Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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God’s Promises Can Lift Us Up in Times of Darkness: Tom Schueman & Alli Patterson
January 26, 2023 - 20 min
In life, we can't escape adversity; we are bound to end up with some bumps and bruises. Maybe it’s because of rough beginnings, difficult relationships with loved ones, or unexpected circumstances that inevitably come our way.  Having faith in God doesn't mean you won’t face challenges and difficulties. Instead, it means we can know that we won't have to face those battles alone. Like the apostle Paul, who called upon God and rejoiced while being imprisoned, he constantly tried to find the blessing during the pain of being captive. Through his example, we can see that when we put our trust in God and focus on gratitude, we’ll find strength to get through the rockier times of our lives.  Our guests this week have each faced significant trials, and chose to trust God during those times. Each of them found that facing negative experiences in this way equipped them with the tools to face future challenges in a healthier way. Marine Veteran Tom Schueman, who served in one of the bloodiest battles of the war in Afghanistan, opens up about staring death in the face daily, and how reading the Psalms reminded him that he wasn’t alone. Teaching pastor Alli Patterson thought she had life figured out at an early age. She did all the “right” things, but quickly discovered early on in her career and her marriage that there were cracks in the foundation she’d carefully laid—and found herself searching for solace outside of her marriage. It was in the dark hours of almost losing everything that she left her future in God’s hands, giving her the courage to try to restore what had been broken.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Max Lucado Upcoming interview: Fox and Rob Richardson   Tom Schueman Psalms G.I. Joe  Apocalypse Now  9/11 Always Faithful   Alli Patterson Crossroads Church How to Stay Standing: 3 Essential Practices for Building a Faith That Lasts   Interview Quotes: “It was my experience in combat where everything bad is happening all the time and you just have to figure out what you're going to do with two bad options. You know, it's a series of unfortunate events. And you have to make the best of all these unfortunate events.” - Tom Schueman “I was never alone and I was never abandoned…In the midst of the violence, in the midst of the death that was abounding all around me, I still had something good that I could hold on to. And I don't think I'd make it through those periods in my life without [faith].” - Tom Schueman “How can we be more resilient? How can we recover from these things? How can we get to a place where we have gratitude for adversity and say, ‘This adversity shaped me and made me a better man?’” - Tom Schueman “You can take Paul as such a great example of the ability to be persecuted but still to rejoice. And I think that's something worth studying and trying to incorporate.” - Tom Schueman “I started to see that maybe there were some things that weren't strong at the very foundation of my life. I started to see cracks in my ability to manage conflict, to tell the truth in all circumstances, to create relationships with people that were really different from me. I just saw that some things in my life—there were weak places, there were shifting sands under what I had built.” - Alli Patterson “I said, ‘I want to be who you made me to be. I want a real life. I want a real marriage. I want a real relationship with you. And I've ruined it all. Break me. Come get me.’ And new life really began when
Finding Peace In Times of Turmoil: Cam Ayala & Tiania Haneline and Scarlett Smith
January 19, 2023 - 27 min
There is much talk of turmoil in our world, and we see it reflected in what we read, watch, and observe in the media. Sometimes this turmoil shows up directly in our lives—whether it’s negative words toward us from others, untruths about who we are and what we stand for, or other negative situations that undermine our self worth and identity. As we face words meant to harm and hurt us, we can know there is refuge when it feels like it’s “us against the world.” A verse in the Bible, from John 16, tells us that God is our source of peace, also reminding us “in the world you have tribulation. But take heart–God has overcome the world.”  Our guests this week saw their lives—and the world around them—in turmoil, and found themselves turning to God for the peace that can only come from seeking to be in His presence. Cam Ayala, who starred on ABC’s The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise shares about how his struggle with a lifelong illness was used on the show to portray him in a negative light, and how after the show ended, his faith would uphold him through the biggest decision he would ever have to face about his health and his identity. Social media influencer Tiania Haneline and her five-year-old daughter Scarlett Smith started a positive affirmation routine that has taken the internet by storm. Tiania shares how speaking kind words to her daughter each day is creating a lifelong habit of facing negativity with positivity.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Trey Johnson Upcoming interview: Tom Schueman John 16 NIV   Cam Ayala ABC’s The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise Romans 5 NIV Lymphedema Texas Medical Center   Tiania Haneline and Scarlett Smith TikTok I’m Going to Have a Good Day! Daily Affirmations with Scarlett   Interview Quotes: “God always has a way of showing His way if you are opening your heart and seeking that light.” - Cam Ayala “I knew that reigniting my relationship with Jesus was going to be the only way that I would make it through this [amputation] surgery and really through the rest of my life. I had tried doing things on my own accord, trying to be my own strong, independent man. But time and time again, I felt that my own personal strength was insufficient.” - Cam Ayala “There's Scripture that says, ‘When we are weak, He is strong.’ And so really leaning on the strength of Christ in me was more than enough to get me through some of the toughest physical adversities that I had faced in previous surgeries.” - Cam Ayala “I'm a firm believer that God gives His toughest battles to His toughest warriors, and that with a loss like this of a limb is going to come a great gain in what Jesus is going to do with me, through me, to me, and ultimately for other people to bear witness to.” - Cam Ayala “When you seek Him wholeheartedly, He will be there to get you through some of the most difficult seasons or moments in your life.” - Cam Ayala “I think it is very important for my children and myself to have these affirmations to instill in us. So whenever Scarlett has someone in her class that says that they don't like her hair, you know, she can come back with, ‘Well, I love my hair.’ So I just want them to be able to take what I have taught them and be able to use it in the real world.”  - Tiania Haneline “I got Scarlett to look at herself in the mirror while I was do
When You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, God Will Provide Direction: Chris Tomlin and Kelvin McElroy
January 12, 2023 - 24 min
Have you ever been driving somewhere, or even walking in the city or on a trail, and found yourself hopelessly lost? In the era of smartphones and GPS, this has become a lot less likely, but we can all recall moments where we didn’t have the tools at our disposal to lead us back to where we needed to go, and we ended up wandering, trying to remember where we came from and how to get back to that spot. It’s a scary feeling not knowing where you’re going, and even more scary when life presents situations to us where we’re just not sure what to do or who to turn to to help us get where we need to be. When we feel lost in life, confused about what to do next, God promises that “He will stand by us and strengthen us, so that through us His message can be fully proclaimed.” (2 Timothy 4:18).  Grammy-award winning worship leader Chris Tomlin knew from a very young age that he wanted to connect with the people around him in meaningful ways by playing and singing music, but wasn’t exactly sure how that would pan out in his life. As a young man, he found himself speaking a prayer that he didn’t really understand at the time, but has been a constant throughout his life: “Whatever You want, for the rest of my life, I’m available and will follow you.” Brigadier General Kelvin McElroy was raised to believe that committing yourself strongly to anything you wanted to pursue would get you where you wanted to be, but still needed a nudge from others who believed in him when he himself couldn’t see his own potential. Both of these men would go on to powerfully lead others into lives of service and commitment to God, using what God gave them to point people in His direction.  Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Kevin Olusola Upcoming interview: Cam Ayala 2 Timothy 4:18 NIV   Chris Tomlin Always    Kelvin McElroy Department of the Space Force  Department of the Air Force Scott Air Force Base   Interview Quotes: “I just like it when people sing. I don't really like standing up there and playing with everybody watching me. I like when people join in.” - Chris Tomlin "I wasn't trying to [become a worship singer]. Never looked to do it. Wasn't something I set out to do. It was just God opening up the doors in an incredible way." - Chris Tomlin "When you hear my songs, those don't come from just making something up. It really comes from God. Some of the prayers come out in public because they're my songs." - Chris Tomlin "Our willingness is our wealth, our soul is the soil, and God's word is the seed." - Kelvin McElroy "When you serve others, you will always find that no matter where you go, people are faithful and willing to pull you in and take care of you." - Kelvin McElroy “God's Word is our one. Right? It leads us, it guides us, and if we take the time to listen and apply God's Word, the answer’s already there, and He's given us everything that we need.” - Kelvin McElroy ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:  Peace for Everyday Life:  Peace in Uncertain Times:  What’s Good?  
There’s No Faith Too Small To Move Mountains: Maggi Thorne & Don Wickstrum
January 5, 2023 - 31 min
When we think about life events that define our existence, what naturally comes to mind? Perhaps it’s finishing your education, or getting that first job, starting a family? Or maybe the tougher things come to mind, like facing an illness, losing a loved one, or struggling to make ends meet after a job has ended. There’s one common denominator in both the hard and joyful events of our lives—our faith. It’s in those defining life moments—even the ones where you crash and fail hard—that greatness, courage, and true purpose reveal themselves. That one act of taking the next small step on the way to our next big hurdle reminds us of how Jesus says, “All it takes is to have faith the size of a mustard seed, and mountains will move.” [Matthew 17:20] Our guests this week have experienced the kinds of life events we’re talking about that make one take stock in who they are. From failing an obstacle course on national television to crashing a racecar on a winding track up a mountain, they’ve faced unusual challenges, but their stories don’t end in failure. Each of them chose to dust themselves off, take another small step of faith, and continue to do what they were meant to do. American Ninja Warrior Maggi Thorne shares how she battled with mild traumatic brain injury while racing up the infamous warped wall. She walks us through her decision to step away and heal and how she leaned on God to find the strength to never give up. Pastor and race car driver Don Wickstrum takes us on his path to racing to the clouds on a 12.42 mile intensive mountain course, amid a colon cancer diagnosis. He shares how he chose not to quit, but instead how he relied on God to make it to the finish line.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Todd Hoffman Upcoming interview: Chris Tomlin Matthew 17:20 NIV   Maggi Thorne American Ninja Warrior Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge Team Ninja Warrior mild TBI Madonna Rehabilitation Services in Lincoln, Nebraska EMDR therapy Ephesians 2:10 NIV   Don Wickstrum NASCAR   Bobby Unser  Pikes Peak Race University of Platteville Chasing Hope   Interview Quotes: “[My] experiences have actually led to my passion to serve the poor, the underprivileged, the underrepresented, and making sure my platform of American Ninja Warrior—what I feel like God has blessed me with—is used to advocate for those and specifically speak into the life of youth and tell them you have opportunity, it's not opposition, and anything is possible.” - Maggie Thorne “I knew God had given me this role and responsibility and He can take this next path too. Because a lot of people, when I said, “I think I'm going to go out and build people and not buildings, and I'm going to quit,” they thought I was bananas and couldn't quite understand it and told me I was ruining my life, actually. And I'd never be successful again. But I really had faith and trust in God.” - Maggie Thorne “How I train has shown up in competition because you're going to experience the unexpected, you're going to experience failure. And how you've trained as a whole, th
Walking In Another’s Shoes, Like Jesus Did For Us: Harris Faulkner and Omar Benson Miller
December 29, 2022 - 24 min
Perhaps you’ve heard the sentiment, “you can’t really judge a person until you walk a mile in their shoes.” This thought goes beyond the idea of just a reprimand against being judgemental. It’s one that reminds us to have empathy and understanding of others’ experiences and actions with an open heart and mind. The greatest example of walking in someone else’s shoes is Jesus, being fully God, who stepped into humanity’s shoes by being born into this world—so we could know with certainty that He experienced the same kinds of trials and losses, wants and needs that we all experience as humans. When we tune into how Jesus lived, we in turn can begin to tune into others, and like Jesus, show them love even when we don’t understand or agree with them.  Our guests this week are people who’ve had experience stepping into other people’s shoes—one as a reporter who makes it her job to understand the people she is interviewing to best be able to tell their stories, and the other an actor, who has had to inhabit the lives of the characters, real and fictional, that he brings to life in TV and film. News anchor and author Harris Faulkner shares how the loss of her parents opened up a side of her that helps her relate to people in a more compassionate way—one that shows up when she’s interviewing people about their own experiences, good and bad. Actor Omar Benson Miller tells us how he walks into each role he’s given with the intention to gain the full experience of someone’s story and how each character he has played has shown him the value of giving kind consideration to everyone’s story.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Ben Higgins Upcoming interview: Maggi Thorne   Harris Faulkner Faith Still Moves Mountains   Omar Benson Miller 8 Mile Miracle at St. Anna CSI Miami Bible   Interview Quotes: "When [my dad] prayed for me and my mom, he was very specific in saying, 'I want them to find peace, joy, and health when I am not with them. Lord, I need you to be a protector for them when I am not with them.' And that's especially true now in terms of how I walk out my own faith." - Harris Faulkner “I believe God loves all of us.” - Harris Faulkner “I leaned back into God and He leaned into me and I was able to go forward. And I prayed more. And things got better. But it was in His timing, not mine.” - Harris Faulkner “My mom told me growing up, ‘Give all of your worries and sorrows in life to God. And don't forget to pray when things are going well, too.’ When I remembered that my mom had said that when I was praying less and crying more in my loss, what it reminded me of is that there will be days that will go well again. That this too shall pass. Loving our parents and losing our parents will never pass. But that point of anger with the Lord will. And we must work on that.” - Harris Faulkner “What I've tried to do is utilize the platform that God has given me to lift up others.” - Harris Faulkner “When the storms of life come, you know God's listening because you talk to Him every day, and He hears you.” - Harris Faulkner “It takes a real deep understanding of your relationship with God to know how to pray for someone else.” - Harris Faulkner “I don't know what happens and has happened to people. I don't know people's stories. I don't know what they believe. I don't know what they've been through. I don't know who they've hurt or who has hurt them. So I like to go in with a blank slate.” - Omar Benson Miller  “And the challenge is laid out that you are going to have a hard time doing the right thing, because that's what this world is. That's what this life is. So the closer you draw near to the Spirit of God, the closer, the better, and easier that will become.” - Omar Benson M
[MONTHLY SPECIAL] Prayers for Every Season
December 27, 2022 - 34 min
This month we’re featuring multiple guests who have previously appeared on the Jesus Calling podcast, speaking about prayer during times of sorrow and in times of joy. Christmas is the season to celebrate the love and hope of Jesus; but for some, it can bring difficulty. Our guests remind us that no matter what season we’re in, prayer can be a light in our darkness.    Links To Full EpisodesMargaret Feinberg Zim Flores Tana Amen Jess Connolly Levi Lusko Natalie Grant Tabitha Brown ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
God Shows Up In Our Stories, Especially at Christmas: Danica McKellar & Matt Rawle
December 22, 2022 - 25 min
Whether you’ve been a Christian your whole life because you were raised in the faith, or you’re just curious about what Christianity is all about, there are many ways we can come to know God, sometimes when we’re not even looking for Him. In the Bible, the prophet Isaiah tells us in Romans 10:20 that “[God] is found by those who did not seek [Him], [He] became manifest to those who did not ask for [Him].” As we all enjoy our favorite stories of Christmas this year, and as Christians celebrate the birth of Christ, everyone can pause and reflect on the ways God might show up in our lives and look forward to new ways we might uncover His goodness in the coming year as well.  Actress Danica McKellar always felt a tug at her heart that there was something out there she hadn’t quite uncovered yet. Not long ago, when her friend and fellow actress Candace Cameron Bure sent her a Bible, the switch flipped and she came to the realization that it had been God tugging at her heart all along. Now, she’s embarked on a new-found journey of faith and is eagerly anticipating this Christmas season with a new lease on life. Author and pastor Matt Rawle loves digging deep into our culture to find traces of God in places we’d least expect. He’s uncovered themes in beloved Christmas classics like The Grinch and has found joy and a new understanding of God and the way He presents Himself in the world.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Mark Lowry Upcoming interview: Harris Faulkner Romans 10:20 NIV   Danica McKellar  Candace Cameron Bure The Wonder Years Christmas at the Drive-In Great American Family Channel Carlos Whittaker   Matt Rawle Duke Divinity School How The Grinch Stole Christmas United Methodist Church Asbury United Methodist Church John the Baptist Advent Christmas The Nutcracker The Heart That Grew Three Sizes The Redemption of Scrooge The Gift of the Nutcracker Jesus Revealed Interview Quotes: “Jesus is something that I wanted my whole life, or had my whole life and just didn't realize it.” - Danica Mckellar “Of utmost importance is not the religion, it's the relationship. And that is precious to me. And it's a journey of discovery.” - Danica McKellar “I can let go and let God. I can find that peace that surpasses understanding, because I know it doesn't matter what's going on in this world now that I have this connec
Restoring Our Relationships and Reconnecting to God: Kevin Olusola & Seth and Heather Thompson Day
December 15, 2022 - 26 min
Theologian and monk Thomas Merton once wrote, “The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.” We were designed by God to live life with and surrounded by people. But to successfully do so, we have to learn what makes others tick. We have to know how they move, and how we can speak love and understanding into their lives. Truly loving people comes with knowing that they are flawed, but resisting the desire to “fix them” to some standard of our own. When we choose to let others be perfectly themselves, we begin to understand God’s unconditional love toward all of us. Our guests this week are people who’ve truly come to the realization that in order to make a relationship thrive, acceptance and resiliency are so important. Beatboxer, cellist, and singer/songwriter Kevin Olusola from the acapella musical group Pentatonix talks about what it takes to make space for his bandmates through their differences, and how they move beyond those differences to make beautiful harmonies together. Husband and wife duo Seth and Heather Thompson Day speak about the tensions they’ve experienced with their individual families and how as a couple, they are committed to the hard work of living relationally with others and with God.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Tauren Wells Upcoming interview: Matt Rawle Thomas Merton   Kevin Olusola Pentatonix Celebrate and Collaborate with Yo-Yo Ma  KRS-One David Crowder Band The Sing-Off Pentatonix’s performance of “E.T.” by Katy Perry Imagine Faith Talk   Seth and Heather Thompson Day  Jesus Christ Superstar I’ll See You Tomorrow   Interview Quotes: “I said to God, ‘I think you're absolutely crazy. This doesn't make any sense, but I can't deny that I feel like you're leading me here. I don't know if it's forever, but I know I at least have to follow this right now.’” - Kevin Olusola  “I don't think any of us knew that it was going to lead to all this. We're five such different people in such a beautiful way. That's what makes the sound interesting. We're all bringing our different ideas of musicality to make one joyful noise.” - Kevin Olusola “If God Almighty is the one that has put the plan in place for you to be successful so that His glory is known, you better believe that God will create a way for you to have success not just in your career, but also in your family, also in your health. He's created a way because God wants a holistic, loving, joyous life focused on Him.” - Kevin Olusola “I don't know why we struggle to speak life into ourselves. But when I met Heather, I was able to speak life into her. And she was able to speak life into me.” - Seth Day “I think the beauty of the Christian experience is we actually can allow our spirits and our brains and our bodies and our hearts to be transformed in the hands of God. And I've seen that firsthand in my own family.” - Heather Thompson Day “One of the things that Heather has done by willing the good for me is that she's valued my pain. But she's also definitely valued the promise that God has over my life.” - Seth D
[BONUS] Lives of Service and Gifts of Impact
December 13, 2022 - 18 min
As we approach Christmas, it’s nice to reflect on the gift God gave us through Jesus and how He served the people in his circle and beyond–and how He shows up for us through others in ways we’d never expect. Have you ever received a gift that was so intentional it brought you to tears? Or maybe you’ve given a gift that ended up having a profound effect on someone else’s life. This holiday season, we’re talking to several people who know a few things about meaningful gifts, and what it means to them to provide a place of business in the community for people to find gifts and resources that lift others up, and what it’s like to be in service to the people around us—especially at this time of the year.    Quotes “What we're about is encouraging faith, inspiring change, and sharing life, not just our personal lives, but the life that comes from knowing Jesus Christ.” - Donna McCullough, Dove Christian Supply  “We've been told over and over again by our community how important and how vital we [Logos Bookstore] are. People come in with all kinds of prayer requests and needs and we are there to love on them. And we count it as a privilege.” - Susan Lewis, Logos Bookstore “For me personally, as we own and operate these Christian bookstores, we are constantly on our knees before God depending upon Him to supply so that we can keep the stores alive and open with all the challenges that we've faced. So prayer is critical. And Sarah [Young] is communicating to her readers how important it is to have a powerful dependance in our God.” - Kevin Furgusen, Willamette Valley Christian Supply “Jesus Calling, it's the right words at the time that you need them. It's the Lord speaking to you, it just speaks to your heart and it comforts you. It soothes your soul.” - Vickie Achord, Olive Branch Bookstore “I think with all the craziness that's going on in the world around us, I think people are recognizing the importance of direction from God. And I think it's making people spend more time praying for their personal lives, for their decisions that they make. We understand the importance of prayer for the people that we care about.” - Dennis Lovvorn, New Covenant Bookstore    LinksJesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens   Dove Christian Supply Logos Bookstore Willamette Valley Christian Supply Olive Branch Bookstore New Covenant Bookstore _______________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Trusting God and Your Intuition: Nikki DeLoach and Pat Bradley
December 8, 2022 - 24 min
All of us have experienced what we like to call “gut feelings.” At various times in each of our lives, it’s been that deep intuition that perhaps moved us to make a decision that was good for us—choosing one thing over, or avoiding a situation that didn’t feel quite right. Other times, perhaps we didn’t follow that quiet tug on our hearts, and pursued a different route—maybe ending up in a less than ideal result. However we view those gut feelings, the message is the same; God will always find a way to reach us. He is that "still small voice" that Elijah heard (I Kings 19:12), and in our lives often presents itself as that deep intuition about who we are and what we should do.  Our guests this week had those “gut feeling” moments that they ended up following that led to some pretty amazing things in their lives. Hallmark actress and producer Nikki DeLoach tells about her singularly-focused dream to become an actress and how she felt the pull to learn how to “tell stories” by learning how to produce projects as well. Pat Bradley worked for Crisis Aid International ministry for years, helping people all over the world. But it wasn’t until he felt the unexplainable tug toward helping people in a place no one else wanted to go that he had to trust where his heart was leading him. They both found that the more time they spent in conversation with God, the more they could trust the “still small voice” of their intuition to lead them to the right place.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Emily Chang Upcoming interview: Kevin Olusola I Kings 19:12   Nikki DeLoach Ryan Goodell Hallmark Christmas movies Hallmark Channel Children's Hospital of Los Angeles The Gift of Peace   Pat Bradley  Crisis Aid International Open Doors International Christian ConcernColin Powell   Interview Quotes: “I spent a lot of time looking up at God saying, 'Why, why not me? Did you forget about me? And what I didn't realize in those moments was that I was actually very deeply being taken care of by God because I just didn't know what fame would have done to me at such a young age." - Nikki DeLoach "I don't care about the color of your skin. I don't care about your gender. I don't care about your socioeconomic level. I don't care about what religious faith you're in. What I care about is; are you in need? Can I help you? Can I pray for you? Let's be in community together. That's how Jesus lived his life." - Nikki DeLoach "Christmas is really about remembering what's most important. Are we alive? Are we breathing? Are we honoring the ones we've lost? Are we being good to other people? Are we giving back? That's Christmas." - Nikki DeLoach "Somebody had to do something in these hopeless situations. God really did put it on my heart that doing nothing was no longer an option." - Pat Bradley "The 'no go' zones were areas where no one was going to help people. And we found ourselves to be the only ones in there doing something." - Pat Bradley ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  J
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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