The 7 Biggest Reasons Gen Z is Leaving the Faith (w/ Laurie Christine) - Ep. 98
Studies show that a majority of kids raised in Christian homes are leaving the faith when they leave the nest. It is vital that we understand the primary reasons why young people no longer believe if we want to help them return to the faith.
In this episode, Catherine airs an important conversation she had recently on the Redeeming the Chaos Podcast with Laurie Christine. Catherine and Laurie discuss new research which tells us why young people are bailing on Christianity. Highlighted are the 7 most prominent reasons Gen Zrs cite for walking away from the Christian faith. They are:
1. I have a hard time believing that a good God would allow so much evil or suffering in the world (29%): see EPISODE 66 w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis
2. Christians are hypocrites (23%)
3. I believe science refutes too much of the Bible (20%) See Dr. Stephen Meyer: Signature in the Cell, The Return of the God Hypothesis, and Darwin’s Doubt; also see Dr. John Lennox (The “God Delusion “ Debate with Richard Dawkins)
4. I don’t believe in fairy tales (19%) see “The Case for Christ” & “The Case for Christ for Kids” by Lee Strobel
5. There are too many injustices in the history of Christianity (15%) see Episode 9: How Does Christian Worldview Creates the World We all Want to Live”, see Episodes 93, 94, & 95 w/ Os Guinness
6. I used to go to church, but it’s just not important to me anymore (12%)
7. I had a bad experience in church/with a Christian (6%) see Episodes 39, 40, 41, & 42; see “When Narcissism Comes to Church: Healing Your Community from Emotional & Spiritual Abuse” by Dr. Chuck DeGroat
Catherine offers some helpful resources to consult if a child you know has embraced one of these claims about Christianity, and she and Laurie also offer some helpful resources for discipling younger kids in the faith.
BIO: Laurie Christine is an author, podcast host, Biblical Parenting Coach, wife, and mom of four loud, adventurous boys. He