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How to Refresh People

August 05, 2024
00:00 06:25
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God calls us to be trustworthy messengers ourselves. Our words, actions, and commitments should reflect the reliability and integrity of Jesus. Whether it’s showing up on time, keeping promises, or standing by others in times of need, we can be a valuable source of refreshment to those around us.

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How to Refresh People

By: Whitney Hopler, Contributing Writer 

“A messenger you can trust is just as refreshing as cool water in summer.” – Proverbs 25:13, CEV 

In many parts of the world this summer, people are dealing with intense and unrelenting heat waves. Cities are experiencing record-high temperatures, and the sweltering heat has brought discomfort and distress to countless people. It has been so hot lately that whenever I’m outside I find myself craving cool water. As soon as I get home, I pull out one of the cans of seltzer water our family has stored in our refrigerator. The moments when I drink my first sips of that cool water are wonderful! As I swallow the water, my whole body feels refreshed. The cool water brings me much-needed relief from the heat and revitalizes my energy. I’m so grateful for it that I often silently thank God as I’m drinking the water and feeling completely refreshed. 

In Proverbs 25:13, the Bible says that a trustworthy messenger is just as refreshing as that cool water in the middle of a scorching summer. We crave trustworthy people in our lives like we crave cool water during summer. Both are vital to our well-being. Just as we cherish water during oppressive heat, we value people who keep their promises and follow through on their commitments. These people are reliable, dependable, and consistent. They offer stability in a broken world that can often be unpredictable and chaotic. Their presence can soothe and encourage us, offering us a sense of peace – much like a cool drink quenches our physical thirst. 

Jesus is the ultimate trustworthy messenger. Throughout his earthly life and ministry, Jesus delivered God’s message of love and truth with complete faithfulness. Jesus then faithfully made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, in order to make our salvation possible. Jesus’ reliable trustworthiness is an important part of his mission. He gives hope to everyone who listens and believes. We can always count on Jesus to keep his promises. Jesus is the perfect role model of trustworthiness that we are called to emulate. 

Consider the impact of reliable friends in our lives. These are people who keep their promises, showing up when they say they will, and following through. People like them become a valuable source of comfort and strength – people we can rely on in times of need. Their reliability builds trust and deepens relationships. These are the kind of people Proverbs 25:13 describes – those who refresh us as we deal with the heat of stressful situations. 

God calls us to be trustworthy messengers ourselves. Our words, actions, and commitments should reflect the reliability and integrity of Jesus. Whether it’s showing up on time, keeping promises, or standing by others in times of need, we can be a valuable source of refreshment to those around us. Being trustworthy helps us honor God and bless our friends, family, and community. Trustworthiness not only strengthens our relationships with people, but also helps us reflect God’s holiness to the world. God is completely trustworthy. By being trustworthy ourselves, we bear witness to God’s faithfulness. 

Imagine the impact we can have when we embody trustworthiness in our daily lives. Our relationships and communities can grow stronger and our testimonies can grow more powerful. In a fallen world where trust is often fragile, being a trustworthy person can shine God’s light in the darkness. So, let’s try our best to be as refreshing to others as cool water on a hot summer day, by reflecting the trustworthiness of our Savior. 

Intersecting Faith and Life 

As you consider how to refresh people by being trustworthy, reflect on these questions: 

  • When was a time when someone’s trustworthiness brought you peace or relief. How did that experience impact you?
  • How do

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