Gospel Rant Shame Meter 2020: Oscar Nominated Films—1917

February 15, 2020
00:00 17:56
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Last year we looked at each of the Oscar nominated Best Picture Films and ranked them related to the prevalence of shame in the film. We created a "Shame-Meter" that ranks films 0-10, with 0 being no shamed loneliness and 10 being abusive and de-humanizing shame and painful brain loneliness. It was surprising just how core shame and shaming was to the stories last year. Our contention is that we as a society have grown nose-blind to shame and its destructive power in our identities, families, and communities. If we can't see it, we clearly can't dialogue about it. It is at the root of so much incivility and loneliness today. So every year, we try to "out” shame and let loneliness out of the stigma closet.

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Dr. Bill Senyard is a husband, father, pastor, church revitalization consultant, biblical scholar, author of over 14 books, and creator of three online gospel immersion journeys. His primary gift is asking good questions and not being always satisfied with the usual pat answers. The gospel is more powerful than we expect. It's time we start believing that. Want to go deeper? You are at the right place.
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