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What If We Really Gave Our Burdens to God?

August 11, 2024
00:00 06:52
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Every night we have the choice, as our head lays down on our pillows. We can cry out to God and pour our hearts out to Him, giving Him our burdens. Or we can bottle it up and toss and turn.

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What If We Really Gave Our Burdens to God?

By Sarah Frazer

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” - Psalm 55:22 (ESV)

“Do you need help?” I asked the toddler struggling with the groceries. He grabbed the bag with spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, and ranch dressing. 

“I got it!” was the confident reply. The next thing I knew, a jar of spaghetti sauce was rolling down the driveway. My son ran after it and caught it before it broke into pieces. The bag was too heavy, but the toddler insisted that it wasn’t. He needed to let me unload that burden for him. 

What heaviness do you hold today that needs to be unloaded? 

My toddler thought that he could carry it on his own, but that bag was too much. Often we face trials and burdens in our life that we think we can handle. In fact, we look at others and think they seem to be handling the same type of burdens just fine on their own. Only in our hearts we know that we can’t hold up on the weight of the heaviness. I wonder if some of us need to admit that we need help. 

The world says, “You’ve got this!” and “You are enough.” This is not the way of the Bible. Our lives weren’t meant to be lived independently. That isn’t how God created us. As Christians we have something even better than doing life on our own. We have a God who is ready to carry our burdens for us. 

The Bible talks a lot about what to do with our burdens. The word used in Psalm 55:22 for “cast” means “throwing away.” This can mean literally throwing something out like garbage or figuratively throwing something away from us to remove something from our presence. We are called to cast or throw out those things in our lives that weigh us down. 

A burden can be anything in our hearts or minds that keeps us from living freely in Christ. It is a load or a task that requires effort. Throughout the Old and New Testament, God tells us what to do with our burdens. 

Psalm 68:19 says, “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” I love the word “daily.” It assumes that we have things weighing us down each day. You and I know what it is like to release something to God one day, but then the next day, we find ourselves worried and worn down from picking it back up again. God walks with us each day. He is there to help us each time we find ourselves weighed down. 

In the New Testament, Jesus talks about burdens in Matthew 11:28-30. He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We still might carry the weight of something, but sharing it with Jesus allows us to not bear the thing all by ourselves. Jesus calls us here in Matthew 11 to live a life dependent on Him. 

1 Peter 5:6-7 says that we can cast our anxieties on him. Other translations change the word for anxieties to worries, fears, troubles, and cares. Those things that keep us awake at night or occupy our minds during the day are anxieties. Why can we bring them to God? Peter says it is because God cares for us. He loves us. Sometimes, we ask others around us to help carry our burdens, but they get tired, too. They have their own burdens to carry. God is never tired and nor does His love ever run out. We can always come to God and hand over our cares. 

How do we do this? We pray. Prayer is our connection to God. He is always listening (Psalm 116:1), and He answers us (Psalm 116:2). As we pray, we tell God everything in our hearts. You might think, “But He already knows it.” Yes, but He knows that when we share those cares and hurts and burdens with Him, we are lighter. 

Every night we have the choice, as our head lays down on our pillows. We can cry out to God and pour our hearts out to Him, giving Him our burdens. Or we can bottle it up and toss and turn. If I try to handle things on my own, I always end up failing. But if I rely on God, letting my burdens fall on His strong shoulders, I am able to rest each night. 

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