Helping Your Kids Understand God’s Good Design for Their Identity (w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz ) - Ep. 129 (

December 09, 2024
00:00 52:56
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Few subjects present a greater challenge for parents than teaching children about God’s design for their identity. How do we start these vital conversations without overwhelming our little ones or feeding them information beyond their comprehension?

Catherine's guest, Elizabeth Urbanowicz, has developed a curriculum that helps parents navigate these challenging waters. Elizabeth is the founder of Foundation Worldview, an organization committed to providing Christian parents, educators, and church leaders with the resources they need to teach children to think critically and biblically.

In this enlightening discussion, Elizabeth introduces her new curriculum aimed at kids ages 4-8 called "God's Good Design." 

This episode emphasizes:

1.     The Importance of Being the First: Introducing children to these topics early helps parents establish authority and provide a biblical perspective.

2.     Maintaining Innocence While Informing: Teaching children about God's good design protects their innocence by providing them with the truth before encountering corrupted versions of identity.

3.     Living in Truth while Loving Others: Both Catherine and Elizabeth emphasize the need to always love those who disagree while we teach our kids God’s truth about their identity.

4.     Resources for Parents and Educators: Foundation Worldview's curriculum and other recommended resources for guiding children and teens in sexuality education from a Christian perspective are highlighted.

Listeners are invited to access these Foundation Worldview resources with a special $10 discount on family licenses using the code PARENT10.

About the Guest Elizabeth Urbanowicz holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Elizabeth created Foundation Worldview to equip Christian parents with the resources they need to train children to soundly interpret Scripture, carefully evaluate every idea they encounter, and understand the truth of the biblical worldview.


·       God’s Good Design curriculum (Use code PARENT10 for a $10 discount on any family license)

·       “How Should Christians Talk to Their Kids about Sexuality” by Catherine Segars

·       Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality by Hillary Morgan Ferrer

·       God’s Design for Sex (series) by Stan and Brenna Jones

·       The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality by Luke Gilkerson

·       The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality

·       The Holy Sexuality Project by Christopher Yuan

Other Episodes with Elizabeth:

Ep. 57: *]:rounded-full [&>*]:bg-[#F6F7F8]">

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Meet Your Host
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright—turned stay-at-home-mom—turned author, speaker, blogger, and motherhood apologist. This homeschooling mama of five has a master’s degree in communications and is earning a master’s degree in Christian apologetics. Catherine helps parents navigate through dangerous secular landmines to establish a sound Biblical foundation for their kids. Author of the e-book Five Myths about Motherhood That Make You Feel Mere, And Why They're Wrong, Catherine is also passionate about helping mothers see their worth in a season when they often feel overwhelmed and irrelevant. You can find Catherine’s blog, dramatic blogcast, and other writings at and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.
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