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Is God's Love True and Real?

July 30, 2024
00:00 07:54
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The love of God is not a response to how great we are, or how good we can be. The love of God is not a possession that we yield, or an accolade we merit. Love is the foundation of who God is. Love is the full identification of God’s being and it existed over us before any action or mistake in our lives.

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Is God’s love true or real? 

“This is love, not that we loved God, but God loved us and sent his only son into this world so that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:10)

In his book, “Seeing is Believing”, theologian Greg Boyd makes a distinction between something that is true, and something that is real. To say something is true is to affirm something about it – to make some sort of declaration. Importantly, you can claim something to be true without having any personal interaction with it. For example, I know that the city of Paris is true, even though I have never been there. The fact is truth is an intellectual property more than a personal experience. But to say something is real, says Boyd, is to have a personal experience of it.

We can talk about the truth of God’s love easily enough. We can pose questions about it, we can read books about it, we write essays and blogs about it; But love calls us deeper than just affirming the truth of God’s love as some intellectual assent to a theological doctrine. God’s desire is for us to experience the reality – the realness – of his love, and it is for that purpose that God sent Jesus into the world.

See, the love of God is not a response to how great we are, or how good we can be. The love of God is not a possession that we yield, or an accolade we merit. Love is the foundation of who God is. Love is the full identification of God’s being and it existed over us before any action or mistake in our lives. True, we might deny it, and we might choose to live away from it, but because God’s love for us is real, we can do nothing to negate it. God’s love for us exists just as much as God exists. 

In complete self-offering, God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Scripture reminds us of this not because it’s a nice thought, or a hope-filled idea, but because it is a reality that encompasses us. It is real for our lives! God’s love for you is real, and to know God is to know that love, deeply, intimate, profoundly. 

God’s divine, magnificent, earth-shattering, radical, and unyielding love transforms us. It pushes aside all that bars our knowledge of Christ. It pushes aside fear of punishment, fear of not being good enough, fear of missing out or messing up; fear of being rejected. John writes that there is no fear in love because love’s only mission, God’s only mission, is to produce life. This means that the number one thing that God wants from you right now, is for you let Him love you.  

Intersecting faith in Life.

It can be easy to base our spiritual life on a faulty premise of earning. In this word of merit and deserve, we might think that doing loving things earns God’s love for us. Talk about loving others, even showing our faith, becomes rooted in some sort of ethic of deserve. If I do x, God will lovingly do y, we think. But that is not how God’s love works. “This is love”, writes John, not that we loved God, but God loved us and sent his only son into this world so that we might live through him.” 

What if God’s doesn’t want you to try harder, or to study more. What if God isn’t setting up a long list of tasks through which you can prove your worth. What if God just wants to love you, as you are, in this moment. Now that can be scary. To be loved is to be vulnerable – and to be truly loved, is to accept that love even in your ugliest moments. But it is when we experience love in that place that we find healing and growth.

So where do we start? We start by dropping our defenses and letting the love of God flow in.  God first loved us”, writes John (1John 4:10), which means our heavenly Father the active agent and we are the recipients. The question that we sit with is: do you want to experience the love of God? Do you want to know God’s love, not as a truth to ponder, but as something to feel, as a reality to be enfolded?  

God’s desire for you is to have you experience the fullness of that love. And in an astounding act of grace, God has made receiving that love very simple. All you need to do is open yourself to accept the gift that is perpetually held out to you in the presence of Jesus. As you are right now, facing whatever it is you

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Crosswalk: The Devotional is brought to you by a group of writers and editors seeking to provide applicable, educational and entertaining content to followers of Jesus Christ regardless of where they are in their respective spiritual journeys.

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