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Finding Hope in the Midst of Suffering: A Guide to Biblical Lament

May 27, 2024
00:00 13:44
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This week, we continue our journey through the life of Joseph, focusing on the  importance of lament as a way to engage with God about pain, disappointment, and confusion. Lament is a significant concept in scripture that is not only accepted but also invited by God as a means to process the inevitable pain and loss that humans experience in a broken world. Nicole highlights that lament is a way to bring specific pain, complaints, and petitions to God, ultimately leading to a place of trust and communion with Him.

4 Steps to Lament

Throughout the episode, Nicole discusses the four key steps of lament as seen in scripture: turning towards God, complaining, asking for His mercy and deliverance, and ultimately trusting in Him. She encourages listeners to be transparent with God, inviting Jesus into their sorrow and discomfort. By engaging in lament, individuals can confront their complicated emotions, such as anger, despair, and disappointment, and bring them before God for healing and comfort.

  1. Turning Towards God: The first step in the process of lament is to turn towards God. This involves actively seeking God's presence, acknowledging His sovereignty, and approaching Him with confidence. By coming before God's throne of grace, individuals can open themselves up to a conversation with the Creator of the universe, recognizing that God welcomes them into His presence.

  2. Complaining: The next step in lament is to express complaints and grievances to God. This involves naming and articulating the specific pain, confusion, and disappointment that one is experiencing. By voicing these concerns to God, individuals can release their emotions and be honest about their struggles.

  3. Asking for Help: After expressing complaints, individuals are encouraged to ask God for His mercy, deliverance, and assistance. This step involves seeking God's intervention in the situation, requesting the support and guidance needed to navigate through challenging circumstances. By asking for help, individuals demonstrate their reliance on God's strength and provision.

  4. Trusting in God: The final step in the process of lament is to trust in God. Despite the difficulties and uncertainties faced, individuals are called to rest their case with God, affirm their confidence in His unfailing love, and rejoice in His salvation. By choosing to trust in God's goodness and faithfulness, individuals can find peace and comfort in the midst of their struggles.

A Psalm of Lament: Psalm 22

Nicole draws attention to Psalm 22 as an example of lament in the Bible. In it, the psalmist expresses feelings of abandonment and despair but ultimately acknowledges God's faithfulness and trustworthiness. She also highlights how Jesus himself experienced separation from God on the cross, demonstrating an understanding of human suffering and the importance of lament in connecting with God during times of distress.

By practicing lament, individuals can come before God with honesty and vulnerability, seeking His presence and comfort in the midst of pain and confusion. Through lament, believers can deepen their relationship with God, finding solace and strength in His unfailing love and goodness. Ultimately, lament serves as a powerful tool for processing emotions, seeking God's intervention, and reaffirming trust in His faithfulness.

Overall, the process of lament serves as a powerful tool for engaging with God during times of hardship and seeking solace, guidance, and reassurance in His presence. Through turning towards God, complaining, asking for help, and ultimately trusting in Him, individuals can experience a deeper connection with God and find strength to endure challenging circumstances.


Nicole’s Newest Book: Not What I Signed Up For 

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Meet Your Host
Nicole Unice is a Bible teacher, author, and passionate communicator who delights in bringing God’s Word to life in a personal and relevant way. Her training as a counselor informs her work, as she emphasizes the importance of facing our own reality and embracing the transforming power of God’s grace. Nicole is ordained as a teaching elder in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Her latest book, “Help, My Bible is Alive” is a 30-day experience designed to help people experience God through the Bible.

Nicole has spent twenty years serving the local church, first in student ministry (where she’s never lost her love of a great group game) and then leading start-ups of all kinds, from leadership development to capital campaigns. She now teaches and consults with churches and ministries to strengthen their stories and cut through confusion to discover the next right steps for success.
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