Smarter Pro-Lifers

February 14, 2024
00:00 27:48
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Dr. Bill Senyard here with Gospel App Ministries, Good Enough Parent, and the Gospel Rant Podcast. Look, here’s the thing. I think that we pro-life Christians can do a much better job in this arena. In fact, I wonder if we are shooting ourselves in the foot more that we want to admit. Many years ago, the comedian George Carlin lambasted pro-lifers for our inconsistencies—and poor messaging. To a large degree, I think he was right. Things have not changed much. We can do better, be encouraged. This show is to throw my two cents into the mix.

This was a special one-off show. I hope that you are listening to and enjoying my current series on my youTube channel (DrBillSenyard) and the Gospel Rant podcast called Power2Change, about how the power of the gospel can actually begin to truly defeat addictions, whether it is to drugs, porn, alcohol, sex, social media, or anything else.

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Dr. Bill Senyard is a husband, father, pastor, church revitalization consultant, biblical scholar, author of over 14 books, and creator of three online gospel immersion journeys. His primary gift is asking good questions and not being always satisfied with the usual pat answers. The gospel is more powerful than we expect. It's time we start believing that. Want to go deeper? You are at the right place.
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