God's Love For The Traumatized (SOS7)

April 16, 2023
00:00 21:56
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In this podcast, we being to look at the Song of Songs text. The first four verses represent a poetic prologue, on the one hand, but practically, they are the after-story of the Queen. Here’s is what the queen looks like after being transformed by the love of the King. There is no greater presentation of the gospel of the love of God for the unlovable than the Song of Songs. We are in desperate need of such a transforming love—not just for Heaven, but even today, tomorrow and the next day. This is a picture of what the love of the King can do to even one so traumatized as the Queen. Make sure you follow and give us a good review. Thanks ahead of time. 

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Meet Your Host
Dr. Bill Senyard is a husband, father, pastor, church revitalization consultant, biblical scholar, author of over 14 books, and creator of three online gospel immersion journeys. His primary gift is asking good questions and not being always satisfied with the usual pat answers. The gospel is more powerful than we expect. It's time we start believing that. Want to go deeper? You are at the right place.
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