Sand Or Rock? How Can You Be Sure? (SOM 55)

February 05, 2023
00:00 36:39
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'Build your house on rock not sand', we are told. Building your house, your life, your identity and your faith on the principles that Jesus has been speaking about. Then you will be blessed when the storms come. So, don’t be angry. Don’t lust. Don’t get divorced. Don’t hoard money. Don’t pray to be noticed. Forgive like you want God to forgive you. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. This is rock living? Or is it? I am going to try to convince you in this parable that just the opposite is true. That is sand dwelling. What does it look to build upon a rock. Check out the podcast.

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Meet Your Host
Dr. Bill Senyard is a husband, father, pastor, church revitalization consultant, biblical scholar, author of over 14 books, and creator of three online gospel immersion journeys. His primary gift is asking good questions and not being always satisfied with the usual pat answers. The gospel is more powerful than we expect. It's time we start believing that. Want to go deeper? You are at the right place.
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