Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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How Do We Know If We’re Hearing God? Carlos Whittaker and Sheryl Brady
December 17, 2020 - 33 min
Trying to follow God’s direction for our lives can feel a little intimidating. Are we sure we’re doing what He wants us to do? Are we on the path He’s charted out for us? Carlos Whittaker had built a successful and passion-filled career as a worship leader, so when he felt God’s nudge to go in a different direction, he took the plunge—only to be met with confusion and a bank account that was rapidly draining. But Carlos didn’t waver from his calling, and he was given a huge opportunity that changed the trajectory of his entire life. Pastor Sheryl Brady serves at a campus of Potter’s House in Dallas, TX, sharing God’s hope and goodness with the community. But when Pastor Brady experienced a dark season of loss, she struggled to share the message that once came with ease, and began to grow distant from God. But as she held onto the truth she knew deep down—that God loved her and she loved Him—Pastor Brady found the strength to be open and honest about her pain, and it led her to immense healing.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Sarah Young Recommended interview: John Maxwell Upcoming interview: Chris Tomlin Carlos Whittaker   New Book: Enter Wild Colón, Panama LAX  L.A. Community College Monterrey, Mexico First Bilingual Baptist Church Integrity Music Hillsong United John Mark McMillan  Jeremy Camp The Newsboys My Utmost for His Highest Elevation Church North Point Community Church Cross Point Church Song: ”What Can Wash Away My Sins? Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” John 10:10 Compassion International   Sheryl Brady New Book: Don't Miss the Moment Potter’s House Bishop T.D. Jakes Romans 8:38   Interview Quotes: “I prayed about it one day, and I felt very clearly the Lord telling me, ‘They're right, you are supposed to be a speaker and an author next. That is the next thing I have for you.’” - Carlos Whittaker “It doesn't matter how long you're in the wilderness. If the Lord has promised you something, He will come through with it.” - Carlos Whittaker “When the Lord tells you to do something scary, I promise you the risk is worth it.” - Carlos Whittaker “We're not called to become Christians and wait for heaven. We actually are called to become Christians and bring heaven. And that potential and opportunity with the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives is available to us.” - Carlos Whittaker “Life to the full has nothing to do with the abundance of things and everything to do with accessing the King.” - Carlos Whittaker “We've got the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith in the sword of the Spirit. And all of these things wil
When We Don’t Love Ourselves, God Still Does: Mike Weaver and James Merritt
December 10, 2020 - 25 min
We all struggle with insecurities and feeling like we aren’t enough. But we serve a God who loves us regardless of how much we love ourselves. And He can still use us, even when we don’t feel equipped. Mike Weaver, lead singer of the Dove-Award winning group Big Daddy Weave, lived much of his life from a place of low self-esteem, always comparing himself to others and wishing he looked different. But he had a special and unexpected moment with God when he realized that God doesn’t just love him—He likes him, too. That realization helped Mike begin to appreciate himself and his own special gifts, refreshing his perspective and perception of God. Dr. James Merritt, pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Atlanta, knows that more than anything, our character counts, even more than what others might think about us. He shares how we can cultivate strong character, and why standing for what we believe in holds a greater reward than getting approval from someone else. Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling iPhone app Jesus Calling book  Sarah Young Past interview: Chelsea Crockett Upcoming interview: Sheryl Brady   Mike Weaver I Am Redeemed book by Mike Weaver Big Daddy Weave “Redeemed” song University of Mobile Jeremy Redmon COVID-19 James 4:8, Jeremiah 29:12    Dr. James Merritt Character Still Counts book by Dr. James Merritt Cross Pointe Church Touching Lives Dwight L. Moody Billy Graham   Interview Quotes: “I just never felt like I belonged in front of people. However, worship would give me an opportunity to disappear and still do what I love.” - Mike Weaver “The way I thought other people were accepting me is how I was able to accept me. The way I thought other people were liking me is how I gave myself permission to like me.” - Mike Weaver "I was telling God this long list of things that I hated about myself, and then that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit interrupted: 'Michael, why don't you let Me tell you what I think about you for once?'" – Mike Weaver “Jesus came in and He bailed me out again. He did it again. He broke through for me. And He always is the hero of my story. And so I was just like, ‘God, how amazing that You can bring this [song] out of self-hatred. That's how great of a Redeemer You are.’” - Mike Weaver, on the success of his song, “Redeemed” “We have experienced Him in such incredible ways in that place of need, realizing, Jesus, we need You.” - Mike Weaver “When God looks at us, He's not looking at our mistakes. He is looking at what Jesus has done on our behalf and our identity. Our entire identity is rooted not in our imperfection, but the perfection of Jesus Christ applied to our life.” - Mike Weaver “At the end of the day, at the end of your life, character is everything.” - James Merritt “Character is not taught, it's caught. And the best teachers of character are parents.” - James Merritt “I think it all begins with saying, ‘You know what? Character is more important to me than my reputation. It really is the essence of who I am.’” - James Merritt “At the end of your life, it really won't matter what anybody thought about you. The only thing that will matter is what God knew about you.” - James Merritt ________________________ Enjoy wa
Painful Endings and New Beginnings: Zim Flores & Kayla Stoecklein
December 3, 2020 - 35 min
Have you ever experienced the pain of reaching the end of something you loved—a relationship, a job, a phase of life? Looking back, how was God able to lead you from that loss into a new chapter? Entrepreneur and author Zim Flores is familiar with the pain of letting go. A few years ago, she gave up her highly successful company, Travel Noire, because she felt God calling her to move to a new place. Looking back, Zim can see how God worked all things together for her good, which she talks about in her new book called Dare to Bloom. Mental health advocate Kayla Stoecklein experienced the tragic loss of her young husband to suicide, just as he was hitting his stride as the lead pastor of a large church in California. Reeling from her new life as a widow with three young boys, Kayla began to reexamine the way she thought about mental health, and God helped Kayla use her story to begin helpful and healing conversations around this issue.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Other Interview of Interest: Brett Swayn Upcoming interview: Mike Weaver of Big Daddy Weave   Zim Flores  New book: Dare to Bloom Travel Noire Biafran War Mayo Clinic Bangalore John 15   Kayla Stoecklein New book: Fear Gone Wild Vanguard University Inland Hills Church National Suicide Prevention   Interview Quotes: “I don't think that it should be something that is a rarity for women and men of God to talk about God in a way that inspires people to think a little bit differently about God in their own lives.” - Zim Flores “I would say that my time in India being away from everything that I knew, everybody that I knew, speaking a different language completely, that was where my faith in God was strengthened.” - Zim Flores “Your sacrifice unto God is not for naught. He will honor that sacrifice, whether it is tomorrow, whether it's next month, whether it's five months or a year from now. God always makes good on His promises.” - Zim Flores “I am an open vessel. I think the best thing that we can be for God is available.” - Zim Flores “I believed with enough prayer that God would intervene, that God would save [Andrew]. I was willing to do whatever it took to beg God for that miracle, and we didn't get that miracle.” - Kayla Stoecklein  “Oftentimes there's so much shame and stigma with that word suicide. I think oftentimes the family that's left in the shrapnel is afraid to say that word, is afraid to admit that it was a suicide and tries to hide it up or tries to cover it or thinks it's their fault. And I knew right away that it wasn't anybody's fault.” - Kayla Stoecklein “God was on the move and He handed me this microphone, and I couldn't look away. And so I kept sharing and I really, truly felt the presence of God like I had never felt in my entire life.” - Kayla Stoecklein “We serve a God that can squeeze so much purpose out of our pain and that can turn really horrible, horrific, ugly things into beautiful redemption stories for others.” - Kayla Stoecklein ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram <a href="https:
Life’s Green Light & Red Light Moments: Matthew McConaughey & Rebecca Alonzo
November 26, 2020 - 41 min
Many of us can think back on a moment—or many moments—that defined our lives for better or worse. But when we’re actually in that moment, it’s hard to see how it could potentially shape who we are down the road. It’s not usually until later that we can look back and see how God was working everything together for good. Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey recently pulled out thirty-six years of his journals, prepared to be ashamed and embarrassed by their contents. But when he flipped through the pages, he realized there was a through-line of beautiful moments, lessons, and experiences that all contributed to the man he is today. Author and speaker Rebecca Alonzo’s childhood was tainted by a member of her parents’ church who terrorized their family, ultimately leading to the tragic death of her mother and father. After years of wrestling with God, and being unable to see how He is good, Rebecca realized that she needed Him more than she needed to be mad at Him, and her anger dissolved into forgiveness, mapping out a new course for her future.  Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Free sample of Jesus Calling: Note-Taking Edition Jesus Calling book Past interview: Rebecca Bender and Patti Callahan Upcoming interview: Zim Flores   Matthew McConaughey  Greenlights book Just Keep Livin Foundation  University of Texas at Austin   Rebecca Alonzo The Devil in Pew Number Seven book Ephesians 4:31 Romans 8:28  John 15:12   Interview Quotes: “I did go through an, ‘Okay, I need to figure out what matters and what doesn't’, because over one weekend my life changed so much.” - Matthew McConaughey, on the smash success of his film A Time to Kill “My family, one of the best traits we have is resilience.” - Matthew McConaughey "We need to take time where we stop and do inventory. That's what church is for me now . . . That's, Let's go back to our last week, who we were in it. How did we do?" - Matthew McConaughey “The thing that really surprised me about writing is that I was writing about the exact same stuff, the same questions at fourteen is the same question that woke me up at 2:32 AM last night, it's essentially the same stuff. And going back and looking at [my younger self] and really diving into it has been extremely valuable my life.” - Matthew McConaughey, on keeping a journal for 36 years “I can see myself in them and hear how they got back on the right track when they were on the wrong track. So that feels really good to me.” - Matthew McConaughey, on participants in his "just keep livin'" Foundation for youth “Our hands are on the wheel, but God's laying out the highway.” - Matthew McConaughey “I didn’t know if I was going to wake up in my bed, or if I was going to wake up in heaven.” - Rebecca Alonzo, on living through harassment as a child by a fellow townsperson “When I lost my adoring father, oh, wow. It just spun me into two years of really being angry at God. And I said, ‘Lord, Mom, when she died, a man shot her and took her life. But when dad died, Lord, You took him.’” - Rebeca Alonzo “I need God more than I need to be mad at Him. I need Him more than I need to blame Him, I need His wisdom, I need His direction, I need His comfort.” - Rebecca Alonzo “It takes energy to hold on to anger.” - Rebecca Alonzo “He knows everything that we've been through. He knows every thought that we struggle with. He knows every pain that we carry in our hearts. And every time God kept His promise.” - Rebecca Alonzo ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling
Family Matters: Country Music’s High Valley & The NFL’s Trent Dilfer
November 19, 2020 - 33 min
From time to time, life has a way of making us feel that everything is crumbling down around us. Problems can shake us, and even break us. But what will still be there when nothing else is left is family: whether it’s the family you’re born into or the family you choose. Growing up in a remote Mennonite community in northern Alberta, Canada, Brad and Curtis Rempel of the country music duo High Valley cultivated a rich passion for music and tight-knit family. As they try to put music into the world that draws families together, Brad and Curtis have come to realize where their priorities lie—and that’s with raising their kids. Super Bowl-winning quarterback Trent Dilfer knows the value of appreciating your family, particularly since he tragically lost his son Trevin at a young age. Keeping faith as the foundation for his life, Trent has repurposed his pain into passion, and started saying yes to where God wanted him to go, which led to the unlikely decision to coach high school football and mentor young athletes in Nashville, TN. Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Always Jesus Calling Note-Taking Edition Jesus Calling book Past interview:  Ron Hall Upcoming interview: Matthew McConaughey   Brad and Curtis Rempel Ricky Skaggs Skaggs Family   Trent Dilfer Super Bowl XXXV Lipscomb Academy Disneyland Philippians 4:6–7   Interview Quotes: “I've been a dad for almost seven years, and I'm still just trying to always pray that God will keep me humble, and if I want my kids to own their own mistakes, I’ve got to own mine.” - Curtis Rempel “We pray as a family all the time that God will work in our hearts, help us to be servants of each other, and be humble.” - Curtis Rempel ”You do all the things that you think are the right things to do, but God has this story that He's writing.” - Brad Rempel “God has this amazing way of just doing what He wants with what you've got.” - Brad Rempel “Football has this unique way of not just impacting the individual that's playing it, coaching it, but especially here in the south, it impacts communities.” - Trent Dilfer “I've been asked this question a million times about how my faith has impacted my life, and I can always give the same answer. It is my life. It's the foundation. It's the starting point for everything.” - Trent Dilfer “I still to this day can't understand how somebody can get through how hard life is without that peace that transcends understanding.” - Trent Dilfer “As these wounds were being opened, as I was dealing with some of this pain, again, it was bringing out a passion in me that I hadn't had in years—maybe more than I had ever had. That passion surfaced as thought leadership, has surfaced as capacity, has surfaced as energy, has surfaced as compassion.” - Trent Dilfer, on coaching high school football “Sometimes we stay in our pain because we think that's where we should live. And we'd feel guilty if that pain turns into something positive. I would just tell you from life experience that that pain repurposed into passion is an incredible, redemptive quality that only the Lord Jesus Christ can provide.” - Trent Dilfer ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist: ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook<
Our Secret Weapon for the Battles of Life—Prayer: Bishop T.D. Jakes & Lt. Col. Dan Rooney
November 12, 2020 - 27 min
Can you remember praying for something with everything you had, but felt your pleas went unanswered? Maybe you’ve prayed a silent prayer, unable to find the words, and God moved everything into place better than you could’ve imagined. Regardless of how we perceive it or how we’ve experienced it, prayer is powerful, and it can change things—whether it’s your circumstances, or even you. Throughout his personal life and his forty-year ministry, Bishop T.D. Jakes has seen firsthand how the earth moves when women engage in prayer. And now that our world is facing battles on so many fronts, he urges everyone to pray both offensively and defensively, because it has the potential to change the world. Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney, a fighter pilot and PGA professional, considers himself a vessel of impact, noting that the only way he was able to achieve his goals was because God was on his side. By dedicating himself to 30 minutes of prayer a day, Lt. Col Rooney has learned how to engineer a life of fulfillment, noting that as a faith-based person, we often have to jump before we’re ready. Driven by his God-given purpose, Lt. Col Rooney’s organization Folds of Honor is assisting families of fallen and disabled veterans, showing that when we dedicate ourselves to the Lord, He will use you as an instrument for good.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Past interview: Charles Billingsley Upcoming interview: Trent Dilfer   Episode sponsor: Operation Christmas Child  Build a shoebox for a child online at Samaritan’s   Bishop T.D. Jakes Potter's House T.D. Jakes Foundation T.D. Jakes Enterprises When Women Pray book Mother Teresa COVID-19   Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney Folds of Honor University of Kansas United States Air Force Eglin Air Force Base Luke Air Force Base Fly into the Wind book Interview Quotes: “This is a good time to amass women and challenge them to pray, because we are being attacked on so many fronts today: personally, nationally, medically, economically.” - T.D. Jakes “Every woman has to use prayer both as offense and defense.” - T.D. Jakes “Every choice you make follows a logical path. And it starts with, I won't do that. I can't do that. I'd like to. I'll try. I can. I will.” - Lt. Col. Dan Rooney “I dedicated myself to thirty minutes of daily prayer. And it was a life changing gift that the Air Force, probably above all else, gave me.” - Lt. Col. Dan Rooney “I would say the defiant thread of true greatness in faith-based people is you get to a place in your life and you’ve got to go before you're ready...This reckless faith that I've learned as a fighter pilot in an inherently very dangerous business is such a gift. Life is not a dress rehearsal.” - Lt. Col. Dan Rooney “He picks the least among us, but He picks the willing.” - Lt. Col. Dan Rooney _______________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio Playlist: Video Playlist: What’s Good? Playlist:
Giving Love Away, Getting More Back: Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary & Beth Guckenberger
November 5, 2020 - 33 min
The greatest gift we can ever give—or receive—is love. It’s the only thing that multiples when we give it away, whether we’re showing that love to family and pets, friends and strangers. Michael and Zina Goodin of Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary share how they began to care for older dogs who often got overlooked, providing for them in such a way that brings out their best. Over the years, Michael and Zina have learned a few life lessons from their canine friends, which they share in their new book, Homecoming Tales. Orphan care advocate Beth Guckenberger of Back2Back Ministries is familiar with small beginnings—and if you ask her, she’ll tell you just how amazing it is that God was ever able to use her to create such a ministry. Through the miracles she’s seen, and the amazing children she’s met along the way, Beth has seen the value of stepping out in faith, and how God works all things together for good as we shower others with His love.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Past interview: Kristen Chenoweth and Joanne RogersUpcoming interview: Bishop TD Jakes   Episode sponsor: Operation Christmas Child  Build a shoebox for a child online at Samaritan’s   Michael and Zina Goodin Book: Homecoming Tales Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary Middle Tennessee Golden Retriever Rescue Simon and Garfunkel song, “Old Friends”  Michael and Zina’s feature in the October 2020 issue of Jesus Calling Magazine Beth Guckenberger Back2Back Ministries Young Life Zachariah 14 BRCA2 cancer BRCA2 positive   Interview Quotes: “That's our goal: for as long as the dogs are with us, to keep them as happy and comfortable as we can.” - Michael Goodin  “Because of Lucy-Lu's attitude, we realized that these senior dogs, no matter what terrible background they came from, could appreciate the rest of their life and leave the past behind them and have a good life.” - Zina Goodin “One of the greatest things about older dogs, especially when they have been in the shelters, when we bring them out of that shelter, they don't even remember the past. They just live in the day, and they get so happy.” - Michael Goodin “I had to try to understand what it looked like for God to be sovereign in stories that were hard.” - Beth Guckenberger “We knew that we were taking small steps, and this was a small beginning. We had no idea what was going ahead. But there was a lot of comfort in believing that God was just rejoicing in our obedience.” - Beth Guckenberger “Watching the power of love in the life of an adopted child and what it does to a child to feel known and loved and seen, it definitely birthed all the rest of the stories that happened in our family.” - Beth Guckenberger “This is exactly why we sow truth into our hearts, so that in a moment we most need it, It's right there at the ready for us. So for me, when I get big feelings like fear or anger or anything that can threaten to steal the peace that I have, I just remind myself of what's true.” - Beth Guckenberger “The faster we get to that
Responding to Nudges from the Spirit: Anne Neilson & Nikki Speer
October 29, 2020 - 33 min
Have you ever felt pulled towards something, but you’re not sure what? Maybe God was nudging you to pursue the calling He has for you. Artist Anne Neilson, famous for her angel paintings, has felt those nudges all throughout her life, starting when she was a little girl and knew she was meant to be an artist. Now looking back, Anne can see God’s fingerprints all over her life, and how He shaped her art into a ministry beyond what she ever imagined, including the inspiration to write a new devotional called Anne Neilson’s Angels. Nikki Speer, founder of the nonprofit Redefined Courage, has watched many women in her family battle with breast cancer. When Nikki noticed that her mom—the woman she’d always seen as the most radiant in the room—no longer felt beautiful, she realized God was prompting her toward a new calling: to design clothing for women dealing with breast cancer that was not only comfortable and allowed them to heal, but also helped them feel confident in their fight.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith television show Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Devotional Jesus Calling Magazine Jesus Calling for Kids Past guest: Delilah Upcoming guest: Michael and Zina Goodin of Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary   Episode sponsor: Operation Christmas Child  Build a shoebox for a child online at Samaritan’s   Anne Neilson Anne Nielson's Angels: Devotions and Art to Encourage, Refresh, and Inspire Steven Curtis Chapman Kathie Lee Gifford Nikki Speer Redefined Courage Breast cancer Lymphedema   Interview Quotes: “There were times that I really questioned, Is this what God has called me to do?”  - Anne Neilson “God has put these people in my path. He weaves us all together, and it's for a purpose that we might not even know.” - Anne Neilson “Words are powerful—the words that come out of our mouth, the words that are spoken to our friends, our children, our colleagues, our employees, to ourselves.“ - Anne Neilson “These angels do bring comfort and healing through the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit, through art. God is the master Artist. He is the master Creator.” - Anne Neilson “We were walking out of the mall, and I made the bold promise that I would design clothing for [my mom] so that she could feel beautiful.” - Nikki Speer  “This is not a, ‘Man, I drew this sticky note, and this amazing thing was created.’ There were a lot of samples, and there was a lot of learning and growing and changing and mistakes, but a lot of God working.” - Nikki Speer “When I was growing up, my mom would tell me, ‘You should always leave a conversation knowing more about the other person than they know about you.’” - Nikk
Healing Our Wounds & Restoring Our Lives: Lecrae Moore and Jeremy & Adrienne Camp
October 22, 2020 - 35 min
In times of hurt, sometimes our first instinct is to distance ourselves from God, because it’s hard to understand why He’d allow us to suffer. But what we don’t always realize is that He is a God of restoration. And when we turn to Him to find peace, He can bring good out of our brokenness. GRAMMY award-winning rhymist and activist Lecrae Moore’s early years were spent in a broken, abused environment, creating emotional trauma he had to learn to unpack. Curious about who God was, and terrified he would be responsible for his own destiny, Lecrae looked to Christianity for purpose. But as he began to find healing, the religious community turned their back on him because his views were different than theirs. In response, Lecrae turned his back on God, seeking affirmation in all the wrong places. Lecrae began seeing a therapist and was diagnosed with depression, and as he worked through his trauma, his heart was softened—and restored—by Jesus. Christian music artist Jeremy Camp’s first wife, Melissa, tragically passed away from cancer at only 21 years old. But through his grief, Jeremy knew God was still good, and he continued to pursue faith in all that he did. Eventually, God led Jeremy to find his wife Adrienne, and now they continue to build their faith as a family.      Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling book Episode Sponsor: Samaritan’s Past interview: John and Stasi Eldredge Future interview: Anne Neilson   Lecrae Moore “Cry for You” song Jeremiah 30:17 Restoration album I Am Restored book Psalm 23   Jeremy Camp Adrienne Camp “I Still Believe” song Psalm 34:18 Proverbs 3:5–6 I Still Believe movie Interview Quotes: “When you're neglected and abused, you can develop a massive sense of insecurity. And in order to deal with that insecurity, I performed because it was a way I could find affirmation.” - Lecrae Moore “I had a friend tell me, “Well, since you're an atheist, Lecrae, you know that there's no hope or belief in anything except yourself.” And I never forgot how petrified I was, because I could barely tie my shoe, and now I was in control of my destiny and purpose.” - Lecrae Moore  “Even the toughest of people have a breaking point. I knew I had reached my breaking point, and I knew I needed professional help.” - Lecrae Moore “The fear is that you're standing on the edge, the precipice of change, and you're afraid to jump because you just don't believe that change can really happen. But the reality is that the first jump is the evidence of change. You've already begun the process when you take the leap.” - Lecrae Moore “That's one of the most beautiful realizations I came to is that even in my darkest place, God's there. If I return to that dark place, what's the worst thing that's gonna happen that I'm afraid of? God will be there with me.” - Lecrae Moore “When we can see the massive length, the depth, the height of God's love, it's transforming. It transforms our views on everything.” - Lecrae Moore “You're not gonna be able to change the world effectively until you own your story and allow it to turn you into someone amazing.” - Lecrae Moore “When asked how she was doing, her response to me was, ‘I'm doing okay because I realized that if I die from this cancer, but if one person gives their life to Jesus, then it's all worth it.’” -
Big Changes, New Dreams: Kathie Lee Gifford and Jim & Jill Kelly
October 15, 2020 - 30 min
Often in life, unexpected changes can lead to new dreams. God has proven time and time again that He can use any moment—good or bad—to change the trajectory of our lives for His glory. Legendary entertainer Kathie Lee Gifford was born with dreams that unfolded as she pursued her passion to perform. As she’s moved through the entertainment world for the past fifty years, Kathie has followed where God has called her, including a new season where she’s helping kids pinpoint the dreams God has in store for them with her brand-new book children’s book Hello, Little Dreamer. NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly, and his wife, philanthropist Jill Kelly were living what they thought was the perfect life—Jim had just retired after a successful career with the Buffalo Bills, they had a beautiful daughter and had just welcomed their son Hunter into the world. But their world was rocked when Hunter was diagnosed with a rare disorder and projected not to live past his second birthday. The Kellys realized they couldn’t rely on the things they had before, like their own ability to make things happen, and had to instead reach for something greater. Both Jim and Jill came to faith because of a desperate need for hope, and when they realized how much healing God can bring, they started the Hunter’s Hope Foundation to provide that same light to others.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith television show on Circle TV Note-Taking edition of Jesus Calling Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Lives Jesus Today Jesus Always Past interviews: Matthew Barnett, Richard Cowdrey Future interviews: Lecrae Moore   Kathie Lee Gifford Hello, Little Dreamer   Jim Kelly Jill Kelly  National Football League Buffalo Bills Super Bowl  University of Miami USFL Pro Football Hall of Fame Hunter’s Hope Foundation Cerebral palsy Krabbe leukodystrophy   Interview Quotes: “People asked me this my whole life: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I think that's the wrong question to ask children. I think it's not what they want to be so much as what does God want you to be?” - Kathie Lee Gifford “I can't tell you how many people I was honored and privileged to lead to the Lord because I happened to be on a movie set, on a TV set, or in a recording studio or on location.” - Kathie Lee Gifford “Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words. Love people. When you love people, that's when they sense Jesus.” - Kathie Lee Gifford “I've never been confused at all about what I'm supposed to do. And I think that's because I was pursuing my dreams. I can't even imagine what God's got for me next.” - Kathie Lee Gifford “In that moment of just tremendous fear and anguish and devastation, I knew that I was going to have to seek beyond what this world has to offer.” - Jill Kelly, on her son Hunter’s Krabbe leukodystrophy diagnosis “We realized . . . that it was God using the suffering of our one and only son to point
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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