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"What Do You Want?" Exploring the Invitation of Jesus in John 1

September 09, 2024
00:00 23:49
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In this episode, we dive into John 1 and discover the richness of God's relational nature as revealed in the Gospel of John. 

John's Gospel emphasizes the relational aspect of God, who asks us, "What do you want?" This question serves to engage us in a personal relationship and invites us to explore our desires and needs. This theme is beautifully illustrated in the opening chapters of John, where the nature of Jesus as the Word is introduced, highlighting His divine identity and His intimate connection with humanity.

Exploring the Invitation of Jesus: "What Do You Want?"

In the podcast episode, the host delves into the profound question posed by Jesus: "What do you want?" This question is not just a casual inquiry; it serves as a pivotal moment in the Gospel of John, inviting listeners to reflect on their own desires and spiritual journeys.

The Context of the Question

The question arises in John chapter 1, where two of John the Baptist's disciples begin to follow Jesus. When they approach Him, Jesus turns and asks, "What do you want?" This moment is significant because it marks the beginning of Jesus's ministry and His first interaction with those who would become His followers. The disciples' response, "Rabbi, where are you staying?" is somewhat unexpected and highlights the often complex nature of human desire and understanding.

The Relational Nature of God

The host emphasizes that this question from Jesus is deeply relational. It reflects God's desire to engage with humanity on a personal level. Unlike other religions that may present a distant deity, Christianity offers a God who is intimately involved in the lives of individuals. The act of asking questions is portrayed as humble and vulnerable, showcasing God's willingness to connect with us.

The Deeper Meaning Behind Our Desires

As the discussion unfolds, the host encourages listeners to dig deeper into their own desires. When faced with the question "What do you want?" it is essential to consider what lies beneath the surface. For many, the immediate response may revolve around alleviating pain or changing circumstances. However, the host urges listeners to explore what these desires represent.

At the core, many of our desires stem from fundamental human needs: the need to be known, loved, and to have a sense of belonging and purpose. The podcast suggests that these deeper longings are what God seeks to fulfill in our lives.

The Invitation to "Come and See"

Following the question, Jesus invites the disciples to "come and see." This invitation is extended to all listeners, regardless of their familiarity with the Bible or their relationship with Jesus. The host encourages everyone to explore who Jesus is and what He offers.

This invitation is not merely about gaining knowledge; it is about experiencing the abundant life that Jesus promises. The host reiterates that the overarching goal of studying the Gospel of John is to understand that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing in Him, we can have life in His name.

The question "What do you want?" serves as a powerful starting point for self-reflection and spiritual growth. It invites individuals to consider their deepest desires and to recognize that these longings can lead them to a more profound relationship with God. As listeners engage with the Gospel of John, they are encouraged to accept Jesus's invitation to "come and see," exploring the richness of life that He offers. This journey is not just about understanding Scripture but about experiencing the transformative power of faith in everyday life.


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Meet Your Host
Nicole Unice is a Bible teacher, author, and passionate communicator who delights in bringing God’s Word to life in a personal and relevant way. Her training as a counselor informs her work, as she emphasizes the importance of facing our own reality and embracing the transforming power of God’s grace. Nicole is ordained as a teaching elder in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Her latest book, “Help, My Bible is Alive” is a 30-day experience designed to help people experience God through the Bible.

Nicole has spent twenty years serving the local church, first in student ministry (where she’s never lost her love of a great group game) and then leading start-ups of all kinds, from leadership development to capital campaigns. She now teaches and consults with churches and ministries to strengthen their stories and cut through confusion to discover the next right steps for success.
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