Episode 6: Moving Past the Fear of Insignificance

March 26, 2020
00:00 31:31
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God created us for a purpose, and our purpose can only be found in Him. Whenever we seek significance apart from Him, we end up feeling incomplete. They cannot fill our core need to find our place in a story that extends far beyond us.

Many of us understand, at least intellectually, that we were created to know Christ and make Him known. But when everyone else seems to be living such glamorous or effective and efficient lives and we feel stuck in the tedium of parenthood or our normal career responsibilities, it’s easy to lose sight of this. In this episode, Jennifer Slattery and Grace Fox discuss truths that can move us from fear of insignificance to a deeply satisfying purpose.

The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Timothy Keller
Moving from Fear to Freedom: A Woman's Guide to Peace by Grace Fox.
Wholly Loved Living Loved Conference. (Find information HERE.)

Contact Jennifer through her website HERE to have her speak at your next women’s event.
Contact Grace through her website HERE to book her for your next women’s event.
Find Grace Fox at GraceFox.com
Find her on Facebook HERE.

Group Discussion Questions:
1. Consider your times of striving. What do you think motivates your behavior?
2. In your typical day, whose voice do you give more credence to, God’s or other humans’? Why do you think this is?
3. Why is it important for us to recognize our purpose extends beyond our current roles?
4. How might our expression of our purpose change, based on our seasons or circumstances?
5. How can you live out your purpose to know God and make Him known this week?

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More Episodes
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Episode 7: The Courage to Let Go of FOMO
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Meet Your Hosts
Jennifer Slattery, founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, is a multi-published author, national speaker, and speaking coach passionate about helping God's children reach their full potential and live fully surrendered to Christ. She is a host on Your Daily Bible Verse and Faith Over Fear. Find her online at https://www.JenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.com
Carol Ogle McCracken is a fun-loving wedding planner, speaker, Bible teacher, and author who brings to Scripture to inspire a personal, vibrant relationship with Him. Her authentic challenges faced while journeying through alcoholism, raising a child with special needs, and divorce, equip her to teach, entertain and encourage you. Carol currently serves as the Minister of Discipleship at her home church and is a Christian communicator in many different forums, large and small, and especially enjoys teaching at women’s retreats. Her book Wisdom, Where to Find It if You've Lost, Forgotten, or Never Had It was released in November 2020.
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