Episode 9: Moving Past the Fear of Failure

April 15, 2020
00:00 29:35
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None of us were born with a fear of failure. But over time, as we learn and grow and live imperfectly, we begin to attach labels to our journeys and mishaps. We call them failures, and over time, we may determine we are as well. Our faulty processing will greatly hinder our progress, growth, and effectiveness, if we let it.

Fear of failure often stems from a very dangerous focus: Making much of ourselves and little of God. But Scripture tells us life—and growth—comes when we die to ourselves so that Christ can live in and through us.

Nothing to Prove, by Jennie Allen
Little Women, Big God and Little Faith Big God by Debbie W. Wilson
Give Yourself a Break: The Secrets to God's Rest by Debbie W. Wilson

Find Debbie W. Wilson at: DebbieWWilson.com and on Facebook

Contact Jennifer through her website HERE to have her speak at your next women’s event.

Find Jennifer at: https://www.jenniferslatterylivesoutloud.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenSlatte
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/slatteryjennifer/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenslattery

Group Discussion Questions:

1. What is your definition of failure?
2. How do you respond when you fail?
3. Have past “failures” impacted your willingness to take on new opportunities?
4. Why is it important to measure success based on obedience rather than results?
5. How might “dying to ourselves” give us the courage to obey and embrace new opportunities?

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More Episodes
Episode 8: Moving Past the Fear of Exposure
April 8, 2020
Episode 10: The Courage to Rest in Grace When You Mess Up
April 22, 2020
See all episodes
Meet Your Hosts
Jennifer Slattery, founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, is a multi-published author, national speaker, and speaking coach passionate about helping God's children reach their full potential and live fully surrendered to Christ. She is a host on Your Daily Bible Verse and Faith Over Fear. Find her online at https://www.JenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.com
Carol Ogle McCracken is a fun-loving wedding planner, speaker, Bible teacher, and author who brings to Scripture to inspire a personal, vibrant relationship with Him. Her authentic challenges faced while journeying through alcoholism, raising a child with special needs, and divorce, equip her to teach, entertain and encourage you. Carol currently serves as the Minister of Discipleship at her home church and is a Christian communicator in many different forums, large and small, and especially enjoys teaching at women’s retreats. Her book Wisdom, Where to Find It if You've Lost, Forgotten, or Never Had It was released in November 2020.
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