30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 5 - Surrender

September 05, 2021
00:00 09:44
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Surrender seems like a negative word in most contexts -- like giving up ...or admitting defeat. But, when it comes to surrender in the biblical sense -- surrender is freedom! It's the sweet release of all that weighs us down to a God we can trust. Surrendering the things that we stress about the most (like our size or shape) is hard! But, that's why we're praying for God's help. We can't surrender this on our own. It's too fragile, too important, too much. Yet, Jesus asks us to lay our burdens down--and that's what we'll pray for today. I hope you'll pray with me and tell a friend if you're enjoying this series!

English Standard Version - Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

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Meet Your Host
Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. Her first book Compared to Who? encourages women to uncover the spiritual root of body image issues and find freedom. Her latest release, The Burden of Better, offers women a journey into the depths of God's grace to find a way off the treadmill of constant comparison. Heather has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, and For Every Mom, along with dozens of other shows and podcasts. But she's best recognized for her appearance as a contestant on the Netflix hit show, Nailed It. Heather and her fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric have four children and live in Austin, Texas.

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