Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Jesus Listens to Our Doubts: Jamie Kern Lima & Cole Arthur Riley
July 15, 2021 - 30 min
Every Christian faces a time in their relationship with Jesus that is frustrating, that’s full of questions, full of doubt, full of wondering if God is even real, if He listens, or if He cares. But time and time again, the Lord has proven that He does hear your every prayer, as Psalm 66:19 reminds us: “God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.” God is also okay with our doubts—He gives us the space we need to figure out for ourselves that He is good, all the time, and He will be with us always. This week’s guests are two dreamers—the founder of IT Cosmetics, the largest luxury makeup company in the country, Jamie Kern Lima, who faced years of trials and God doubt but managed to find a way to keep the faith, and God rewarded her with the breakthrough she’d been longing for. And the creator of Black Liturgies, Cole Arthur Riley, a born skeptic who educated herself on a variety of religions before finding a home in the Christian church who held space for her questions.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Psalm 66:19 NIV Jesus Calling TV show Jesus Calling Stories of Faith Susie McEntire-Eaton Past interview: Dominic Done Upcoming interview: Michael Franzese   Jamie Kern Lima IT Cosmetics Believe It Jesus Calling app Rosacea QVC Cosmetic Executive Women Miss Lisa Mason. QVC show host   Cole Arthur Riley Black Liturgies Chesterton House Instagram   Interview Quotes: “I think so many of us learn that sometimes God's setbacks are really set ups for what we're supposed to do next.” - Jamie Kern Lima “Truthfully, there are nights when I’d get these really hard rejections and I’d end up crying myself to sleep. And the one thing that kept going as I would literally pray and be like, ‘God, I feel like you put this dream on my heart and I don't understand why it's not working, am I wrong?’” - Jamie Kern Lima “All of us have had people reject us or tell us we're not enough or we need to change who we are to fit in or we don't belong. And I think so many times learning to turn down the volume on that and not let it take root in our spirit is so important, because I believe our calling is always stronger than our opposition.” - Jamie Kern Lima “I would rather show real women all ages, shapes, sizes, skin challenges, skin tones. And if the single mom in Nebraska is going to give me two seconds of her time and she turns on her television, even if she buys nothing, I would rather have her see women who look like her and me calling them beautiful and meaning it, than sell a ton of product and stand for nothing.” - Jamie Kern Lima “I was really fortunate to have spiritual mentors early on that allowed me to have a lot of agency over my seeking even as they were teaching me things that probably felt really basic to them in many ways.” - Cole Arthur Riley “Words do have tremendous power, both their presence and their absence. I think our task as Christians is to be really honest and faithful discerners of what any given moment
When God Changes Our Direction: Paula Faris & Jason Brown
July 8, 2021 - 32 min
Many of us have had a moment in our lives that define us as people and as servants of God—and sometimes that moment comes at a fork in the road. Which path will you take? The one you’ve worked hard for and the world tells you you should want? Or the one God wants you to take? It’s almost guaranteed that every time you decide to take the Lord’s path, you will encounter mountains of blessings that you’d never have expected. ABC News reporter Paula Faris was at the height of her career when she faced a devastating series of tragedies that forced her to slow down and recognize that God was calling her to go in another direction. Former NFL lineman Jason Brown had worked hard to make his way up the football ladder, eventually becoming the highest-paid center in the sport. It seemed he had everything he wanted, but the luxurious lifestyle he pursued took his focus off his family and marriage which began to suffer, causing him to reassess what he really wanted out of life.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Sarah Young Jesus Listens Past interview: Zim Flores Upcoming interview: Jamie Kern Lima, IT Cosmetics   Paula Faris Morning Star Christian Community Good Morning America Weekend The View Joshua 5-6 NIV Journeys of Faith at ABC  Faith & Calling Podcast The Paula Faris Show Called Out   Jason Brown First Fruits Farm Lunsford Bernard Brown II UNC Chapel Hill 2005 NFL draft  Centered   Interview Quotes: “And at the end of the day, I think what's most important is that we don't get caught up in the differences, but that we can unite on some of the main tenets of the Bible...the most important thing at the end of the day is that if we are Christians, they'll know it by our love for one another.” - Paula Faris  “I think we owe it to not only ourselves, but we owe it to unbelievers to have a reason for the hope that is within us.” - Paula Faris “Trying to keep a positive mindset when you're in that valley, when you're circling that city, that this is where the growth is happening and God is getting ready to start a new chapter and write a new chapter in your life.” - Paula Faris “I don't want to just have five, ten minutes out of the day where I'm talking to God, I try to talk to God throughout my day, and I'm the type of person where I need encouragement throughout the day. So for me, it's a daily conversation. God is always by my side.” - Paula Faris “Once you ask the spirit to come into your life and to allow you to see things in a new way, you will. And it'll transform your relationship with God. It will transform your belief in God, it’ll transform the way that you see God. And you'll start seeing Him in the sunsets across the sky. You'll start to hear Him in the voices of loved ones and in the faces of loved ones. And you'll feel Him in
Braving Our Way to a Better Life: Chad Robichaux and Tim Atwood
July 1, 2021 - 26 min
At this time of year, as we celebrate the brave men and women who fought for the freedom of our country, it’s a good time to reflect on what it actually means to be brave. Sometimes, as in the case of our military heroes, bravery means laying down your life for a greater good, or for your fellow man. Sometimes bravery can mean stepping into something new, apart from everything you’ve known before, to pursue something greater for your life. And sometimes bravery is the simple act of pushing through something hard, something painful, in order to climb out of the darkness to step back into the light. Our guests this week have each shown acts of bravery in their lives—one in service to our country as a Marine, and in his own personal battle with PTSD, and another who faced addiction and fights each day not to be pulled back into its grip; we’re talking with Chad Robichaux, a former Force Recon Marine who served in Afghanistan, and Tim Atwood, a touring musician who has shared the stage with some of country music’s biggest legends.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Calling armed forces edition Past interview: Sara Evans Upcoming interview: Paula Faris   Chad Robichaux PTSD United States Marines Recon marine  TS-SCI clearance Mighty Oaks Foundation National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255   Tim Atwood Mel Street Lynn Anderson Jim Ed Brown Grand Ole Opry’s staff band Taylor Swift  Carrie Underwood Vince Gill Inspirational Country Music Awards Who I Am   Interview Quotes: “I'll be forever grateful for the Marine Corps for giving me that second chance, a clean slate of life and to escape that childhood that I was in and have a chance to build a life.” - Chad Robichaux “What I discovered is that the Bible has a very clear blueprint on how to navigate each and every situation.” - Chad Robichaux “During that time, I really dove into martial arts as a professional fighter and won a world championship, ranked number six in the world as a flyweight. And so on the surface, everything looked really good. But I was spiraling personally. And I was still dealing with panic attacks. I was still dealing with a lot of anger issues in my life. And my marriage was falling apart.” - Chad Robichaux “I surrendered my life to Christ. I began to find restoration in my marriage and my relationship, in my own brokenness, and the PTSD. And so I was able to get hold of my life again. So I found restoration. I found hope again for the first time in a very long time.” - Chad Robichaux “We really have to seek our purpose to find out what His purpose i
Everyone Is Worthy of God’s Love: Cece Jones-Davis & Danielle Coke
June 24, 2021 - 27 min
The idea of loving others doesn’t seem too difficult when we put it in the context of those closest to us, the ones who support us, care for us, and who give love in return. But the love that God commands us to have as Christians goes beyond that love we have in small circles—and it demands that as Jesus first loved us, we must love others in return. In the Bible, we’ll find in I John 4:20-21, it says: Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And He has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. Our guests this week have committed their lives to showing the world that there isn’t anyone who isn’t worthy of love—both God’s love and the love of their fellow man. We’re talking to singer, speaker, and social advocate Cece Jones-Davis, and digital artist Danielle Coke.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast John 4:20-21 NIV Jesus Calling devotional for kids  Jesus Calling Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith on Circle TV Past interview: Linsey Davis Upcoming interview: Chad Robichaux   Cece Jones-Davis Matthew 5:6 NIV Howard University Yale Divinity School Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Worship, and the Arts Sing for Change Alive    Danielle Coke Artivism Luke 10:27 NIV Good Samaritan Worthy @ohhappydani   Interview Quotes: “As a kid, I was curious, I wanted to know more, even though there was a lot about spirituality that was really scary to me. And the older I got, that yearning just never left me, it constantly chased me down. And it drove me into pursuing God.” - Cece Jones-Davis “God has had to do a lot of work with me over the years to say, ‘You are smart, you are enough, you're not just what other people have said about you.’” - Cece Jones-Davis “My ministry has from the beginning more so been about my public witness and about how I can outwardly face toward the world outside of the church. What can I do? And so I'm happy to be living in this time when I feel like my life can be used in some way to advance God's kingdom and to stand up for what I believe God is on the side of.” - Cece Jones-Davis “Sometimes I'm connecting as I'm sitting at my desk and I'm like, ‘Okay, now, Lord, I know we haven't had a long conversation today yet, but Lord, you saw the calendar. I'm going to need you to be with me every step of the way.’” - Cece Jones-Davis “I've witnessed what happens when diversity is not a priority.” - Danielle Coke “A big part of why I'm so passionate about justice is tied back to my relationship with God and how I view His calling for our lives.” - Danielle Coke “I encourage people to seek the scriptures about how God is consistently calling us to seek justice and love mercy, how He's giving us stories like the Good Samaritan and illustrating what it means to not just walk past by someone who is struggling, but to help them,
God Knows Our Whole Story And Still Loves Us: Rosie Rivera and Jason Sautel
June 17, 2021 - 35 min
Maybe you’ve heard someone say “Well, if you really knew me, you might not like me…” or maybe you’ve even said that to yourself. There can be much fear in being truly known—will I still be loved, despite my mistakes, despite my desperate thoughts, despite that I might not ever be enough on my own? The resounding answer to that question from God’s perspective is yes. God promises to love us with an everlasting love, and is continually drawing us to Himself with loving kindness, as we’re told in the scripture (Jeremiah 31:3). Our guests this week hit lows in their lives they didn’t know if they’d recover from, and just when they lost hope, they turned to God only to find that He was there, loving them despite their mistakes, fear, and pain. We’re speaking with television personality Rosie Rivera, the CEO of Jenni Rivera enterprises, and firefighter turned evangelist Jason Sautel.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jeremiah 31:3 Jesus Calling  for First Responders editions Past interview: The Next Door organization Upcoming interview: Cece Jones-Davis   Rosie Rivera Jenni Rivera enterprises God Is Your Defender   Jason Sautel The Rescuer California Conservation Corps California Department of Forestry   Interview Quotes: “I really, really loathed myself and I thought everyone else would, too, if they really, really knew me and that somehow transferred into God.” - Rosie Rivera  “I told God I was a mess. I was still hung over. I still smelled like alcohol and everything. And I was just at the front of the altar crying my eyes out, letting Jesus know everything that He already knew, that I didn't want to live anymore without Him, and that day I just realized what the cross was, like, it just hit me in such a beautiful way that He had died for me. He already knew everything, and that He loved me. And it can still fill me with love.” - Rosie Rivera “Power comes with His word. I can trust that no matter what is going on with the world, as long as I am holding His hand, I am safe and I am on the right path. It reminds me that in the highs and the lows, He is the same.” Rosie Rivera “No matter what goodness of this world I'd try to throw into it, it would not seal it up and it would actually make things worse. So being a firefighter that was called to help other people but had no idea how to rescue himself, it was really challenging, especially at that point in my life.” - Jason Sautel “At the end of the day, all that is on that fire truck and under all that gear and behind that badge is a human being who just wants to help other people.” - Jason Sautel “I started recognizing Grace, even though I didn't realize what it was at the time, in the form of people being nice to me when I didn't deserve it.” - Jason Sautel “I'm just praying for people that draw closer to God and I'm praying for people to put their faith in Jesus. And for those who have, I'm praying that they will reflect on what their faith truly means, because I have learned over the many years of responding to the bad stuff of this world, I can't fix anything, nor can time. Time alone heals nothing. Time with Jesus heals ever
You Can’t Move Forward If You Keep Looking Back: Christine Caine & I Am They
June 10, 2021 - 38 min
It’s often been said that we shouldn’t live in the past, but sometimes, inevitably, our past mistakes can haunt us. Regret over decisions made, things we’ve said and done that impacted others negatively, or opportunities missed. But God calls us to a different reality—one that is based on the present with Him and the promise for a future that He lovingly prescribes. Our guests this week have all had events in their past that haven’t been easy to overcome. But each of them took a step forward, a step toward God, and stepped away from having their past define them. We’re talking to author and speaker Christine Caine and the members of the popular worship band I Am They—Matt Hein, Justin Shinn, and Abbie Parker.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Listens Jesus Calling Past interview: Jamie Blane Upcoming interview: Rosie Rivera   Christine Caine Propel Women Romans 8:38-39 NIV 1 John 1:5 NIV Psalm 119 NIV Revelation 21:5 NIV Hebrews 12 NIV A-21 Campaign How Did I Get Here?   I Am They Foursquare Church Vicodin  OxyContin Heroin Mennonite church Romans 5:20-21 NIV “Scars” Faithful God   Interview Quotes: “There are a lot of things in my life that, you know, it would seem naturally speaking, should have stopped me from fulfilling my purpose and destiny. But Jesus being the amazing God that He is, He not only saved me and healed me and restored me, but He used those broken fragments of my past to not only give me a future, but to help me give other people a future.” - Christine Caine “You are never too far gone for God not to be able to bring you back.” - Christine Caine “I have found in my life that prayer moves God, and when God is moved, God can move mountains.” - Christine Caine “I think that if we could trust the character and the nature and the goodness of God, we will get to the other side and find that our God was in control the whole time. I love that about God.” - Christine Caine “I went into an eighteen month drug court program, so I was doing outpatient rehab, I was doing counseling, all that stuff. But what really made the biggest difference in keeping me clean was getting back involved with my church.” - Justin Shinn “When you disappoint yourself, it can be really hard to believe that anyone else would not be disappointed in you, so that was a lesson that took a long time to relearn.” - Abbie Parker “We sort of flipped the narrative that shame would have cast in our lives and decided this is no longer going to be a shameful narrative. This is going to be a story of God's grace and forgiveness and goodness and redemption in our lives.” - Abbie Parker “It was just something that became the hidden addiction. And I never drank and I never got into drugs and that kind of thing, but [pornography] was kind of the thing that I could hide that was slowly but surely, in the same ways, eating me up
Rooting Our Identity in Christ: Brandi Rhodes & Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
June 3, 2021 - 27 min
The concept of identity is a lofty one to wrap our minds around, and we are often encouraged to make sure our identity aligns with who God has called us to be. But how do we do that in real life? It often takes a situation beyond our control, where we feel over our heads, to get us to a point where we realize we have to realign our priorities. It’s there, in that space, that we often find God, and we see clearly what He wants for us. All Elite Wrestling star Brandi Rhodes is the wife of Cody Rhodes and daughter-in-law of the legendary Dusty Rhodes and is a star herself in American Elite Wrestling, talks about how faith and family played a role in forging her into the strong woman she is today. Renowned cardiac anesthesiologist and TedX speaker Dr. Sasha Shillcutt discusses the difficulties of juggling the roles of mom and a physician, how she found the balance by developing a spiritual practice of seeking God daily for 30 minutes.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Peace For Everyday Life video with Rolene Strauss Upcoming guest: Christine Caine Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith TV Show Host: Susie McEntire-Eaton How to watch:   Brandi Rhodes Cody Rhodes Dusty Rhodes All Elite Wrestling Christopher Bowman   Dr. Sasha Shillcutt Brave Enough Jesus Calling app Between Grit and Grace Interview Quotes: “I had a really, really core upbringing in church and Christianity. And I love that because it was a situation, at least back then, where everybody was okay with everybody. We had all kinds of people across the board at that little school. Everyone was accepted, and we learned so much. I think that alone is the reason why I continue to pursue faith today.” - Brandi Rhodes “I remember I just prayed that whole time that I was just warming up around, God, please be my legs. I can't feel them. This is important. I really need You right now. And that was the best I ever skated in my entire life.” - Brandi Rhodes, on prepping for one of her biggest skating competitions as a young adult “I felt like I was failing as a mom. And when I would spend time trying to be the best mom I could be, I felt like I was failing as a physician. I think this is something that happens to a lot of women. I recognized how isolated I was, how I had really drifted away from the person God had called me to be.” - Dr. Sasha Shillcutt “When you bring women together from diverse backgrounds, you recognize that so many of our trials and tribulations are similar, and we may be in different stages of our life or different phases, different states, different countries even. But we often face the same struggles.” - Dr. Sasha Shillcutt “There's times as a doctor that it’s 3:00 in the morning and I'm in the operating room, and I don't know the next thing I should do to help a patient. I don't know the best thing. I'm not sure we're gonna make it out of the operating room. I'm struggling. And I can tell you in those moments, what I lean on is Christ.” - Dr. Sasha Shillcutt “I pray that when I show up, I will affect the people in the room--sometimes that's two people, sometimes that's a thousand people--but that God will just help me bring kindness and clarity wherever I go, because the world is hard right now and there's a lot of anger and anxiety. And I just want to be a person that can bring clarity and kindness.” - Dr. Sasha Shillcutt ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist:
A Love You Can Trust At All Times: Gary LeVox and Dr. Don Wilton
May 27, 2021 - 28 min
When we’re having a bad week and it seems like everything is going wrong, it’s nice to be able to have one constant to look to—something that never changes, is always reliable and there for us when we need it. This week two men of faith share how God’s love has been that constant in their lives; Grammy award winning country singer from the group Rascal Flatts, Gary LeVox and pastor, speaker, and evangelist—and the personal pastor of Dr. Billy Graham, Dr. Don Wilton.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Listens Sarah Young Past interview: Lauren Akins Upcoming interview: Brandi Rhodes   Gary LeVox Rascal Flatts Board of DD, Developmental Disabilities “Someone Else's Star” Hebrews 11 NIV One On One   Dr. Don Wilton Dr. Reverend Billy Graham Saturdays With Billy Africa Inland Mission   Interview Quotes: “I was like, ‘Lord, I think you've given me the gift of a gift to sing,’ and I just felt so convicted, I was like, ‘I'm so sorry that I have not used it.’” - Gary LeVox “I really trust and believe that He's got everything laid out, His purpose and His plan for me is going to be perfect, even though I don't see it, sometimes I get so frustrated that I have no other choice but to trust Him.” - Gary LeVox “There's so many times I look back through my musical career and just my life and being a husband and a dad that I've looked and have just [seen] where God has shown up, where I have fallen short, where He's picked it back up and, you know, God has always been with me at times I didn't even know to help me get through things.“ - Gary LeVox “I came into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. And my life has never been the same again, because the Lord gave to me a fresh purpose and a new meaning, and He changed my life and my perspective forever. And I will forever be grateful to the Lord and the influence of people in my life.” - Dr. Don Wilton “To describe the impact of Mr. Graham on my life is almost impossible for me to do. Mr. Graham didn't just talk to me about how to live. He showed me, up close and personal. I didn't just watch him. I sat with him. I didn't just listen to him. I conversed with him. And we became so close. He enabled me to see my own life in a fresh way. He challenged me at the deepest level of my soul spirit.” - Dr. Don Wilton “The very love with which he [Billy Graham] loved me was in and of itself the greatest reflection of [the way] God loves you, which he said over and over and over again to peoples and nations of every tongue and of every tribe and of every race and of every culture.” - Dr. Don Wilton ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at <a href="https://www.lifeaudio.
Signs & Wonders Are All Around Us: Harry Connick, Jr. and SQuire Rushnell, & Louise DuArt
May 20, 2021 - 26 min
Have you ever asked God to send you a sign? Just a little signal that you’re going in the right direction, or maybe a big red warning sign when you’re not? Whether we see them every day or not, God has a way of showing up and showing His love for us in the simple things—and in the complex things of life. Whether it’s a beautifully composed song that brings tears to your eyes, or the faithful wagging tail of a beloved canine companion, God has a way of delighting us by filling our world with little signs every day of His love and care for us, and if we stay on the lookout for those signs, we’ll begin to see His presence much more clearly. Harry Connick, Jr. recognizes the power of music, and loves to use his talent for singing, writing, and performing to bring joy to others—and now, through a new collection of gospel songs, he’s sharing the faith that has carried him through the ups and downs of his life. SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt are the authors of the bestselling books Godwinks—and now a brand new book called Dogwinks that tells the true stories of how God has used our canine companions to show His love for us in simple and profound ways.     Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Jesus Calling Podcast Season 2 of the TV Show Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith Past interview: Bradley Walker Upcoming interview: Dr. Don Wilton   Harry Connick, Jr. When Harry Met Sally The Memphis Belle “Alone with My Faith” single Alone With My Faith album   SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt Godwinks Dogwinks Schoolhouse Rock The Carol Burnett Show Sandi Patty Nicole C. Mullen   Interview Quotes: “I've always been someone who really wanted to try as many things as possible. I really love life. I love living life. I love—this sounds a little strange, I guess—but I love the potential to fail, I like taking risks, I like the potential to succeed more, but I don't mind failing.” - Harry Connick, Jr. “I'm a work in progress. I'm imperfect. I have a long way to go, so I feel like my purpose is to try—quotes around the word “try”—to be the best person that I can be every day. I don't always succeed, but if I can continue to try to emulate what I believe to be true, I think that's my most powerful way of getting the message of my faith across.” - Harry Connick, Jr. “My faith is what continues to get me through these tough times. But I just thought about how complex it is and how it's a gift, I think, from God to really compel us to want to communicate with Him.” - Harry Connick, Jr.  “We may forget our prayer, but God never does.” - Louise DuArt  “God had a plan and a purpose the whole time.” - Louise DuArt  “A dogwink is simply God using that vessel to just love us through them.” - Louise DuArt “I just love how God uses everything in nature. He uses everything. He's sovereign.” - Louise DuArt  “It's very logical that if you have a conversation daily with your own earthly mother or father or children or boss or neighbor, the more conversation that you have on a regular basis, the better your relationship. So it stands to reason that if we have a great conversation, a relationship every day with our Father in heaven, He's going to be listening to us as much as we're liste
God’s Unexpected Answers to Our Toughest Questions: Lathan Warlick and Dr. William Cooke
May 13, 2021 - 37 min
Sometimes when we pray, we really want answers, and sometimes we don’t always get those answers we’re seeking. However, our faith tells us that when we ask for help, whether we see it or feel it, God is there. When we ask for guidance, He leads us, not always on the path we would choose, but one that shapes who we are to become; and always to a place where He knows we can be used well. Lathan Warlick is a positive musician who had a near-death experience one night when he was confronted by two men with a gun. Lathan did the only thing he could think of—ask God for help—and when he was inexplicably saved, he decided to dedicate his life and career to spreading God’s word and encouraging positivity. Growing up in poverty, Dr. William Cooke shares how he wanted to truly make a difference by helping others. That desire led him to begin a practice in a community that was dealing with a devastating opioid crisis that was so overwhelming, after several exhausting years, Dr. Cooke questioned God as to if he had pursued the right path. Just as he was ready to throw in the towel, the answer to his question came from a very unexpected place. Both men looked to God for what roads they should take next, and God was faithful to lead them to the next season of faithfulness to Him, and better equipped to serve others.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith Jesus Calling book Past interview: Carlos Whittaker Upcoming interview: Harry Connick Jr.   Lathan Warlick Luke 15 NIV   Dr. William Cooke National Physician of the Year Canary in the Coal Mine Community Health and Economic Prosperity Hepatitis C HIV   Interview Quotes: “It was like something was sitting on my shoulders. It was like something was holding me, you know, and the feeling was so powerful that it made me start weeping for no reason.” - Lathan Warlick “God was calling me to be a light out into the world.” - Lathan Warlick “It was like God put me out of my comfort zone to put me over here in order for something else to happen. God will make stuff so uncomfortable for you for Him to get your attention.” - Lathan Warlick “I felt my calling was to try to work with individuals, families in a community that didn't have access to health and opportunity and hope.” - Dr. Willam Cooke “As I started working with patients and families, I started to realize that there was something really dark there, that there was this sense that the American dream was not available to everyone.” - Dr. William Cooke “We had to treat people, not diseases. So this seemed like the opportunity to do something new that, you know, this had never happened before. No one really knew how to respond to this.” - Dr. William Cooke “I had this idea that if I had enough faith and I fought hard enough for the people of Austin, [Indiana] that God would come in and fill in the gap and make the change. And I'd done my part. I had done my part. The people of Austin had tried. Why was God not doing what I thought was His end of the bargain?” - Dr. William Cooke ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? P
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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