Vagabond Diaries #23: Rebekah

March 09, 2025
00:00 21:07
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Today’s Vagabond Diary, is another excerpt from my recently published book for women, women’s groups and book clubs Dance Daughters of the Most High! Book 2. As you may have heard, it looks at seven largely underappreciated, misunderstood, and overlooked women in the Old Testament. This lady certainly fits those categories. Meet Rebekah.

Why is she included in this book on overlooked, misunderstood, and unappreciated women in the Old Testament? She has hardly been overlooked. Few women are more recognizable by any Christian than her. Most of us have heard about the romantic courtship and marriage to Isaac, an ancient Hallmark movie. It is the longest chapter in Genesis.

But then Isaac and Rebekah’s story takes a sharp and ugly turn when she conspires to scam and defraud 132-year-old Isaac for an official blessing for her favorite son, Jacob, whose name ironically means deceiver.

For that reason, many modern Christians hesitate to honor her and the part she plays in the story of God’s redemption of Israel. However, many ancient Jewish scholars would strongly disagree. They have no such qualms about Rebekah. I will explain.

Here’s the question. Was Rebekah a Spirit-kissed daughter of the Most High? Or was she something different altogether? What will we make of this fascinating, capable, mixed-bag, woman and distant progenitor of Jesus Himself?

Welcome to God’s Love for the Unlovable and Gospel Rant.

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Meet Your Host
Dr. Bill Senyard is a husband, father, pastor, church revitalization consultant, biblical scholar, author of over 14 books, and creator of three online gospel immersion journeys. His primary gift is asking good questions and not being always satisfied with the usual pat answers. The gospel is more powerful than we expect. It's time we start believing that. Want to go deeper? You are at the right place.
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