Episode 17: Saying Yes to Creative Work

February 03, 2022
00:00 17:38
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If you are listening to this podcast, then you have the ability to be creative. This is because you were made in the image of God and God Himself is creative. His first act mentioned in the beginning was that He created. Because this is such a key part of who God is as Creator, we are called as believers in Christ to submit our skills and ideas to Him and be faithful to what He has entrusted to us.

In this episode, Emma helps us begin to unlock our own creativity with these questions:

1. What is a creative work that you are gifted in?
2. Is there an area in your home, your community, or your church where you can help start something new?
3. What is a void that you can fill?
4. How can your creative work be a testimony to others?
5. How does Jesus’ creativity inspire you?

Key Bible Passage: Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Follow Emma: https://emmadanzey.wordpress.com/

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More Episodes
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Episode 18: Interview with Fine Artist Tamara Brown
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Meet Your Host
Emma Danzey loves to serve the Lord and create community in a variety of ways. Emma and her husband Drew serve with CRU at USC Upstate in Spartanburg, South Carolina. As the host of the Her Many Hats podcast and as a writer for Crosswalk and Bible Study Tools, Emma’s mission is to encourage women everywhere to embrace the extraordinary. You can connect with her more on her blog at emmadanzey.wordpress.com.
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