Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Unfailing Grace and Sacred Rest: Julie Carrick and Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
February 25, 2021 - 25 min
A beautiful element of Christianity is that when we allow ourselves to relax into the peace and grace that God offers, we experience true rest and healing that restores every part of our soul. Catholic recording artist Julie Carrick has seen God touch her life in the moments she was suffering the most—through infidelity, miscarriage, and cancer—and it’s led her to appreciate His unfailing grace and perfect love, which meets her in all of her brokenness and boosts her with the strength to carry on. Physician and author Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an expert on rest in all of its forms, and knows how crucial it is that we give ourselves the type of rest our bodies, minds, and souls truly need. Because it is only when we are well-rested and energized that we can dedicate the best of ourselves to Christ—even the King rested on the 7th day.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Past interview: Jana Kramer & Mike Caussin Upcoming interview: Karen Ehman   Julie Carrick Carrick Ministries Foundation Unfailing Grace Grotto   Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith Good Housekeeping Doctors’ Secrets Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity John 10:10   Interview Quotes: “God's unfailing grace. No matter what we go through, that grace is there.” - Julie Carrick “The scripture—although it was written thousands of years ago—it wasn't written just for a thousand years ago. It was written timelessly. There is no beginning. There's no end. It was written for us today as much as it was back in the day.” - Julie Carrick “We're in a position where we are working out of our exhaustion rather than working out of the fullness of all that we have to give. We're not fully being able to use our gifts and our talents and all that God's placed inside of us because we are always working out of that place of depletion.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith “To give of our best, we have to be able to take the time to intentionally rest well.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith “I always like to meditate on a characteristic of God or even a word that brings you back to think about who God is in your life. Peace, love, joy. Pick a word, a phrase that you will focus on as a way of calming your mind and keeping it from being able to just jump to whatever thought that it decides it wants to.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith “I believe every one of us needs to have those people in our lives, whether it's a counselor or a therapist or a trusted friend, a family member, someone who knows at the very core of what's going on with you.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith “We need to see the value in spending time with those people who can pour back into us. We can't always be the ones pouring out into others.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith “Spiritual rest is the rest we experience when we have intimacy with God, when we take time to break away just to be with Him where we're not coming with our agenda. We're not coming with our prayer list. We're coming simply to just spend time in His presence and to enjoy being with Him.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith “God's best for us is where we actually go back to the very beginning and we do it as He has modeled even from the very beginning of creation.” - Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: https://b
From Stressful Living to Joyful Living: Ruth Chou Simons & Jess Connolly
February 18, 2021 - 21 min
Think of a time when you were able to spread a little sunshine to others. What kind of happiness and fullness did that bring you? God calls us to be conduits of His joy, peace, and healing, but we can only do that once we develop our faith muscle enough to leave the stresses and pressures of the world and step into His calling for us. Artist and writer Ruth Chou Simons always had a love for art, but felt pushed into places the world deems more practical. Creativity and beauty continued to find its way into her life through cracks and crevices, and after Ruth became a mom, she started a blog, Grace Laced, as a way to muse on the way God’s faithfulness was showing up in the everyday, and it led to an artistic career that brought her fulfillment beyond her wildest dreams. Life coach and author Jess Connolly has made it her personal mission to help people discover what their God-given gifts are, because it’s not about what we can do with our lives, but who we can serve through our actions. Jess has learned over the years that on our own, we could never be enough, but by His grace, we are.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Always Jesus Calling Past interview: Jaci Velasquez Upcoming interview: Julie Carrick   Ruth Chou Simons Grace Laced GraceLaced Beholding and Becoming:The Art of Everyday Worship Grace Laced Shop   Jess Connolly You Are the Girl for the Job Bright City Church Go and Tell Gals 1 Peter 2:9   Interview Quotes: “I thought my worth was so tied to what I could accomplish. And long story short, the Lord really did get a hold of me, and God in His kindness showed me that nothing I had to bring to the table, no matter how hard I tried, no matter what college I went, to what degree I graduated with, what job I landed, none of those things could earn me to favor with God.” - Ruth Chou Simons “Those are truly just seasons that come about where God really breaks you of things that you think can save yourself. And He shows you what true salvation is.” - Ruth Chou Simons “I was simply writing to faithfully document and see how God's faith, God's favor, and His grace intersects everyday life, even when life wasn't turning out the way I expected it to.” - Ruth Chou Simons “I think anything, any dream you have, anything you want to do successfully in a big way, you need to do faithfully in a small way.” - Ruth Chou Simons “There are lots of things we want to be in the presence of. And we forget that we were made to be in the presence of our Savior.” - Ruth Chou Simons “Fullness of joy comes through Christ and through our knowing Him.” - Ruth Chou Simons “We get to be rooted in the good news that though we are not enough, God is.” - Jess Connolly “One of the best ways we can fight fear is saying true things about God.” - Jess Connolly “I have learned that part of the beauty of prayer is that when I pray for certain things, for God to move in certain ways, I begin to look for and see the fruit of those things. And so I'm really praying to see His power and to see His presence and to see His peace manifested in people.” - Jess Connolly ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram <a href="htt
God Will Meet You in the Middle of Your Storm: Patrick & Ruth Schwenk and Harold & Rachel Earls
February 11, 2021 - 28 min
In each of our lives, there will come a time that we face a season of hardship, of difficulty, even true suffering. But no matter how awful things may seem to be, God is right there to help carry you when you can’t walk on your own. Ministry leaders and authors Ruth & Patrick Schwenk went through a ten-year period in which they had nine pregnancies—five of which sadly ended in miscarriage. After having four healthy children and relocating to Ann Arbor, Michigan to launch a new church, Patrick was suddenly diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, and it sent their family into a tailspin once again. Clinging to God, the Schwenks found a way to cope and survive, trusting in the strength of Jesus to get them through. Former Army Captain Harold Earls and his wife Rachel know all about sacrifice—from a national perspective to a personal one. Early in their marriage, Harold felt called to climb Mt. Everest in support of veteran PTSD and suicide awareness, and in doing so, it terrified Rachel that she’d lose her husband before they could ever start a life together. By turning to God as reassurance that everything would be okay, they made it through the tumultuous climb. Then, as a guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Virginia, Harold began a new mission each day of honoring the men and women who gave their all for their country and relied on his devotional ritual to help keep his mind on God’s purpose for his life. For each couple, looking to Jesus to help them through their toughest struggles helped them realize that God can bring forth good from pain and from sacrifice—and He can give you the strength to help you through the worst of it.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling devotional Past interview: Jonathan Pitts Upcoming interview: Ruth Chou Simons   Ruth & Patrick Schwenk John 3:30 Moody Bible Institute Psalm 9:10 1 Peter, 1:3-4 In a Boat in the Middle of a Lake: Trusting the God Who Meets Us in Our Storm   Harold & Rachel Earls Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Earls Family Vlogs Earls Fam Foundation Florida State University West Point Mount Everest Veteran suicide statistics Arlington National Cemetery A Higher Calling   Interview Quotes: “I had to give up everything that I had been and I had to follow Him with my whole heart.” - Ruth Schwenk  “I feel like God used that suffering and that uncertainty and that fear to really deepen my faith because I had a choice. I could either trust Him or I couldn't. And there was literally no earthly thing that I could do to change my situation.” - Ruth Schwenk  “There are so many ways that chaos and pain and suffering and loss can be places of great anxiety, but they also can be places of great abundance where God is beginning to do something new and something powerful.” - Patrick Schwenk “We believe that God hears our prayers. He loves us. He desires to take care of us just as His child. He desires to take care of us just like we as a mom or a dad desire to take care of our own child.” - Ruth Schwenk “I am grateful and it helps me to see the good around me and all the blessings that God has just given me, which really carr
Every Life Has God-Given Potential: Ben Higgins & John Bevere
February 4, 2021 - 28 min
God has blessed each of us with a special gift, a talent, a unique way that we can spread His Word in the world. Our gifts are given to us for a reason—no one else can do what we do. It is the way we were formed, and it’s why it’s so crucial that we learn to hone into God’s voice and what He’s calling us to do, lest the world suffer from the lack of our obedience. Former Bachelor star and founder of Generous Coffee, Ben Higgins, had a moment in his childhood that made him realize that people’s stories are more complex than he ever thought possible, and that pain and suffering are interwoven with joy. After Ben’s following boomed from the publicity that being on national television brought, he realized he had an opportunity to use his platform for good, for change in the lives of those who desperately need it. That’s when he founded Generous Coffee, seeking to fulfill a purpose greater than himself and connecting with stories that truly mean something to us as humans. Author and speaker John Bevere had an encounter with God in 1991, when God told him to write. John laughed at God, thinking he was surely mistaken and calling on the wrong follower. After several nudgings, John gave in, and now his books are being used to build Christ’s kingdom worldwide. These two men show that when we harness our God-given abilities and surrender to His callings, lives and hearts can be changed, and we can have an impact greater than we ever thought possible.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Calling for Armed Forces edition Past interview: Cynthia Garrett Upcoming interview: Patrick and Ruth Schwenk   Ben Higgins ABC’s The Bachelor - 20th season Generous Coffee Alone in Plain Sight Humanity Hope United   John Bevere Messenger International X: Multiply Your God Given Potential 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV COVID Colossians 3:23-24 NIV 1 Peter 4:10 NIV 2 Timothy 1:6-7 NIV   Interview Quotes: “I think the scariest thing that we could have in our life is experiencing pain and feeling alone in that pain. I don't know a scarier feeling than feeling alone.” - Ben Higgins “What if pain is the connector? What if pain is the thing that we can look at each other and feel less alone? And what if pain is the place that we not only grasp for God, but that God enters into our pain?” - Ben Higgins “I want to share empathy. I want to hear your story. I don't want to argue with you. I want to understand more than be understood.” - Ben Higgins “The more I become vulnerable, the more I let people understand who I am, the more that I also believe that I want to understand who others are.” - Ben Higgins “The callings on our lives are beyond our natural abilities.” - John Bevere “Being faithful means multiply, even if you're working for somebody else. If you're a line worker at the factory, if you're a janitor, you multiply where God has placed you. Be faithful, belie
Loving Our Neighbors Both Near & Far: Rick Steves and Thomas Morstead
January 28, 2021 - 25 min
God calls us to two highly important responsibilities: to love our Him with all of our being, and to treat our neighbors as we would want to be treated. By doing so, we can help turn our world into a better place, and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation. Travel expert Rick Steves has seen, tasted, and experienced many different cultures, and of all the memories he’s made and souvenirs he’s collected, he believes none are as important as the broadened perspective his adventures have helped him gain. Rick’s faith has deepened after seeing how God works in various cultures of humanity, and worshipping with different people has helped him see the true value of different communities and faith traditions. Thomas Morstead, a punter for the NFL’s New Orleans Saints, applied a mantra early on in life that no matter what, he would always give things his best shot, and leave the rest up to God. Following that principle has led Thomas to major success in the NFL, and has helped him use his influence to impact lives through his What You Give Will Grow Foundation.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Past interview: Joanne Rogers Upcoming interview: Ben Higgins   Rick Steves Rick's public television program San Juan Islands Guatemala   Thomas Morstead What You Give Will Grow Foundation Super Bowl XLIV Coach Payton What You Give Will Grow American Cancer Society American Heart Association Good Friday The Middle School Rules of Thomas Morstead Interview Quotes: “I think it carbonates your whole world when you get out there and you realize, Wow, different people find different truths to be self-evident and God-given. It makes you less fearful. It's a beautiful thing. “ - Rick Steves “We're a great country, but we're four percent of this planet, and there's ninety-six percent of humanity out there. And it really makes sense to get to know the rest of the world.” - Rick Steves “I love to meet other people of faith. And I love to share my faith with people who have no faith. Very fundamentally, we are children trying to figure out our relationship with God and trying to get close to our Heavenly Father.” - Rick Steves “But once in a while, it's good for me to get out there and worship with people who don't have the same hymnal, who don't have the same accent, who don't have the same blonde hair. It's exciting. And it's a beautiful thing. It's a celebration. I would imagine God likes to see that, too.” - Rick Steves ”For me, the most beautiful souvenir is bringing home a broader perspective.” - Rick Steves  “Travel helps you appreciate how many people over how many centuries with how many styles of faith have praised God. We have a deep seated need to just to have quiet time to be with our creator, with our Heavenly Father.” - Rick Steves “I've always attacked things and tried to do the best I can at whatever I'm doing, and that's just opened up other opportunities that you didn't even know would be out there.” - Thomas Morstead “Accountability always, always rests on yourself and not on anybody else. And so I think when you start to live your life that way, it's a very quick way to get to some arbitrary thing called happiness when your life isn't dictated by others.” - Thomas Morstead “I just think if you're surround
It’s Not Where You’ve Been, But Where You’re Going: Tana Amen & The Women from Jobs Partnership
January 21, 2021 - 33 min
Have you ever wished you’d made a different choice? Or imagined how different your life might have been if you’d taken a different path? No matter how bleak things might have been at one point, God can take your story and use it for good, and He can point you on the right path to healing. Nurse and author Tana Amen experienced more pain and chaos in her life than one person should ever have to face. She shoved all of the hurt deep down inside, building a façade to convince others she was okay, when she actually was about to crack. When she met her future husband, Dr. Daniel Amen, Tana learned some ways to heal herself and was loved so well by Daniel (and by God) that she began to find the restoration she so desperately needed. It was in that time that she realized God cares way more about where you’re going than where you’ve been. Cheryl Parks, Mila Brown, and Corday Rice join us from the Jobs Partnership organization in Peoria, Illinois, which seeks to help people transition from a life of incarceration back into society as healthy, healed individuals. These women share how they’ve seen the power of God operating in their lives, and how He rescued them from situations where they couldn’t escape of their own power. Now, they’re passionate about sharing about their pasts in hopes that they can change the lives of others the way they’ve been changed by God.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Sarah Young Jesus Always book Jesus Calling for First Responders editions Past interview: Dr. Daniel Amen Past interview: Rebecca Bender Upcoming interview: Rick Steves   Tana Amen Dr. Daniel Amen Amen Clinics Leave It to Beaver  Thyroid cancer 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 EMDR   Jobs Partnership organization Cheryl Parks Jobs Partnership Reentry   Interview Quotes: “If I only took fifty percent responsibility, it meant someone or something else had the other fifty percent. It meant I wasn't really in control. It wasn't me just relying on God. It was like me giving up control and being a victim.” - Tana Amen “What I learned is that when I put myself out there and helped when I didn't want to, I just had no idea how much the help was for them, but the healing was for me.” - Tana Amen “I think it's important to draw boundaries, but also understand when God's calling you to do something.” - Tana Amen “God cares less about where you've been than where you're going. And I'm so grateful for that grace and that mercy.” - Tana Amen “I feel like my life is so much better today not in spite of my struggles, but because of them.” - Tana Amen  “Meditation is when I listen to God and I listen for what He's saying to me. And prayer is when I'm talking to God and I tell Him my joy, my frustration, everything that there is, and I get it out of my head and it just really stills my soul and it's so helpful.” - Tana Amen “If my story can help anybody, one person, I've done what I needed to do.” - Mila Brown “The whole time that I was incarcerated, in my mind, I'm like, God, where am I going to go? I know no one. I have nobody. I have no family, no friends. No one has reached out to me for the four and a half years that I have been incarcerated. What am I going to do?” - Corday Rice “P
Winning Isn’t Everything—Jesus Is: Tony Dungy and Sam Acho
January 14, 2021 - 36 min
We live in a world where achievement is largely used as a motivator, and much of our time is spent consumed, looking for the next win—whether it be personally or professionally. It would benefit each of us to remember that in the long term, the ultimate win for us is establishing a relationship with Christ. Tony Dungy, the first African-American head coach to win an NFL Super Bowl, learned from mentors early on in his career that football wasn’t all that mattered—what mattered was the kind of man he was and the kind of men he shaped. A trailblazer, Dungy found a way to coach that aligned with his Christian values, showing the world that you can hold strong to your beliefs and find value in who Christ says you are, rather than who the world wants you to be. NFL linebacker and author Sam Acho grew up in a faith-based home, forming a relationship with God early on. But as he got more integrated in his career, Sam began to separate from his foundational values, and he suffered an identity crisis—he looked happy on the outside, but he didn’t feel it on the inside. It wasn’t until he went through a reckoning of sorts that Sam realized God believed he was worth getting to know, and when he started placing value on what really matters, things started to turn around.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling  Jesus Calling Podcast Winter 2021 Jesus Calling Magazine Jesus Calling for First Responders editions Past interviews: Lolo Jones and Evander Holyfield Upcoming interview: Tana Amen   Coach Tony Dungy All Pro Dad National Football League NBC’s Football Night in America Sunday Night Football Matthew 16:26 University of Minnesota Steelers Chuck Noll Tampa Bay Buccaneers Spelman College Super Bowl LII   Sam Acho  Let the World See You Dallas Theological Seminary Living Hope Bible Fellowship Church Reggie Bush Matt Leinart Pete Carroll Rivals Brian Orakpo Chris Ogbonnaya Emmanuel Acho Hebrews 11:1   Interview Quotes: “Welcome to the National Football League. You're now getting paid to play football, so that makes it your profession. But please, please don't make football your whole life.” - Chuck Noll, to Tony Dungy “I made a decision I was going to be different. And not everybody was ready for that.” - Tony Dungy “You can honor the Lord and you can be openly expressive about your faith and still be excellent.” - Tony Dungy “God takes you through things and you grow from them and then you look back and say, ‘Oh, that wasn'
Moving On and Starting Over: Angus Buchan and Tara Royer Steele
January 7, 2021 - 35 min
Can you remember a moment when God washed your slate clean, and gave you the opportunity to start over? Think about the impact of second chances in your life—where would you be if it weren’t for His endless grace? South African farmer and evangelist Angus Buchan knows firsthand how much courage it takes to fall to your knees and say, “Help me, God.” Ever since he made the radical life change to Christianity, Angus has faced his fair share of heartache, including working himself to the bone on his farm, facing devastating fires, and coping with the tragic loss of his nephew. But even in hardship, Angus has experienced miracles that have infused him with a passion to share the Word of God all over Africa, lighting up the world with his energy and enthusiasm. Pie shop owner Tara Royer Steele grew up working hard in her family’s business, but all the focus on the business left her longing for affirmation of who she was—not just what she could do. After years in an abusive marriage, she was ready to give up, but felt God pushing her towards something better, assuring her that He would be enough for her. Tara found the courage to start over, ultimately leading her to reach her dream of creating a haven for people to connect at a warm, friendly place over slices of pie.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling for First Responders editions   Angus Buchan Faith Like Potatoes KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa 2 Corinthians 5:17 2 Corinthians 9:8 Shalom Ministries Mighty Men conferences Randy Travis   Tara Royer Steele Royer's Pie Haven Fruit of the Spirit Jesus Calling for Kids Eat. Pie. Love.   Interview Quotes: “I knew in my heart that Jesus Christ was now the general manager of my life, my farm, my family.” - Angus Buchan “Look, I've had some tragedies, as you probably know, like all of us, but miracles have taken place. Nobody will ever persuade me that Jesus Christ is not alive and the Son of God, never.” - Angus Buchan “I had joy, I had peace, and I was ready for whatever God told me to do.” - Angus Buchan “We are going to flood this beloved country of South Africa. We're going to preach the undiluted gospel of Jesus Christ, that that is what I'm praying for right at this very moment.” - Angus Buchan “The cafe became a relational restaurant, and people that walked to the door felt safe and welcomed and loved and seen.” - Tara Royer Steele “There is no way that I would be sitting here right now if God hadn't protected and provided through that whole season.” - Tara Royer Steele, on working in her family business “God had to grab me and say, “Listen, this is your last chance. I love you. I see you. I am enough for you.” - Tara Royer Steele “Someone asked me, ‘What's your business plan?’ I was like, ‘Well, God's my business plan.’” - Tara Royer Steele “It's so easy for us in a world now where we quickly react and we don't step back and truly savor the moments that we have and these opportunities that we have to meet people exactly where they are and be the hands and feet of Jesus.” - Tara Royer Steele  ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist:
Addiction Steals, God Heals: Ryan Scheckler and Henriët Schapelhouman
December 31, 2020 - 34 min
No matter the trials that come your way, no matter how far gone you think you are, you are never alone in your suffering. God is beside you every step of the way, ready to rescue you when you reach for His hand. Professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler was thrust into fame at the tender age of thirteen. Caught up in his wild success and a partying lifestyle, by the time he was eighteen Ryan started spiraling hard into alcoholism. And years later, when he finally checked into rehab, Ryan finally learned God had a bigger purpose for his life. Growing up in the Netherlands, pastor Henriët Schapelhouman always had open conversations with God. And as an adult, she knew that He placed her adopted son, Harrison, into her life for a reason. But when Harrison began to suffer from a drug addiction, Henriet questioned why God would let her family go through such a difficult trial. Henriët continued to pray faithfully, believing that God would rescue her son from those deadly grips—and after Harrison had a brush with death, she cried tears of joy when she watched her son leave his dark days behind him.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling editions for First Responders Past interview: The Next Door addiction treatment center Upcoming interview: Angus Buchan   Ryan Sheckler The Life of Ryan Michael Phelps Make-A-Wish Foundation Sheckler Foundation    Henriët Schapelhouman True Hope Community Church Mennonite Brethren Church Free Methodist church The Story Lives: Leading a Missional Revolution   Interview Quotes: “The huge step for me was admitting that I was powerless and I couldn't do it without Him. I could not do anything else without Him.” - Ryan Sheckler “It's not lame to be vulnerable. It's not bad to tell people how you're thinking or to really express emotion, or to cry. That's what we're supposed to do.” - Ryan Sheckler “None of us are alone in this world. We're not alone. And we're supposed to go through pain to be able to teach this lesson.” - Ryan Sheckler “Everyone's going to go through pain. We all go through pain. For me, pain is my teacher, my biggest teacher.” - Ryan Sheckler “I'm a firm believer that the road home needs to stay open, just like the father of the prodigal son stood waiting for his son to return.” - Henriët Schapelhouman “People thought it was enabling, but I was a firm believer that my job was to hang on to God and hang on to Harrison, that I basically was between them because Harrison wasn't connecting with God. So I felt like I was the conduit. And that was my job.” - Henriët Schapelhouman “Without Jesus, I would not be standing. I mean, first and foremost, you need Jesus. And if you don't know Jesus, it's a great time to reach out to Him or at least reach out to someone who knows Him.” - Henriët Schapelhouman ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter <a href="
A Prayer for Peace & Hope at Christmas: Chris Tomlin and Tom & Pam Banwart
December 24, 2020 - 33 min
Gifts come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s nothing greater than the gift of love, no matter its wrapping. As award-winning worship artist Chris Tomlin looked forward to welcoming his newest daughter in December, he was reminded of the miracle of Christ’s birth, and how Jesus was the greatest gift we could ever receive. Tom and Pam Banwart have been spreading love in a variety of ways in their Florida community since the start of COVID-19. Through acts of service and kindness like bagel deliveries, active prayer outside hospitals, and sharing worship music, the Banwarts are suiting up and showing up for our frontline responders and demonstrating a consistent, Christ-like love to those fighting every single day.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Always Jesus Calling Sarah Young Past interview: RaeLynn Upcoming interview: Ryan Sheckler   Chris Tomlin Scripture: Birth of Jesus Virtual Event - Christmas Songs of Worship: New album: Miracle of Love: Christmas Songs of Worship    Tom & Pam Banwart COVID-19 Pandemic   Interview Quotes: “When I come to try to write songs, I'm always thinking, I want to write songs that bring worship to God, the reason that we have Christmas.” - Chris Tomlin “Can you imagine what Mary must have felt when the angels came to Joseph and Mary in the tree and said, ‘Oh, by the way, you're about to have a baby and it’s going to be the Son of God.’” - Chris Tomlin “I sat down and I thought, Here's a moment to write a song that's really personal to me, [because] my Christmas baby is coming, but [it] also has a parallel of Jesus coming at Christmas as well.” - Chris Tomlin “Jesus is the greatest miracle that's ever happened to the world.” - Chris Tomlin "When COVID-19 hit, we didn't know what to do, we were afraid. The thought that just kept coming to me was, What a wonderful opportunity for us as Christians, that God gave us this chance to fight the spiritual battle." - Tom Banwart “The best thing for me in my life has been the consistency of Christ. And He has consistently been there, no matter what I'd done, where I'd been or anything. He's been there, and they need to know that they had that, too.” - Tom Banwart, on praying for first responders and patients outside their local hospital ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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