Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg
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Unveiling the Growing Messianic Movement in Israel #201

August 01, 2024
00:00 13:34
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Welcome to this episode of Inside The Epicenter. We delve into the growing messianic movement in Israel with a special conversation featuring Victor Kalisher, the head of the Israeli Bible Society. Growing up as a first-generation believer in the land, Victor shares his unique experiences and insights with Joel Rosenberg as they explore the challenges and triumphs of the messianic movement in Israel. Tune in for a deep dive into the significance of the Psalms in unlocking prophecy.


  • (00:03) Thousands visit the garden tomb for religious reasons.
  • (06:39) Seeking and receiving two signs from God.
  • (08:06) Passover and Shavuot symbolize spiritual freedom.
  • (10:53) Thankful for investment in local believers.


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Verse of the Day: Luke chapter 24:45. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.


Prayer Request:

  1. Pray that the hearts of Jews are open to the gospel message of Jesus.

  2. Pray that the war with Hamas is quickly resolved and that those whose lives have been disrupted can get back to living their lives in peace.


Related Episodes:

  • Courage, Support, and Gratitude with Joel & Lynn Rosenberg #194
  • The #1 Question Israelis Are Asking Today #193
  • How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182
  • Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170

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Meet Your Hosts
Meet Your Hosts
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times bestselling author & Middle East expert. He has spent 20 years bringing a uniquely Biblical view on the Epicenter; this podcast will share insights from his private meetings with presidents, prime ministers, kings, and clerics.
Meet Your Hosts
Dr. Carl Moeller is the Executive Director of The Joshua Fund. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Penn State, a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Utah.
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