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How to Move Forward When Sin Keeps Returning

August 13, 2024
00:00 05:22
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What would it look like for you to take it easy and to let go of your record of wrongs? Perhaps, take a second to repent and then receive God’s grace for you. He doesn’t look at you and see every mistake you’ve ever made; He looks at you and sees the righteousness of Jesus. He loves you and will continue to help you.

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How to Move Forward when Sin Keeps Returning

By Kelly Balarie

“Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.” – Prov. 29:11 NIV

I feel so angry at myself, and I can’t seem to let it go. Friends, I know, I know... God forgives me, so I need to forgive myself (in fact, I must forgive myself), but sometimes forgiving oneself is more easily said than done.

The issue is -- I didn’t overlook an offense and, therefore, became explosive in my tone of voice. I unleashed it on one I love. The issue is that this wasn’t the first time this had happened either. It’s embarrassing to say that I have done it a couple times in the last few years. The issue is that I had resolved not to do this, ever, and I did it again. Oh, the frustration of it all…

Have you ever given full vent to your offense?

It’s so easy to do. In those moments where we’re wronged or a slighted, it’s easy to feel justified to be upset. The cause is righteous so, of course, we should stand up for it, with force. We know the action is right because we’re standing up for a person.  We’re standing up for God’s truth, so we have every right to not let the other person believe a lie. 

The need to release offense and to stand up for something – can feel so right, yet it can be executed all wrong. That’s what I’m learning, anyway.

For me? In those moments before I spoke, the words brewed inside, burning to be released. Finally, the second the other party provoked me – I hit a high-pressure point! Then, like a tea kettle screeching under the heat -- I gave full-vent to my anger.

What pressures you to let loose your annoyance, anger or offense?“Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.” - Prov. 29:11 NIV

Friends, I can’t help but be confronted with the thought: Two wrongs don’t make a right.  There is a way that seems right to a man but leads to death (see: Prov. 14:12). And there also a way that seems wrong to man but leads to calm in the end.

In order to go the right way, we cannot permit feelings of flesh to hinder us from heeding God’s Word.  

And, what do you do if, much like me, all the actions you thought were right have led up to a million repeated wrongs? How do you handle the face of all your mistakes?

Here, Proverbs 29:11 comes to mind again, “Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.”

We are foolish to give vent to anger, even towards ourselves.  Wisdom embraces calm and extends itself the grace of Jesus.

Letting go, we can choose to take it easy.

Why? Because Jesus’ grace is always enough. Because Jesus’ grace is equipping, empowering and enabling. Because Jesus’ grace is alive and well.  

This means, He will help us going forward.

God is the Author and the Perfecter of our faith story and, best of all, our story is not over. God is still perfecting it. Here, we can take it easy on ourselves and let it go…God always has for us a fresh start in Christ Jesus. It’s time to let go…

Intersecting Faith & Life:

What would it look like for you to take it easy and to let go of your record of wrongs? Perhaps, take a second to repent and then receive God’s grace for you. He doesn’t look at you and see every mistake you’ve ever made; He looks at you and sees the righteousness of Jesus. He loves you and will continue to help you.

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