Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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God Is Fiercely Pursuing Our Hearts: Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel & Andrew Farley
November 18, 2021 - 31 min
Each one of us has a unique story to share—and within each of these complex stories many of us have experienced loss, heartache, shame, and tragedy which profoundly affect our lives. But once we begin to face our heartaches and realize their effect on our lives, we can see the slow steady pursuit of a God who only desires our healing and wholeness. This week we’ll be discussing the way that God cares about each of our stories and is there to walk us through our trauma with Dr. Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel—founders of the Allender Center, and how we can act out of the new heart He so lovingly restores to us with Pastor Andrew Farley. Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Listens Past interview: Anne Lamott Upcoming interview: Patti LaBelle   Dr. Dan Allender Cathy Loerzel Allender Center Psalms Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Our True Calling   Pastor Andrew Farley Book of Hebrews Hebrews 11 NIV Romans 8:31-39 NIV 1 Thessalonians 5:19 NIV Galatians 5:22-23 NIV The Perfect You   Interview Quotes: “Anyone who thinks they have a boring story does not understand the deep, redemptive commitment of Christ to find us.” - Dr. Dan Allender “There's more going on than what people are saying, especially in the church, because we're so committed to, you know, believing that if we have the spirit in our souls, then we're healed and never having to go back and actually deal with what was true about who we were in our backgrounds.” - Cathay Loerzel “We can hold the reality of our brokenness and our renewed beauty as image bearers and as re-created in the image of Christ.” - Dr. Dan Allender “It's the valley of the shadow of death where the light of His goodness shows.” - Dr. Dan Allender “I think that we have accidentally communicated a God that is in some sort of barber shop chair in heaven and is swirling around away from us when we sin and then rotating back when we have our quiet time. And so then we've got an in and out and in and out of fellowship. And I think we need to know that His face is always toward us and that He never leaves us.” - Andrew Farley ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at <a href="
Being Light Bearers for Jesus: Kristin Chenoweth and Sadie Robertson Huff
November 11, 2021 - 23 min
Have you ever heard the phrase “to whom much is given, much is expected?” In the case of our two guests today, God has gifted them with amazing platforms to reach thousands of people—and they take the responsibility to lead well very seriously. Actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth has graced the Broadway stage as well as movies and television, and she uses her platform to spread faith, hope, and light to everyone she encounters. Sadie Robertson Huff was part of her family’s TV show as a kid and as a young woman went on to find an even bigger audience through her appearance on ABC’s Dancing with The Stars. Both of these women wanted to be faithful to the opportunity given to them to be a light to their followers—and though it’s not always easy, they trust that God will help them when things get hard.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Luke 12:48 NIV Jesus Calling Jesus Listens Past interview: David Crowder Upcoming interview: Dan Allender   Kristin Chenoweth Happiness Is...Christmas!   Sadie Robertson Huff ABC’s Dancing with The Stars A&E’s Duck Dynasty Live Original Live on Purpose Duck Commander   Interview Quotes: “We're all just humans trying to do the best we can. So why don't you give yourself permission to be human, there's a weight that lifts that you go, ‘Oh yeah, that's right. I'm not perfect. Only God is.’” - Kristin Chenoweth “We have families that inspire us. We have friends around us that make us laugh and giggle and be able to be ourselves. But then as life goes on, like someone says something that tears you down, someone says something that makes you feel embarrassed about the thing that you used to be so confident in. And so by the time I was seventeen, I did not think about preaching or speaking, like that was not on my radar at all.” - Sadie Robertson Huff “If I'm going to be famous, then I'm going to do it with a purpose, and if I'm going to say words on a platform, then I want to say words that matter. And if people are going to look at my life then I want to point them to Jesus.” - Sadie Robertson Huff “I think so many times people forget that God's on the journey to get to where you're going, not just where you want to arrive. And I try to encourage people with that daily, even though that's a hard thing, I think, to believe even for ourselves.” - Sadie Robertson Huff ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How Can I Know God Hears Me When I’m Hurting? Levi Lusko & Peter Mutabazi
November 4, 2021 - 27 min
As children, many of us have been taught to pray and that God will help us. But as we grow into adulthood our simple prayers can turn into desperate pleas as our lives become more complex and difficult. What happens when the prayers we pray don’t seem to be heard, or the circumstances of our lives become so traumatic we may doubt if God is even listening? Our guests this week had their own ups and downs in their relationship to prayer and to God. Pastor Levi Lusko faced the tragic loss of his five-year-old daughter that shook his whole world. Foster Dad Peter Mutabazi grew up in mind-numbing poverty made worse by the abuse of his earthly father—robbing him of the hope of possibly ever knowing the love of a true Father. These men share their experiences and what gave them hope to survive the most devastating experiences of their lives.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Psalm 46:10 NIV Jesus Calling Jesus Listens Past interview: Joni Eareckson Tada Upcoming interview: Kristin Chenoweth   Levi Lusko  Fresh Life Church Roar Like a Lion Matthew 14:13-21 NIV Lord's Prayer  Henry David Thoreau   Peter Mutabazi  Compassion International  World Vision Compassion International Uganda Luke 12:48 NIV Foster care Starlight Foundation   Interview Quotes: “When [my daughter] Lenya went to heaven, we were at a loss as parents, not only how to go through what we were facing ourselves, but how to help our kids process it.” - Levi Lusko “I feel empowered in my pain and there's a purpose in it. But then I also love that it acknowledges that this might take a while. It's not instant. I have to wait sometimes. And in that waiting is where God really is going to develop the muscles of strength inside of you that hopefully can help you to handle the kind of blessing that He ultimately wants to give you.” - Levi Lusko “Abuse wasn't just coming towards me, but it was going towards all my siblings, including my mom. So even though one parent was there to protect us, most of the time, we could not protect her because she faced the same abuse from my dad. And so that that was what life was. That was just the worst you could think of. So for me, you know, if you told me to dream, today was bad enough that I didn't really want to think about tomorrow.” - Peter Mutabazi “I realized just how good I was at school as well. And so that's really how I began to hope and how I began to truly see myself as someone who will get somewhere, not because I had it, but because someone saw that in me and he believed and had faith in me.” - Peter Mutabazi “I went to the restaurant and the amount of food I saw being thrown away really, really [made me] question my faith, you know, because to see how much was thrown away and knowing that kids in my village are going to die today because they didn't have a meal, I began to ask God like, “God, do you love us the same way? How can some people have so much to throw away every day, but others have so little that they will lose their lives?” You know, and that was a challenge for me.” - Peter Mutabazi “Things that I can draw from my own life and be able to share with them has truly been so meaningful, you know, that you look back and say, ‘Wow, God, I had no idea, but you allowed me to go through all of that. But
Boxing Up Hope with Operation Christmas Child
October 28, 2021 - 26 min
On this week’s episode, we’ll hear from three people with special connections to the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child, which collects shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items, and delivers them to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. For many children, this shoebox is the first gift they’ve ever received. Bill Pfister, the senior regional director of OCC for the Americas and the Caribbean, gives some insight into the mission and inspiration behind the organization, and how they’re seeking to show God’s love in a tangible way.. Vladimir Prokhnevskiy, a shoebox recipient, grew up in Kiev, Ukraine, in an impoverished family of eleven. Vladimir remembers one harsh winter when he and his siblings underwent extensive travel to get to an Operation Christmas Child distribution center, and how that gift impacted his life. Elvina Arventii will share how Operation Christmas Child changed her life as a little girl, and how she’s now volunteering with them, hoping to pay it forward.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Listens Sarah Young Past interview: Green family Upcoming interview: Levi Lusko   Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child Bill Pfister Vladimir Prokhnevskiy Elvina Arventii   Interview Quotes: “When friends or family members or a local church come together and pack gift boxes and then send them overseas, a child is able to hear about the good news of Jesus in a local church. They are taught that Jesus is the greatest gift they can ever receive and that is a tangible expression of God's love.” - Bill Pfister “For me [my Operation Christmas Child box] was extra special because it was my first Christmas gift ever. But most importantly, the gospel came with it.” - Vladimir Prokhnevskiy “Over the years, you forget little details about the shoebox here and there, but you never forget how it makes you feel. And on that day, I felt loved.” - Vladimir Prokhnevskiy “I have a five year old and an eight year old, Ashton and Elliot, and we pack shoeboxes every single year. It's a family tradition now. It's a great example for my kids because I demonstrate to them what generosity looks like...I want my kids to grow up and be generous because generosity moves people's hearts. Generosity is what unites people, it brings people together. And I want them to grow up to be generous people. And packing shoeboxes helps them become generous.” - Vladimir Prokhnevskiy “For the first time, I realized that God is real and He can answer even the prayers of a little girl.” - Elvina Arventii ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
[BONUS] The Power of Prayer
October 26, 2021 - 37 min
This special bonus episode of the Jesus Calling Podcast features multiple guests talking specifically about the power of prayer. We hope you find inspiration from the stories of how the simple act of prayer brings hope, peace, and a deeper relationship with God to people from all walks of life.    Links To Full EpisodesLauren Akins Joyce & John Smith James Martin Carlos Whittaker Travis Tritt Sarah Young Bishop T.D. Jakes   ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Can God Save Me From A Horrible Place?: Christi Paul and Glo Atanmo
October 21, 2021 - 35 min
When we find ourselves in a difficult season of our lives, we may ask ourselves the question, How did I get here? And when we aren’t able to figure it out right away, we may turn on ourselves for the blame—bringing on deep feelings of regret and shame. Psalm 145 reminds us that when we seek the Lord, He will answer us and deliver us from all our fears. It also says “Those who look to Him are radiant—and their faces shall never be ashamed.” Our guests this week dealt with really tough circumstances—ones that caused them to question deeply who they were and where they would end up. CNN anchor Christi Paul dealt with an abusive spouse and didn’t know where to turn, until she was at the end of her rope and a verse from Proverbs brought her hope that she could trust God to find a way out—not her own understanding. Travel blogger Glo Atanmo was in another country when she became very ill and had to have a major surgery that set her back for months. As she wondered how she would recover physically, emotionally and financially, a caring nurse gave her a copy of Jesus Calling where she was able to find a bit of hope to see beyond the place she was in.  Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Jesus Calling Podcast Sarah Young Psalm 145 NIV Past interview: Lathan Warlick Upcoming interview: Operation Christmas Child   Christi Paul CNN New Day Weekend Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV Love Isn’t Supposed to Hurt   Glo Atanmo   Interview Quotes: “God wants us to be who He created us to be, and living in an abusive relationship is not going to create you to be the person you're supposed to be. I tell people all the time, ‘You were not born to be abused, but God can take really horrible situations and make something really good out of them.’” - Christi Paul “I realized the importance of words because of how they were used against me. I felt how they cut you, even if they don't cut you physically, emotionally they just can rip you to shreds if you do not use the right words, if you do not use some care and compassion.” - Christi Paul “We will never run out of chances with God, even if we screw up again and again and again. God is there every single time to just hold our hand and pick us up and say, ‘Let's try this again together.’” - Christi Paul “I learned that a healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends or your dreams or your dignity, and I just want everybody to know God is for you.” - Christi Paul “When I look back on that journey, I think it was that moment where I stopped giving the glory and the honor and the praise to God. I got so full of my own skills and what I accomplished. And, Oh, Glo, you're killing it, girl, like, you know, and you forget who qualified you, who gave you the opportunities and the blessing.” - Glo Atanmo “I don't care about what I can do for myself. How can I help the world? How can I heal the world? How can I speak to those who are also going through a traumatic experience? And it's so incredible how God will use seasons of pain to really set you up for your next season of elevation.” - Glo Atanmo “When you have purpose and legacy behind what you do, you feel more called and led in your work. [And] if we can be more intentional with the way we use our words and how we deliver them and how we pour into people with them, we're literally delivering healing to other people.” - Glo Atanmo ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling
The Faith Between Sisters: Reba McEntire, Susie McEntire-Eaton, & Alice Foran
October 14, 2021 - 24 min
This week we get to hear from three very special guests—they are sisters who have stuck together through the good times and the bad: Country and Gospel music singing sisters Reba McEntire, Susie McEntire-Eaton (host of the second season of Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith), and Alice Foran. These sisters look back on what it was like growing up on an 8000 acre ranch, traveling to rodeos with their cowboy dad and their school teacher mother and They reflect on lessons of faith learned from their grandmother, Reba Smith, plus share family in a special way that only sisters can.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling  Jesus Listens Peace In Uncertain Times video with Ellie Holcomb  Upcoming interview: Christi Paul   Reba McEntire Susie McEntire-Eaton Atoka Lake Opry Revised, Remixed and Revisited   Interview Quotes: “People say, ‘How long have you known the Lord?’ I can't remember not knowing the Lord.” - Reba McEntire “Every one of our kids have been influenced by [Grandma] and into our grandchildren because of her. So one little seed can go so far into eternity.” - Susie McEntire-Eaton “I remember one time [Daddy] said, ‘Well, you get insurance for your house, you ought to get insurance for your soul.’” - Susie McEntire-Eaton “Sisters are good for lots of things, and I really feel sorry for women who don't have a sister, but God will always provide a very good friend to be with each other. It's a sisterhood. It's something that's blood. And it goes farther than blood.” - Susie McEntire-Eaton "It's God that gives us what we need." -Susie McEntire-Eaton “When I don't have anything else to pray about, I just stop and I say, ‘Thank you, God, thank you. I don't know what's coming next. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I just want to say thank you.’” - Susie McEntire-Eaton ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
God Listens When We Pray: Sarah Young
October 7, 2021 - 16 min
Many of us struggle with the concept of prayer. What should a good prayer look like? Am I doing it wrong? How can I make sure I know that God is hearing me? The good news from God is that every single one of your prayers—even the silent ones—are heard and cared about by Him. There is no right or wrong way to pray, all that matters is that you talk to God consistently, and you will find the joys of a relationship with Him. This week we’re honored to speak with Sarah Young, the author of Jesus Calling, Jesus Always, and a new book of daily prayers called Jesus Listens. Sarah takes us all the way back to her early years and shares how she began writing in her prayer journals.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Jesus Calling Podcast Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis Philippians 4 NIV Matthew 27:51 NIV Romans 8:26–27 NIV Psalm 62:8 NIV Luke 18 NIV First Thessalonians 5:17–18 NIV Past interview: Bishop T.D. Jakes Upcoming interview: Reba McEntire, Susie McEntire-Eaton   Interview Quotes: “Our unrestricted access to God in prayer is a glorious, blood-bought privilege.: - Sarah Young “Since He understands us completely and loves us eternally, we can safely unburden ourselves to Him.” - Sarah Young “I'm thankful that God uses our prayers not only to change circumstances, but to change us.” - Sarah Young “Remember that Jesus is always with you, listening to every one of your prayers.” - Sarah Young ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
God’s Path To Wholeness and Joy: Anne Lamott and Tabitha Brown
September 30, 2021 - 30 min
Often, when we are in our most desperate, vulnerable state, looking for answers and help, God is our last resort, our final plea when nothing else is working. Psalm 30:2 says, “Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me,” which reminds us that no matter where we’ve turned, how we might’ve fumbled our plans, He will always help us pursue His path to wholeness and joy, because it is never too late for us in His eyes. This week’s guests, author Anne Lamott and actress Tabitha Brown, share their come-to-Jesus moments that guided them away from sickness and put them on a path to healing and wholeness that can only be found in pursuit of the Creator.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Psalm 30:2 NIV Jesus Listens Past interview: Ruth Chou Simons Upcoming interview: Sarah Young   Anne Lamott alcoholism  bulimia  Dusk Night Dawn: On Revival and Courage Help Thanks Wow Operating Instructions Bird by Bird Kierkegaard Genesis 22:12 NIV C.S. Lewis   Tabitha Brown Feeding the Soul North Carolina School of the Arts Columbia College in Chicago  What the Health ALS   Interview Quotes: “I remember making that leap of faith, of thinking, If I don't decide for God, I'm so doomed anyway, the world is harsh and ugly and isolating and shaming and competitive, and and I did and I didn't know what that meant, I didn't have a clue what it meant. But I made the leap of faith and I thought, Well, I'll figure it out as we go. And that's what I did. But that was the day my healing began.” - Anne Lamott “From this crummy rundown church with this Charlie Brown Christmas tree out in front, I walked in, I got that Holy Spirit nudge, and I could hear gospel music, which I've always loved, and I could hear the spiritual anthems I'd grown up on.” - Anne Lamott “I had no self-love. I believed in God, but I believed in a God who is as disappointed as I was in me.” Anne Lamott “I can walk around with these glasses, these bad glasses of judgment and seeing everything that really is not working for me, everything that is either annoying or infuriating, or I can put on the good glasses and I can see God's hand everywhere I look.” - Anne Lamott “I'm like, You know what? God said he had a plan for me. And I know it's not just working a regular nine to five. I know it's not, you know, just living in North Carolina and being content with that life. And so I've been on a pursuit ever since of that voice and of my passion.” - Tabitha Brown “I thought, Oh my God, what is wrong with me? You know, I was falling apart inside and out and really thought I was going to die. And when doctors can't tell you what's wrong with you, i
[BONUS] Coping With Grief
September 28, 2021 - 26 min
This special bonus episode of the Jesus Calling Podcast features multiple guests speaking to the topic of grief. We hope you find encouragement, comfort and healing as you listen to mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sisters and children who have lost someone close to them, how they leaned on God as they coped with the loss and how, with His help, they were able to move forward.     Links To Full EpisodesMattie Jackson Selecman Rosie Rivera Casey, C.J, & Tucker Beathard Beth Nimmo Bo Stern Jonathan Pitts Kay Warren ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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