Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Look for the Helpers God Sends Our Way: James Patterson, Luke Sherman, & Rachel Faulkner Brown
March 16, 2023 - 31 min
As we figure out how to navigate the various things that life puts in front of us, we may question whether we’re always doing the right thing. When we don’t know what to do, it’s good to remember what Jesus says that can help put us on the right path: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” [John 13:34] “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” [John 15:13] Some people do literally lay down their lives on a daily basis for others. But the rest of us can choose to lay down our lives and love extravagantly in smaller, every-day living type ways. Those moments when we go out of our way to help someone in need are always something we can know is the right way to go.  James Patterson is considered the world’s bestselling author, and he’s the creator of beloved, enduring fictional characters like Alex Cross, Michael Bennett, and is also known for his critically-acclaimed narrative nonfiction, including works like Walk In My Combat Boots, and E.R. Nurses. When James started writing his new book, Walk the Blue Line, he was astounded, despite recent events that reflect poor choices by police officers, by the good so many other police officers are doing out there, and the challenges they face each time they put on their uniform. Luke Sherman, a former police officer, has experienced thirty years of some of the scariest situations imaginable. Now, he’s taken a new role at the nonprofit organization Folds of Honor, founded by Dan Rooney, and has helped expand their scholarship program from military families to also include the families of America’s first responders. Rachel Faulkner Brown is a gold star wife whose children were scholarship recipients from Folds of Honor, and now as one of the organization’s speakers, Rachel shares how she is passionate to help the families of first responders move from tragedy to hope for the future.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Gary Sinise Upcoming interview: Nazareth John 13:34 NIV John 15:13 NIV   James Patterson  Walk In My Combat Boots E.R. Nurses Dolly Parton Along Came a Spider Kiss the Girls Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN Edgar® Award Matt Eversmann Black Hawk Down Walk the Blue Line St. Patrick's Cathedral   Luke Sherman <a href="https
Created on Purpose, For God’s Purpose: Erica Campbell and Crystal Paine
March 9, 2023 - 22 min
Maybe one of the most beautiful and affirming passages in the Bible are words written by David in Psalm 139: “My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all are written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (Psalm 139:15-16). Whenever we wonder what we’re doing with our lives or when we’re wading through a new difficulty, we can know that we were lovingly created on purpose by God to live out a purpose that it could take us our whole lives to discover. Even when our lives seem to be in shambles, we can live in the truth that we’re made by Him for so much more, and He is constantly pointing us toward our ultimate destiny. GRAMMY winning gospel artist Erica Campbell had success from an early age as a singer, but still struggled with whether or not she was enough to carry out God’s purpose. Writer and mother of six Crystal Paine shares how a difficult period of her life influenced how she guides others to make order of their similarly messy lives.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Emily Chang Upcoming interview: James Patterson Psalm 139:15-16 NIV   Erica Campbell Evangelistic Church of God in Christ  Columbia Records “A Little More Jesus” “Positive”   Crystal Paine IVF foster parents DCS [Department of Children’s Services]  reunification The Time-Saving Mom   Interview Quotes: “A lot of times when God gives you something amazing, the work is the tough part, but the work is where you learn who you are. The work is where you learn who God is, your ability to endure.” - Erica Campbell “Once I learned to accept who I am and make the best of who I am and what I am, He gave me everything I need to be everything I need.” - Erica Campbell “There is no error in His creation. And then also there's no error in you. If He didn't make a mistake, then I can't be a mistake. If He knows what He's doing and He's an intentional God, then there's not something I'm missing. I don't have to take something away to be what He wants me to be. It's all inside.” - Erica Campbell “God was allowing me to learn how to stand on my own two feet.” - Erica Campbell “When I am worrying, when I am feeling stressed, when I am feeling frustrated, it's usually an indication that I'm not resting in the Lord, that I'm trying to micromanage and control my life on my own instead of recognizing how much I have been given in Jesus.” - Crystal Paine “I want to live from a posture of prayer, of understanding that all I have and all I am is because of Jesus and leaning on Him and relying upon Him and looking to Him and recognizing that I cannot do this life well in
Life’s Changes Are Inevitable, God’s Love Is Forever: Sister Jean Schmidt and Tara Sun
March 2, 2023 - 32 min
Change is constant in life. Sometimes the wave of change runs its course over your life slowly, and sometimes change creates a 180-degree turn in a moment’s notice. Whatever the circumstances, learning to be adaptable and trusting that God is in the middle with us during those changes is key to us navigating life’s turnarounds. Sister Jean Schmidt was ready to retire from her role as an educator at Loyola University when she was 75 years old. But God had different plans—and Jean was called to stay on in a role to help student athletes keep their grades up. This evolved into a position as team chaplain for the men’s basketball team, which led to her renown as the “basketball nun” who accompanied the team on their improbable road to the Final Four. Now at 103 years of age, Sister Jean shares her story and her great purpose in life which is to serve God, be faithful to Him and to help people, no matter how much that impacts where she “thought” she would be at this stage in life. Tara Sun had a plan for her life—med school, marriage, and then ministering to her community. At a very young age, though, Tara’s life took a major turn with an unusual medical diagnosis. She had to reframe her entire life as she dealt with her illness. What she discovered at this time became the focus of her writing and the message she wants to share with others.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Meg Apperson Upcoming interview: Erica Campbell   Sister Jean Schmidt  Loyola University Final Four Great Depression Bob Hope Linda and Tony Hope USC Kezar Stadium  Notre Dame NCAA  Title IX March Madness Donte Ingram  Clayton Custer Wake Up with Purpose: What I’ve Learned in My First Hundred Years   Tara Sun Fibromyalgia Matthew 11 NIV Surrender Your Story   Interview Quotes: “Having a sense of humor is part of life. I think one has to enjoy life, and I do. I have a lot of fun.” - Sister Jean “In my early days of teaching there was no connection [for girls] with sports because boys had most of the attention at that time. But then as things grew and women were getting their place in sports, it showed that these women can do many things that men can do." - Sister Jean “Don't let anybody ever spoil your dream. Do whatever you can to fulfill that dream and take the steps necessary to do that. If the dream is not for you, you'll find out.” - Sister Jean “That's my great purpose in life, is to serve God and to be faithful to Him
[MONTHLY SERIES] It’s Okay To Get It Wrong: Stephen Miller
February 28, 2023 - 23 min
On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Faith, we’re talking with creator, entrepreneur, and father of nine Stephen Miller about the joys and challenges that come with raising children, and what Stephen’s prayers looked like during a particularly hard season.   Guest’s Links Facebook: @themillerfam Twitter: @TheMillerFam2 Instagram: @THEMILLERFAM ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
God Is There, Even At Your Breaking Point: Luke Weaver and Talaat & Tai McNeely
February 23, 2023 - 27 min
Life throws a lot of stuff our way, both good and bad. But have you ever found yourself at that wall when you know that if one more thing comes your way you’re going to explode? We don’t fully understand why God allows us to reach those breaking point moments, but we can know that He loves us and we can trust that He is a refuge from the worst of storms in our life.  Luke Weaver is a newly-signed pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, after recently playing for the Kansas City Royals. Luke got attention beyond his athletic talents in the league for the special glove he wears designed to look like an old-school Bible. It reminds him of God’s promise to stand by him in any situation. Talaat and Tai McNeely are a married couple who faced a fork in the road when Talaat came clean about his less-than-ideal financial situation just before they were married—and how they had to rebuild trust with each other in their understanding and communication, and now, how they help others facing the same mountain.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Janine Urbaniak Reid Upcoming interview: Sister Jean Schmidt   Luke Weaver  Florida State University Major League Baseball Adam Wainwright Tommy John injury subscap capsule Bible Glove   Talaat and Tai McNeely His and Her Money   Interview Quotes: “Every ballpark came with new feelings and new moments and taking pictures and just really soaking it up, along with facing guys that you've watched on TV for so long. And you just kind of add all that in together and then you're just like, Man, this is really cool.” - Luke Weaver “There’s these moments where it's like I'm being challenged, but God won't let me get to the breaking point.” - Luke Weaver “God's really doing a lot in my life right now.” - Luke Weaver “I'm proud of the words that were able to flow through me. I'm proud of the way I can handle these situations because I know the long term effect is much more impactful, not only for me, but hopefully for the person across the room and how they handle things going forward with other players or with other moments.” - Luke Weaver “It got to the point where the mess that I was trying to clean up on my own silently, the plan wasn't working because God wasn't going to allow it to work because we couldn't build the foundation that we were about to embark on with the lie. And so really, I was backed into a corner.” - Talaat McNeely “It took a lot of prayer and a whole lot of conversation for us to come back together and walk down that aisle and continue to move forward with our lives together after the truth of the situation came out.” - Talaat McNeely “I went to God in prayer. I involved the Lord in our decision making. “Lord, what should I do? How should I walk this out?” And then once God began to deal with my heart, I was able to embrace the journey.” - Tai McNeely “We began to dream really, really big and ambitiously, as though the God of the universe that we serve could do anything.” - Talaat McNeely “If you take the time to dream and give yourself concrete goals and benchmarks that you're trying to hit, the hard work becomes less hard because you know that the progress that you're making is actually leading you somewhere.” - Talaat McNeely “If He allowed me to overcome this mountain, there are some other mountains t
Our Pain Is Not Meant to Be Carried Alone: Jimmy and Irene Rollins & Rebecca McLaughlin
February 16, 2023 - 25 min
When we think about our problems, it can sometimes look like things are only happening to us. Our struggles may appear one-sided or like God has left us to deal with it on our own. But when we draw near to God, He plants people in our lives to show us that our pain is not meant to be carried alone. And when He does that, we have a comforting reminder of a God who will never leave us nor forsake us.  Pastors Jimmy and Irene Rollins have a passion to reach all people for God, no matter their background, ethnicity, or life circumstances. As they dreamed of building a diverse congregation, the stress of being leaders of a growing church began to negatively impact them both, and Irene took to coping with alcohol. They share how together, they faced her addiction and the problems that made it come to a head. Author of Confronting Christianity Rebecca McLaughlin shares why it’s important to encourage young people to dig into the Word of God. She believes that reading the Bible with her children and helping them work through their questions helps them make sense of their faith, and also teaches them a way to live that is steeped in compassion for others.     Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Deb Liu Upcoming interview: Luke Weaver   Jimmy and Irene Rollins Two Equals One Great Commission Alcoholism  Romans 8:28 NIV PTSD [Post-traumatic Stress Disorder] Love Outside the Lines  Reframe Your Shame   Rebecca McLaughlin  Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion  10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity Cambridge University Veritas Forum Harvard University Yale University  University of Oxford  Exploring the Earliest Gospel: A Kids Bible Study on Jesus and His Good News   Interview Quotes: “We felt like God put on our hearts that if we were going to reach a diverse city, we were going to have to have a diverse church.” - Jimmy Rollins “We got accountability that helped us get to the space of needing to get healthy and to get help. And then as we began to get healthy, we stopped doing the dance of shaming one another and judging one another. And we started to embrace the fact that we both needed grace.” - Jimmy Rollins “We began to look at addiction as not something that I was doing to Jimmy, but rather something I was doing to really medicate pain. And as we began to dev
Every Shadow Has A Gift: Terry Bradshaw and Toni Collier
February 9, 2023 - 26 min
When we’re going through a particularly tough time in life, we might find ourselves shaking our fists in the air and asking, “Why God? Why this, why me?” But what we night not realize is that God knows the answer to our questions, and though it may not be clear to us now what meaning that time of pain or struggle had in our lives, we have to trust that God is with us as we work through it, and that He’s got something greater for us on the other side of it.    Our guests this week will admit they’ve had disappointments, failures, and missed opportunities. But they both acknowledge that when they’ve been through painful experiences, they can look back and see how far they’ve come and what they learned toward creating a better future for themselves, and others. We’re talking with Hall of Fame Pro NFL football player and co-host of The NFL on Fox, Terry Bradshaw, plus author and founder of the non-profit Broken Crayons Still Color, which helps people deal with trauma and abuse, Toni Collier.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Upcoming interview: Jimmy and Irene Rollins    Terry Bradshaw FOX NFL Sunday Pittsburgh Steelers ADD [Attention Deficit Disorder]  Louisiana Tech Baylor Scott & White Medical Center in Grapevine bladder cancer Merkel Cell cancer   Toni Collier Broken Crayons Still Color Parentification Psalms Brave Enough to Be Broken   Interview Quotes: “Going to Louisiana Tech, not passing the ACT, I'll just say was all a part of His plan for me. It all worked out—I ended up going into the Hall of Fame, ended up winning the Super Bowl.” - Terry Bradshaw “It's okay to not view yourself as perfect. The fact that we can acknowledge our imperfections is good, that we seek a love and forgiveness from God, which He promised to give us if we ask for forgiveness. That’s like the greatest message ever, knowing that I can be forgiven of my sins.” - Terry Bradshaw “I hear people talk about miracles all the time. I'm not a big miracle guy because miracles come at God's pace, not my pace. I don't like to wear God out.” - Terry Bradshaw “I grew up way too fast, thought I was like a little adult at thirteen. And it just kind of opened up the really this unprotected state from the enemy just to come in and steal so much of my childhood and the light that God was really trying to put in it.” - Toni Collier “If we really do believe that God is a redeemer, then we also believe that He can redeem relationships. He can redeem the time that was lost in relationships.” - Toni Collier “[I] rebuilt my entire life by just believing that my brokenness and everything I had gone through didn't discount me. That God still had a real great plan and a purpose for me.” - Toni Collier “In my moments of pleading is when I felt the presence of God the most.” - Toni Collier “I think what someone needs to hear today is; maybe it's not the grief and the pain and the betrayal and the abandonment that takes you out, but the belief that you would have to feel it all alone. And you do not. We do not, because we have a God that's with us.” - Toni Collier ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:
[MONTHLY SERIES] Jesus Listens Stories of Serving God During The What Ifs: Walter Hooker & Andy Kaup
February 7, 2023 - 23 min
On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’re talking to two co-pastors whose lives intersected in a way that would have a forever kind of impact: Walter Hooker and Andy Kaup from Bellevue Christian Center in Bellevue, Nebraska. Walter worked at their church for many years, and knew Andy as a kid. When Andy became an adult, he decided to go into ministry. When a job for lead pastor came up, Walter and Andy were the top candidates. Andy was chosen for the position, and though Walter could have chosen to be resentful of the choice, he showed up fully to support Andy as lead pastor. Fast forward a few months later and Walter would find himself reaching a crossroads in his health after years long struggle. His prayers for healing were answered in a very unexpected, and personal way through his friend and co-pastor Andy, in this amazing testimony to the power of prayer and how God can bring good out of complicated situations.  Guest’s Links Bellevue Christian Center YouTube Facebook: Instagram: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Believing God’s Got Our Future in His Hands: Fox and Rob Richardson & Tanya Rad
February 2, 2023 - 24 min
When we make plans for the future, we often want God to sign on the dotted line and agree to everything we’ve laid out. Yet when those plans fail, we find ourselves turning to God as a last resort. And as our guests this week will attest, He is faithful to lead us back to a path that we’re meant to follow, whether we realized it or not. Fox and Rob Richardson, a couple from Shreveport, Louisiana, open up about the act of desperation that led to their incarceration, and what happened to their lives and the lives of their family in the process. Tanya Rad is the author of The Sunshine Mind and host of KIIS FM's On Air with Ryan Seacrest. She shares about the crippling anxiety she experienced over fear of the future, and how putting her trust in God allowed her to find peace in the midst of the unknown.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Tim Brown Upcoming interview: Terry Bradshaw   Fox and Rob Richardson Rich Family Ministries Time: The Untold Story of the Love That Held Us Together When Incarceration Kept Us Apart   Tanya Rad  The Sunshine Mind  KIIS FM's On Air with Ryan Seacrest Serbian Orthodox church  Jason Kennedy   Interview Quotes: “To be free is to free others.” - Rob Richardson “There are moments you think you've got everything all figured out and that life is moving in the direction that you dreamed of, and then in just one second, everything changes for you. ” - Fox Richardson “I believed that there was something that was operating inside of me and around me that would guide me and protect me and keep me safe.” - Rob Richardson “God, if I'm still here, it’s for a reason. You created this life. I did not create this life. And if you have given it to me, even with the decisions—the foul decisions I have made—I am going to see this through.” - Fox Richardson “Family is everything and everything is family. . . . We had love and each other. And nothing in this life is going to top that.” - Fox Richardson “I think that long before Rob and I ever got outside of prison, God had set us free on the inside.” - Fox Richardson “What gets me out of these moments of anxiety and stress is knowing there is always this bigger picture that God has. He knows the plans He has for me.” - Tanya Rad “Whenever I do find myself getting stressed or anxious about things, I always kind of ultimately come back to that notion of like, God's got me. It's in His timing. “ - Tanya Rad “We were meant to be in community and helping others.” - Tanya Rad “I think that finding joy in your reality is what leads to a peaceful, happy life.” - Tanya Rad ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:  Peace for Everyday Life:  Peace in Uncertain Times:  What’s Good?  Enneagram:  ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling <a href="
[BONUS] Refuge from the Deadly Buffalo, NY Blizzard: Pastors Al & Vivian Robinson
January 31, 2023 - 16 min
When a blizzard struck western New York just before this past Christmas, pastors Al & Vivian Robinson were expecting the usual winter storm they’re used to living in Buffalo. But when their town of Lovejoy lost power and neighbors started getting stranded, Vivian felt God calling her to open their church, the Spirit of Truth Urban Ministry, to help shelter, feed, and tend to the masses. With rescue efforts underway, and small miracles piling on top of one another, Al & Vivian experienced the love of God operating in a way so powerful, so moving, that it still brings them to tears when they reflect back on the 6 days they spent ministering to those in need.    Quotes “Lovejoy lost all electrical power, but our church did not lose power. And I distinctively looked at my wife and I said, ‘Vivian, why would the Lord let us have electricity while everybody around us has no electricity?’ And then within about 10 hours, we found out exactly why.” - Al Robinson  “That first group of people that came here, the wailing and crying and shrilling, it was terrible. And that's when you began to understand the gravity of what is going on. This isn't a traditional Buffalo snowstorm, it’s far more sinister than that.” - Al Robinson  “It was just incredible how how the the spirit of the Lord in my wife was vibrating with the people around them where they just fell in sync with what she was doing, what what she was telling them to do, how she was orchestrating things, how she was making things up a structured at this church. It was wonderful.” - Al Robinson  “Neighbors started bringing food out of their freezers so that we could feed the masses. It was literally a two loaves and five fish moment.” - Al Robinson  “This is nothing new to us when it comes to serving God's people. And when people are in need, we go over and above to make sure we're taking care of individuals and we make the sacrifices that God has given us to go out there to get the people that needs our help. And that's what we have been designed to do.” - Vivian Robinson  “God gave us this building. He gave us our lives. He gave us our health. He gave us our money. So in our opinion, everything we have already belongs to God. And so if God asks us to do something with what's His, we have absolutely no problem doing it. My life isn’t my own.” - Al Robinson “It is a privilege I hold in high esteem that the Lord would pick His humble servants here in Lovejoy to be a part of an operation that saved the lives of 154 people during the most catastrophic storm known in the history of Buffalo, New York.” - Al Robinson “I was just grateful and thankful that God had used His humble people just to say yes to the call and that we had the opportunity to love on these people and to see each and every last one of these lives that God allowed us to save.” - Vivian Robinson   LinksSpirit of Truth Urban Ministry La Verdad Cafe  ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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