Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Faith Amidst Uncertainty: Janine Urbaniak Reid and Megan Smalley
June 23, 2022 - 25 min
When we face scary situations in life, it's easy to wonder if our faith—especially the amount of faith we have—makes a difference. But is it healthy to quantify faith, to think If I just had more faith, my problem would go away! Though tempting, that line of thought doesn’t square with the faith-filled greats all throughout history who followed God despite the fear and uncertainty of their experiences. They practice what the poet John O'Donohue argues we must learn: to "Hold nothing back [and] learn to find ease in risk." God's grace can empower and sustain our faith, too, just like Abraham’s, Rahab’s, and David’s.    Our guests this week are Janine Urbaniak Reid and Megan Smalley. Both tell stories of faith in the crucible, of being pushed to their breaking points only to find God's grace remaining alongside the fear, suffering, joys, and the triumphs. God's grace powered Janine through her son Mason's cancer battle and Megan through an arduous journey to reach her dream of having children.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Michael Jr. Upcoming interview: Amy Kennedy and David Degler from A Christian Ministry in the National Parks John O'Donohue   Janine Urbaniak Reid Mark 9:24 NIV Texas Children's Hospital Philippians 4 NIV The Opposite of Certainty: Fear, Faith and Life in Between   Megan Smalley IVF (in vitro fertilization) Infertility Jesus Calling mobile app Infertility Sisterhood Give Grace   Interview Quotes: “If I could just do what I needed to do, then I was sure that God would bless me. And the plans would go according to what I thought was acceptable. Now, the only thing that we know for sure is that, as some people say, God laughs when you tell Him your plans.” - Janine Urbaniak Reid “Every time I've been emptied out in my life, I don't love it. But it's a place of miracles, too.” - Janine Urbaniak Reid “Sometimes we have to push past our self-imposed limits. But there's a time when crisis goes too deep and long that we just have to take care of ourselves.” - Janine Urbaniak Reid “The point was never to be a perfect mom. The point was always to just be a human mom and love these people through it all.” - Janine Urbaniak Reid “There are some things that we walk through that are earth-shattering that we did not choose and we would never choose. And it is so hard…God doesn't promise us an easy life. He promises us hard things. And we have to figure out how to walk through those hard things. And then when we get to the other side, how to look back and recognize what God did and how He brought you through it.” - Megan Smalley “A lot of times in the season of grief, it's hard to find the words. I can't even tell you how many times I prayed for a baby. And it's like, Okay, God, I don't have any more words.” - Megan Smalley “I think when you can step outside of yourself and serve somebody else, it gives you a very healthy perspective.” - Megan Smalley “I think it's a learned skill to focus on what Grace is and then learn how to accept it and apply it in your life.” - Megan Smalley ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube
Spreading Love Over Hate: Anthony Ray Hinton & John M. Perkins
June 16, 2022 - 23 min
This week we are celebrating Freedom Day, or what is more commonly known as Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.  Anthony Ray Hinton is an American activist, writer, and author who was wrongly convicted of the 1985 murders of two fast food restaurant managers in Birmingham, Alabama. Hinton was sentenced to death and held on the state's death row for twenty-eight years. During that time, he befriended a member of the Klu Klux Klan and through that friendship, that man moved from a life of hatred to a love for people of all races, and a love for God. Ultimately, Anthony was found to be innocent of his charges and was released from prison.  Dr. John M. Perkins has been a counselor to six presidents, community development leader, and civil rights legend. Dr. Perkins grew up in Mississippi and was born during the height of Jim Crow and the Great Depression. The loss of his mother due to malnutrition and his brother, who was killed by police after his return from World War II, shaped Perkins’ life and ultimately inspired him to pursue civil rights issues, particularly around racial violence in the U.S. Today, at ninety-two years old, Dr. Perkins continues his work by shedding light on injustices and drawing Christians into the work of social justice and civil rights.  Both of these men give us a picture of the trials and tribulations they’ve had to endure in this life—exacerbated by issues of race—and how they’ve dedicated their lives to spreading love over hate and the joy that comes in the freedom they’ve found in Christ.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Sadie Robertson Upcoming interview: Janine Urbaniak Reid Juneteenth   Anthony Ray Hinton Henry Francis Hayes The Sun Does Shine   Dr. John M. Perkins Pellagra Henri Nouwen Mornings with Henry Psalm 1 NIV   Interview Quotes: “I'm just so thankful that my mother brought me up to be blessed, be thankful for what I have, and to love even those who don't love me.” - Anthony Ray Hinton “I learned how to pray. And I learned how to ask God to do whatever needs to be done for that person to bring love into their heart because I had learned something. It's not about me. It's about them.” - Anthony Ray Hinton “I was determined to be a voice for those who don't have a voice. I have to fight for those who can't fight for themselves.” - Anthony Ray Hinton “God created one human race in His image to reflect His love and His compassion in the world.” - Dr. John M. Perkins “Redemption is not of ourselves, our redemption is a gift of God is a gift of God. That's why we should love one another. Love is eternal. Isn't that beautiful?” - Dr. John M. Perkins ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest</
[BONUS] Reflecting on God’s Promises During Fearful Times: Cade Thompson
June 14, 2022 - 9 min
As the world mourns after another school shooting, parents and children are navigating how to deal with the fear and trauma that follows these tragedies. Times like these can fill us with despair, but we can cling to the belief that God is still present, even in dark times. In John 16:33, the scripture tells us “to take heart, for [God] has overcome the world.” Our guest this week is Christian musician Cade Thompson. At 21 years old, Cade dealt with the fear and trepidation that many students have– wondering if they will be safe at school. He shares his experience, how he turned to God during this time, and how that inspired him to write a song to encourage others who are dealing with the fear, anxiety, and pain these events can cause in their lives.   Quotes “I believe ultimately that a new normal can truly come from the power of Jesus Christ.” —Cade Thompson “John 16:33, ‘Take heart for I have overcome the world.’ And that right there is one of the most beautiful messages, and when I see these tragedies hit  our world, that's what I can rest in.” —Cade Thompson “I'm praying that we, as believers and as Christians, can show the world what it means to be a light in the season that we're living in, to truly reflect Jesus Christ in all that we do.” —Cade Thompson   LinksJesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Cade’s website Cade’s Facebook Cade’s Twitter Cade’s Instagram “New Normal” song Matthew West John 16:33 NIV ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Speaking Light Into Darkness: Kristoffer Polaha and Scott Sauls
June 9, 2022 - 25 min
When Jesus set about gathering His disciples, He chose people from very different backgrounds. His disciples included fishermen, a tax collector, perhaps one of royal blood, and a revolutionary. Not only did they find a working commonality, they were united and transformed through their relationship with Jesus. After Jesus’ ascension, this same rag-tag twelve took the good news that Jesus taught to the farthest reaches of the world. Today's guests, like Jesus’ disciples, have come from very different backgrounds and taken Jesus’ love and message to very different destinations. Kristoffer Polaha lives in Hollywood with his wife Julianne Morris and their three children where he is an actor, producer, director, and writer. Scott Sauls is the senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, where he and his wife Patti have two daughters. Scott has also written six books.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Jason Sautel  Upcoming interview: Anthony Ray Hinton   Kristoffer Polaha Julianne Morris Stevenson School A Streetcar Named Desire Miss Guided Jurassic World: Dominion   Scott Sauls Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN Sarah Young Philippians 1 NIV Romans 8 NIV 2 Corinthians 4 NIV Chip Dodd Beautiful People Don't Just Happen   Interview Quotes: “I had to just give my acting over. I had to literally just say, ‘God, it's in your hands. If you want me to be an actor, you open up doors, and if you don't, you will close them. I am no longer going to try to control this thing.’” - Kristoffer Polaha  “If you believe there is a God in the universe who created the universe and everything in it, everything that is seen and unseen, and that the hairs on our head are numbered, then why wouldn't you just want to constantly be in contact with that?” - Kristoffer Polaha “We become more and more the people that God has created us to be through the crucible of hard things...You can't take contentment for granted based on your circumstances.” - Scott Sauls “We are supposed to use our emotions as part of the stewardship of the lives that we've been given by God.” - Scott Sauls “The secret of contentment can be found in any and every circumstance and in any and every outcome.” - Scott Sauls ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at <a hre
When The Unthinkable Happens, We Can Turn to God: Kechi Okwuchi and Anne Wilson
June 2, 2022 - 20 min
When the unthinkable happens in our lives, a tragedy or a loss so great, we may not know how we could ever move forward. Perhaps we can find comfort in these words from the Psalms: “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” [Psalm 34:18]  Though our lives may be changed irrevocably from events so dark we can’t fathom a way out of our pain, when we turn to God, He listens and brings solace in our most desperate hours.  In this week’s episode, unthinkable tragedies weren’t the end of the story for our two guests, but the beginning of hard and beautiful work they would do toward bringing comfort and healing to survivors and those experiencing deep loss. At sixteen, Kechi Okwuchi was one of two survivors of a plane crash that claimed the lives of 59 of her classmates and friends. Her will to survive, and her subsequent journey toward becoming a finalist on America’s Got Talent as well as becoming an advocate for burn survivors and for victims of bullying was driven by the desire to do something meaningful with her life in honor of her friends and the families they left behind. Singer/Songwriter Anne Wilson lost her brother in a devastating car accident, and ever since then, her songs have been crafted toward bringing healing to others who have also suffered great loss. Both of these women stand in the place of their hurt and heartache to comfort other survivors in finding hope for another day. Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Coping with Grief bonus episode Upcoming interview: Kristoffer Polaha Psalm 34:18 NIV   Kechi Okwuchi America’s Got Talent More Than My Scars   Anne Wilson “My Jesus” song Grand Ole Opry “No Place Like Home” song My Jesus album   Interview Quotes: “I just remember saying in this faraway voice that didn't even sound like me; ‘I don't know, maybe we should pray.’” - Kechi Okwuchi “The parents of those kids–my friends and my classmates–they were praying for me and they saw my life as the one good thing that came out of [the accident].” - Kechi Okwuchi “I really didn't care about winning—I never did throughout the show. It was just a matter of gratitude that I even made it this far, and I ended up with a more, I think, substantial gift than just being on [America’s Got Talent].” - Kechi Okwuchi “We all have it within us to access the strength needed to overcome obstacles that are before us.” - Kechi Okwuchi “To be able to know and have the truth that Jacob is with Jesus, that's what got us through. And that's what is our anchor, especially now, knowing that God is using his story for good, has been such a blessing to our lives.” - Anne Wilson “I wanted to write songs that specifically spoke to people walking through deep pain and loss.” - Anne Wison ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest <a href="
[BONUS] Trusting God Through Fear and Doubt
May 31, 2022 - 44 min
This special bonus edition of the Jesus Calling Podcast features multiple guests who have appeared in their own episodes on the Jesus Calling Podcast speaking to how they deal with doubt and fear in their lives. Doubt is a normal part of our experience as humans. When something doesn’t line up with the facts as we know them, or when something unforeseen wrecks carefully laid plans, we might find ourselves wondering if God’s promises really are true. Many of the stories you’ll hear in this episode are from those who faced doubt and the fear that comes from not knowing if what you believe is true—and what happened when they took those doubts to God.   Links To Full EpisodesCraig Groeschel Jamie Kern Lima Christi Paul Josh McDowell Caitlin Crosby Paula Faris Dominic Done ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
What If Our Weakness Is Our Biggest Strength?: Natalie Grant & Mary Marantz
May 26, 2022 - 31 min
Maybe you’ve discovered yourself so aware of your apparent weaknesses that you couldn’t imagine how your weaknesses could be strengths. Throw in things like financial difficulties, an unexpected diagnosis, or loss of someone close to you, and it’s easy to think that life is nothing more than different shades of failure. Moments like these invite us to hear Jesus’ words to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Our guests this week know weakness in its various forms.    Natalie Grant faced big hurdles to becoming a successful, award winning Christian musician only to find herself battling thyroid cancer in her forties. Would cancer take away her ability to sing—and if it did, was that really what defined her? Author and speaker Mary Marantz is grateful for what her childhood in rural West Virginia taught her, and carried on the ethic passed on to her from the hard-working logging community where her father made ends meet. In writing her story, Mary hopes that others will find themselves in some of the struggles she had, and that they may also find their weakness might be their biggest strength.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Emily Ley Upcoming interview: Janine Urbaniak Reid 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV   Natalie Grant  thyroid cancer Truth 4Him  Avalon Bernie Herms Jesus Calling for kids   Mary Marantz  Yale Law School  Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots Dirt Pearl S. Buck   Interview Quotes: “I began to notice when I would sing, there was something that happened in the atmosphere and I could tell it was deeper than just a song and a voice.” - Natalie Grant “I think that God is consistently calling us to small steps of obedience. And when we choose to say yes in the small, it's often when people begin to trust us with the big.” - Natalie Grant “Oftentimes in my own life of faith, my experience is that God asks for the yes before He gives the details.” - Natalie Grant ”I can remember being very little, being four or five, and feeling like I knew God as the best friend. He was the green of the grass down to the very pigment. He was a bird stepping into flight. He was the feel of cold, hard ground. How when you broke it up in your hands, you couldn't forget how it felt. He was color and freedom and fire and dirt.” - Mary Marantz “We might know or get a glimpse of where we're headed when we're little, but we're not ready for it until there's time.” - Mary Marantz ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Cal
God Has Everything We Need: Dianne Derby & Jordan Wilson
May 19, 2022 - 33 min
Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a time of desperation—feeling like you’ve come to the end of your rope. When you didn’t think the bottom could be any farther down, and you plummet a little more, who do you reach for when all the things you’ve relied on to give you strength and satisfaction come up empty? In the Bible, it says this, in Philippians 4:19-20: “And my God will fully supply your every need according to his glorious riches in the Messiah Jesus. Glory belongs to our God and Father forever and ever! Amen.” Our guests this week share how God came through by putting people in their lives that helped them in their most desperate hours. Journalist Dianne Derby found hope and inspiration from spending each Tuesday with a ninety-nine year old Pearl Harbor survivor who taught her how to slow down and comforted her through a pregnancy crisis. Minister Jordan Wilson was at a low point in his life due to a drug addiction, when he learned his mother had been praying unceasingly for his recovery, and decided to take his father up on an invitation to a church service that would change the whole course of his life.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Derek Evans Upcoming interview: Natalie Grant Philippians 4:19-20 NIV   Dianne Derby Pearl Harbor Two Hundred Tuesdays: What a Pearl Harbor Survivor Taught Me About Life, Love, and Faith Garden of the Gods Club   Jordan Wilson Friends of Sinners Matthew 14:22-33 NIV   Interview Quotes: “It was so captivating because here [Jim Downing] was in this major, major event at Pearl Harbor. And yet he was turning the focus on to the heroes of today. He said, ‘We only had to endure the bombs for a little while. The heroes today are up against that every day.’” - Dianne Derby  “It was just remarkable to hear this man run towards danger, memorize the names of the dead, put out fires on this ship so he could help save others, and then write those letters to the families who lost their loved ones. It was just such a beautiful testimony of faith in one of the darkest, scariest moments of their lives.” - Dianne Derby “I knew that focusing on Jesus and sinking into His love and sinking into my faith were the only ways out of the depths of despair that I faced.” - Dianne Derby “I tried to get out [of addiction] for so long. I did long term rehab, short term rehab, I [saw a] medicine therapist, the whole nine yards, and nothing ever worked. And the reason that nothing worked was I refused to surrender my heart to Christ.” - Jordan Wilson “I am a new person in Christ Jesus, and I feel obligated to share what God has delivered me with the next person to show that there is hope, there is freedom from addiction, and that freedom is Jesus Christ.” - Jordan Wilson “Nothing in this world will ever be able to truly satisfy you. Popularity won't satisfy you. Social status won't satisfy you. Thousands of followers on social media won't satisfy you. You are created by God and for God and outside of a relationship with Him, you'll never be complete.” - Jordan Wilson ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling <a href="https:
Depend on God and He Will Carry Your Burden: Jon Gordon & Andrew F. Carter
May 12, 2022 - 29 min
Life as a journey is almost cliche now, but there’s a reason why the metaphor persists. Journeys are difficult. We fight through injuries, claw our way to the tops of mountains, and endure the elements. We enjoy the completion of one segment only to find another looming ahead with its own set of obstacles. Journeys are visions of life’s failures and triumphs that emphasize the importance of keeping on. Our guests this week share how they’ve persisted and how Jesus has carried their burdens with them on their journeys. Jon Gordon overcame a negativity learned from childhood to become a highly sought after motivational speaker. But even with his success, he felt empty, and his search for meaning led him to an unlikely source who told him that Jesus could take his soul-pain from him. Andrew F. Carter grew up in a family plagued with drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. After being in and out of jail multiple times, Andrew turned to Jesus long enough to be called to the ministry, but then had what he calls “a Jonah moment” when he ran the other direction. Eventually, he found his way back to that calling as a social media influencer on platforms like TikTok and YouTube where he shares the gospel with millions. For both Jon and Andrew, life has been a journey that’s best done with Jesus.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Dave Pittman Upcoming interview: Dianne Derby   Jon Gordon Erwin McManus The Energy Bus The Garden   Andrew F. Carter TikTok YouTube Jonah   Interview Quotes: “I started these thank you walks where while you're walking, you say what you're thankful for. And those walks of gratitude also turn into walks of prayer.” - Jon Gordon “I believe in a God that would actually want to take my burden, want to take my soul pain.” - Jon Gordon “I needed a Savior because I couldn't save myself. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't good enough. It wasn't about my power. It was about transferring my power to the Creator of the universe.” - Jon Gordon “Jesus believes in people more than they believe in themselves.” - Jon Gordon “Jesus came to forgive. He came to love. He didn't come to condemn the world. And so once you understand that love, I think it makes you want to know more.” - Jon Gordon “People need more encouragement today. They need more hope. They need more light. It's what Jesus came to do.” - Jon Gordon “It was like the Holy Spirit coming over me, just like; This is what you were called to do. You have words of gold. You've been called to ministry, and you're going to speak to millions of people, all three of those things. And at that moment, I knew exactly what I was supposed to be doing.” - Andrew F. Carter “All of the things that I thought would bring me happiness, the money, the travel, the girls, all of those things that I thought would bring me true happiness, they failed to fulfill….I was so fulfilled, I was so satisfied, so on fire and driven when I was actually serving God, when I was walking in the purpose that He had for me.” - Andrew F. Carter “I've tried to do things my way. I've taken the wheel. I thought I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and I clawed and fought my way to the top, only to lose it all. And I realized that in my weakness, God is my strength.” - Andrew F. Carter ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist
God Helps Us Find The Missing Peace: Sonya Curry & Sheila Walsh
May 5, 2022 - 31 min
Does it ever feel like you’re searching for something in life beyond what your everyday existence is bringing? Maybe you’re a parent who is devoted to your family, but you wonder if there’s something you’re missing. Maybe you’re in the second half of your life and wondering if there’s more beyond the days of your youth. Perhaps you are just lonely, and wondering why you haven’t been able to connect with others who share your outlook on life. We all want the assurance that we’re doing it right—the peace that comes from knowing where you’re going. Our guests this week share that there is an answer to finding that missing peace—and His name is Jesus. Sonya Curry raised three amazing children who became successful in sports and in life, but she still kept thinking something was missing, and found what she was looking for in a closer relationship to God. Sheila Walsh is a spiritual leader to many, yet she battled depression at the height of her success and realized that she needed God’s love through other people to help her find herself again.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Michael Guillen Upcoming interview: Jon Gordon   Sonya Curry Stephen Curry Seth Curry Sydel Curry Type A personality @sacurry22 Fierce Love   Sheila Walsh Is God Still Awake? 700 Club with Pat Robertson  Life Today with James and Betty Robertson Psalms 88 NIV   Interview Quotes: “I wanted for nothing materialistically, I just wasn't fulfilled. And so I was searching for some of that fulfillment in the world.“ - Sonya Curry “I went from just being religious and going to church to really having a personal relationship with God. And it saved my family, it saved me, and got me more focused on living out the potential that God had placed in me to get to the purpose that He had for my life.” Sonya Curry “I was already raising my children and taking them to church because that's how I was raised. But then they started seeing the transformation in me. They started seeing me praying more. I wanted to train them in how to put God first. You can fit God into your schedule, is what I wanted them to see.” - Sonya Curry “I felt how God's hand was always in every decision that was made regarding them...we need to be intentional and purposeful because we are the gatekeepers to their souls.” - Sonya Curry “Doing my daily devotions and prayer time grounds me, it really helps me to set the standard for the day. It reminds me who I am, where I came from, and who I'm here for.” Sonya Curry “I have tried so many things and ways to find fulfillment within myself to then have that pour into my role as a mom. And some things worked, some things didn't, but the things that were built on the foundation of God never failed.” - Sonya Curry “God's antidote to shame is grace.” - Sheila Walsh “Rather than viewing the Word of God through what I just heard on the news, I reverse everything now so that whatever I watch at some point to catch the headlines, I view them to what I've just read and the Word of God.” - Sheila Walsh “Don't isolate yourself from God when you're hurting. Bring everything that's true about you to Him, just as Christ did.” - Sheila Walsh ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouT
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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