Christian Parent, Crazy World
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How Christianity Transformed the Status of Women (w/ Nancy Pearcey) - Ep. 123

October 21, 2024
00:00 31:56
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Our modern culture often argues that Christian teachings on marriage and femininity are oppressive or out of touch. But if we peel back the layers of history, we discover a different story. The early Christian faith dramatically improved the lives of women.

In this episode of CP/CW, Catherine is joined by prolific author and apologist Nancy Pearcey,  who sets the record straight about the historical impact of Christianity on women. Nancy sheds light on the drastic differences between the treatment of women in ancient societies and the newfound dignity and status they received within the early Christian community.

Key highlights include:

Reformation of Roman Practices: Nancy explains how men in ancient Rome freely exploited women, and how the early church radically opposed this by advocating for the respect and dignity of women in marriage.

Symmetry in Marriage: Hear about the New Testament teachings where Paul promotes equality in marriage, a concept that was unheard of during that time.

Elevated Status: Discover why women found refuge and higher status in the early Christian church compared to ancient Roman society.

Age of Marriage: Learn about how the Christian emphasis on raising the age of marriage from 12 to 18 greatly benefited young girls in the New Testament period.

Jesus' Revolutionary Actions: Nancy takes us through instances in the Gospels where Jesus broke cultural norms by valuing and honoring women, providing a stark contrast to the prevailing views of the time.

Modern Implications: Understand the surprising findings that show committed evangelical couples today experience the lowest rates of divorce and domestic abuse, contradicting the modern stereotype of evangelical men as patriarchal and abusive.

Ongoing Global Impact: Delve into sociological studies that reveal how Christian teachings have empowered poor women more effectively than many modern feminist movements, particularly in developing countries.

Understanding the radical teachings of the New Testament regarding women opens our eyes to the genuine freedom and dignity that Christianity offers. Over centuries, these teachings have profoundly transformed societies, raising the status of women across the globe. The data and historical evidence contradict the contemporary narrative that the Christian faith is oppressive to women. In reality, it provides a transformative power that elevates, empowers, and dignifies women in ways that are both historically and presently significant.

NANCY’S BIO: Nancy Pearcey is the author of The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes, as well as Love Thy Body, The Soul of ScienceSaving LeonardoFinding Truth, and Total Truth. She is professor and scholar in residence at Houston Christian University. She has been quoted in The New Yorker and Newsweek, highlighted as one of the five top women apologists by Christianity Today, and hailed in The Economist as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual."

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Meet Your Host
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright—turned stay-at-home-mom—turned author, speaker, blogger, and motherhood apologist. This homeschooling mama of five has a master’s degree in communications and is earning a master’s degree in Christian apologetics. Catherine helps parents navigate through dangerous secular landmines to establish a sound Biblical foundation for their kids. Author of the e-book Five Myths about Motherhood That Make You Feel Mere, And Why They're Wrong, Catherine is also passionate about helping mothers see their worth in a season when they often feel overwhelmed and irrelevant. You can find Catherine’s blog, dramatic blogcast, and other writings at and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.
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