When You Raise Your Child Biblically and They Leave the Faith (w/ DJ Harry) - Ep. 97
There is no formula for raising a child to be a lifelong follower of Christ. There is no 5 or 10 or even 20-step program to raising godly kids. Parents have a vital part to play as we commit to raise our children biblically, but we cannot choose the faith for our kids.
So what happens when you do your part as parents. You are diligent about training your kids biblically, and the spiritual formation of your children is first and foremost in your mind. You have gone to church but didn’t leave the responsibility of teaching your kids up to the church. You have done the devotionals, taught the Bible stories, memorized the Scriptures, and you’ve had the deep conversations…
And you get a different result than you were expecting.
Your child doubts. Your child wanders. Your child takes a different path, perhaps the prodigal path.
What then?
Catherine and her guest DJ Harry cover this tear-jerking territory as they continue to glean parenting wisdom from the book of Daniel. Pastor Harry shares the following powerful parenting lessons from the first chapter of Daniel:
- We don't get to choose when or how our children's faith will be tested. (Daniel 1:1)
- A well-rounded education is a necessary part of significant influence. (Daniel 1:4)
- There was an intentional transfer of faith from Daniel's parents to Daniel. (Daniel 1:8)
- Daniel knew how to appeal to his ungodly authorities Daniel. (Daniel 1:11-13)
But even when we parent biblically to the best of our ability, even when we apply all these lessons, some kids will choose to wander. That does not absolve parents from our responsibility to train our children in the way they should go, which includes taking to heart these incredible lessons we can learn from the book of Daniel.
But the results are not up to us.
Parents must remember that we are not judged by God for our results. We are judged by God for our faithfulness. And our faithfulness in standing our ground, in maintaining that godly witness as our kids go out on their own, and our faithfulness to pray over our kids every day—that work will not return void.
DJ HARRY’S BIO: DJ and Lorrie Harry have been spent their entire lives ministering to others. Their early years were spent in the classroom where they developed a love for teaching and building relationships. In recent years, DJ has served as the Senior Pastor at Needham’s Grove Baptist Church in Seagrove, NC. Together, they currently host the Better Together podcast and love speaking at couples retreats and parenting conferences. DJ and Lorrie have a desire to encourage and equip young couples as they walk down the road of marriage and parenting.
Episode 96: Raising Kids To Stand Strong in a Godless Culture
Episode 55 – Better Together: Tools To Empower Your Kids against Cultural Pressures
DJ Harry’s website
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Daniel 1:1, 4, 8, 11-13
Proverbs 22:6
Ecclesiastes 8:14
Galatians 6:9
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