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Soul Brother

July 25, 2024
00:00 06:16
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Take some time alone with the Holy Spirit today. Tell him you want to feel his presence and spend time with him. Consider asking him some questions to get to know him better, like: 

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Soul Brother 

By Deidre Braley 

I studied abroad in Spain for one semester of college. One weekend, my friends and I made a short, cheap trip to Barcelona, where we spent most of our time hunting for free sightings of Salvador Dalí’s work and staying in a crummy hostel. And while I remember very little about where we ate, what we saw, or even how we afforded to get there, I’ll never forget the way I felt when I met a fellow traveler one evening as we were leaving our room. 

This person was from England, and with a group of friends who were also traveling for the weekend. By chance, we’d all happened to exit our rooms at the same time, and as we bumbled through the narrow hallway we introduced ourselves, talking about where we were from and feeling quite jovial that we could drop our subpar Spanish skills and simply communicate in English for a while. 

Have you ever met a total stranger whom you feel an instant connection with, as though you’ve known them your whole life? This is how I felt with one of the members of this group. On the outside, it would appear we had nothing in common, except that we spoke the same language. But on the inside, I felt my soul coming alive with recognition. I had the rare sensation of being completely seen and known—as though this person and I were kindred spirits, or that maybe we’d been cut from the same cloth when God was spinning us into existence. By the end of the night, we were strolling down the streets of Barcelona arm-in-arm, talking conspiratorially about inside jokes only we seemed to understand. 

I never saw that person again, but thinking about that night reminds me that there is another who we can have this kind of soul connection with: Jesus. 

I often find myself daydreaming about what it will be like to meet Jesus for the first time. I wonder what he’ll look like and what he’ll smell like, what he’ll say and how he’ll smile. But if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that he will feel like a soul brother. 

1 John 4:13 says, “This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit.” See, when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives, we don’t have to spend the rest of our time earthside waiting to meet him. He puts his Spirit inside of us, enabling us to connect with him on the most intimate of levels. 

“In Christ you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed,” Ephesians 1:13-14 reads. “The Holy

Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.” In this way, we can hear, know, and commune with his Spirit even as we wait for the fulfillment of our inheritance and our redemption. I imagine that the time we spend with the Holy Spirit in this life will prepare us for that familiar feeling of reunion with Jesus in the next. 

As we wait and long to meet Jesus face-to-face one day, we needn’t wonder what he’ll be like. Rather, we can turn to the Spirit that he’s placed inside us and begin getting to know him better today. And when we do finally open a door and bump into Jesus one day? Why, he won’t feel like a stranger. He’ll be a soul brother—and we’ll be linking arms and exchanging secrets in no time. 

Intersecting Faith & Life: 

Take some time alone with the Holy Spirit today. Tell him you want to feel his presence and spend time with him. Consider asking him some questions to get to know him better, like: 

  • What makes you smile?
  • What would you like me to know about you?
  • What do you ask of me today?

Then, allow yourself to sit in silence and solitude. Record any specific impressions you feel, any words you hear, or any pictures you see in your mind. As you grow in this practice, you will likely grow in your awareness of his presence—and also your ability to hear and understand him. 

Further Reading: 

Romans 8 

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