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Overcoming Perfectionism: Embrace God's Perfect Love with The Love Dare #124

June 24, 2024
00:00 20:01
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Do you struggle with perfectionism? How does it manifest in your life, and what helps you feel less critical of yourself? In this episode, Bonnie Gray explores the roots of perfectionism and provides a loving, practical tip to help quiet that critical inner voice.

Learn to understand the negative impact of perfectionism on your emotional and physical well-being and discover how God's unconditional love can help you embrace your imperfections.

Tune into this episode to gain valuable insights and practical tools for turning down the volume on perfectionism and embracing a more nurturing, love-filled approach to self-care.

Key Takeaways:

- How Perfectionism keeps us from enjoying life and increases our stress.
- Learn the Love Dare to overcome the fear of making mistakes.
- Lower stress and cortisol with Anticipatory Joy - Practice this week's Breath Prayer to calm emotions and body.

Breath Prayer: (Inhale) We rely on the love God has for us. (Exhale) Perfect love casts out fear.

Scripture: "We rely on the love God has for us. God is love. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear." 1Jn 4:16, 18 

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Meet Your Host
Bonnie Gray is the author of Finding Spiritual Whitespace and Whispers of Rest. An inspirational speaker and retreat leader, she has touched thousands of lives through storytelling, visual arts, nature, prayer and meditation. Bonnie’s writing is featured at Relevant Magazine, (in)courage, and Christianity Today. She lives in California with her husband and their two sons.
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