta of happy hormones to relieve pain, anxiety, and keep you energized
  • a simple breath prayer to heal your heart, so you can push out the stress your body has absorbed

Scripture to Mediate On: Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”

Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayers, Healing Power of Laughter toward stress recovery


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Meet Your Host
Bonnie Gray is the author of Finding Spiritual Whitespace and Whispers of Rest. An inspirational speaker and retreat leader, she has touched thousands of lives through storytelling, visual arts, nature, prayer and meditation. Bonnie’s writing is featured at Relevant Magazine, (in)courage, and Christianity Today. She lives in California with her husband and their two sons.
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