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A Change in the Atmosphere

July 28, 2024
00:00 06:54
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Just as our surroundings shift when a storm is coming, so too do our ordinary circumstances when the Lord comes onto the scene.

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A Change in Atmosphere 

by Deidre Braley 

When I was just a bare-footed wild child growing up on the edge of a great Maine wood, I would relish the hot, midsummer nights when the sky would turn dark and turbulent as a blackened eye and thunder would begin its war drum in the distance. On these evenings, my parents would bring my sister and I out onto our covered porch and we’d sit there, watching and waiting with half-held breath until hot electricity finally struck its purple zing across the sky. 

I was no meteorologist, but even as a child I knew there was a powerful shift happening in the atmosphere. The whole world felt pregnant, magnetic, anticipatory. In the storm-filled air, my breath felt different. Familiar objects like our house, our chairs, the rusty blue swingset—they seemed novel in this light. Even my mother and father seemed changed. I felt as though anything 

could and would happen, here in this familiar-but-foreign environment. 

When I hear people talk about God as if he’s boring—as though he is just a set of hymns stuck in the back of a stubborn old church pew—I want to grab their hands, pull them outside, and tilt their chins to the electric excitement all around them, just like my parents did for me when a storm blew in. I want to say, “Look! Listen! Feel! Can you sense it—this palpable change in the air when the Holy Spirit comes into our midst?” 

Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” 

Just as our surroundings shift when a storm is coming, so too do our ordinary circumstances when the Lord comes onto the scene. Our problems look different when examined under his light. Our hanging heads can’t help but lift toward the timbre of his voice. Our raging, fearful hearts settle in the presence of his quietude. 

This is the wonder of God: that wherever he is, anything and everything can happen. Even our most commonplace lives can become electric with possibility when they’re brought into the midst of our great Creator. And even our most troubling problems can take on new form when we let God remold them in his hands. 

That is why it is so important to be intentional about entering into God’s presence each day. If we spend all of our time looking at our lives from a worldly perspective, we’ll quickly become disoriented, disengaged, or just completely discouraged. But when we spend time with the Lord, he doesn’t make us stand at the threshold of the throne room—he hurries us in and shows us the world from his perspective. Even if nothing on the outside seems changed after these encounters,

the air inside our souls will have undergone a tangible, atmospheric shift—allowing us to experience the same old world in a whole new way. 

Intersecting Faith & Life: 

  • Does it feel difficult to feel God’s presence in your life right now—and to believe he hasthe power to change the atmosphere of any of your current circumstances? Read throughJob 38-39, and mark which examples of God’s might and omniscience are most strikingto you.

When you begin to doubt if he can make a difference in your life, practice saying, “If God can [insert one of the examples you marked], then he can [make a specific change in your life]. It might sound something like this: “If God can ‘loosen Orion’s belt’ (Job 8:31), then he can also provide the money I’ll need to service my car this week.” 

  • Being in nature is an incredible way to remember God’s power and awe-inspiringattributes. Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” Take a walk on the beach, lay on your back beneath the stars, or—better yet—pull up a chair and watch a storm. Bring your awareness to God, and praise him.

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