Rebirth of the Queen (SOS25)
We are about proclaiming God’s love to the unlovable, the unloved and the unlovely. That’s all of us, if were only a little honest. Are you beginning to see changes in you? Your sense of worth, value, identity? Are you needing other sources of affirmation less? Are you more free? Are you feeling like you love others a little more? That’s our goal. Well? This has not been just a study to teach about a book. It is to tap into the power behind the book and begin to see frustrated, unloved and unlovable Christians begin to feel glory—all because of what Jesus did and Jesus’ Spirit is now doing?
Are you seeing it? Feeling it? Give us a testimony. I will put the best on the website.
In the second half of Movement 6 we see a different woman—well she’s the same—but something has changed. She is more inquisitive, more cheerful, more loving, more confident. I will show you five new freedoms that she has. Gone is the paranoid, shame ridden woman who is hiding behind a lattice, carrying old wounds on her sleeve, and running to the city to get affirmation and dope hits. She is more her—excuse the bad grammar. I am guessing that is what you want to be as well.
This is what the Gospel power can begin to do within us— a little or a lot this side of heaven. It really should be noticeable.
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