Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Connection Through Praise and Worship: Matt Redman & Mark Schultz
July 30, 2020 - 31 min
We all value connection: to our loved ones, to the world around us, to the principles that matter to us. And our most important connection is with God, which can feel so powerful through our praise. Worship leader Matt Redman shares how music became his escape from the darkness he endured in his youth—his father’s suicide early in his life, then abuse in his teen years. But when Matt was introduced to Steven Curtis Chapman’s music in college, he found a path that would draw him near to God through living in a state of constant wonder. Singer/songwriter Mark Schultz was struggling to make it big in the Nashville music scene when he met a youth pastor who would change his life. After working with kids and singing songs from the heart, Mark landed a record deal, and today, he’s built a beautiful life by putting praise for Jesus above everything. Plus, after being adopted in his childhood, Mark finally understood the heavenly meaning of that word when he adopted his own little one.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Calling Prayer Call Jesus Calling Kids/Childrens Jesus Calling Podcast Episode with Steven Curtis Chapman: "A Father's Love Is Special"    Matt Redman Psalms 10,000 Reasons song Let There Be Wonder album If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, there’s help. Please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.   Mark Schultz  Remember Me Mission Kansas State University Ryman Auditorium Grand Ole Opry   Mattie Jackson Selecman   Interview Quotes: “I needed to talk to God. I needed to cry out to God. Music seemed like a really powerful way to do that.” - Matt Redman “I loved that we weren't just singing about Him, but we were singing to Him.” - Matt Redman “One of the challenges of trying to portray God through music is to do with trying to paint the biggest picture of Him that you can.” - Matt Redman “He's the lion and the lamb, He is the God who thunders and whispers. He's a God who terrifies, and yet He befriends. He's the one who knelt down, washed the feet of His disciples, even though He's the one whose footstool is the earth.” - Matt Redman “There's something special about hearing a father's words speak over you, that they believe in you, and cast a vision for you, and I think there's something about that that you kind of grow into that as your story unfolds.” - Mark Schultz “That would be one of those moments that I look back on that I feel like it was a dad's vision and a belief in me, just following that.” - Mark Schultz, on a dream fulfilled to play at Ryman Auditorium “God doesn't want something from us—He wants something for us.” - Mark Schultz   ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinteres
Rewriting Our Stories, Redefining Our Lives: Scott Sauls and Jay & Katherine Wolf
July 23, 2020 - 30 min
We have a tendency to see black and white in our stories. We believe we’re doing the right things because we don’t seem to be encountering many problems. We think we’re loving others well because we don’t see any evidence that says otherwise. But the truth is that no matter how hard we try, we will face hard problems and tough situations. We will face division and anger. But God will equip us with the tools we need to navigate life with profound faith and great love. Pastor and author Scott Sauls asks us to think about what our world would be like if we approached others with compassion and gentleness like Jesus, to try and heal a hurting world. Advocates Jay and Katherine Wolf faced the unimaginable when Katherine, a twenty-six-year-old mother of a six-month-old son, suffered a brain stem stroke that turned their world upside down. Now a full-time caregiver, Jay shares how God brought them closer to Him through each other, and how sometimes healing and despair go hand in hand.  Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Calling: What’s Good? (YouTube video series)Jesus Calling Podcast Episode - The Broken Road to Joy: Ann Voskamp & Emily Stroud  Gary Sinise Foundation Scott Sauls A Gentle Answer: Our Secret Weapon in an Age of Us Against Them book Christ Presbyterian Church (Nashville, Tennessee) (Luke 7) Fred Rogers (Jesus Calling podcast interview with wife Joanne Rogers) Jay and Katherine Wolf Suffer Strong: How to Survive Anything by Redefining Everything Samford University (Birmingham, AL) Pepperdine Caruso School of Law Bel Air Presbyterian Church (Los Angeles, CA) CaringBridge (Isaiah 45:3) Matt Redman   Interview Quotes:   “What could it look like for followers of Christ, especially, to give ourselves to a gentleness movement or a kindness movement in a climate where kindness is so scarce?” - Scott Sauls “Cynicism and negativity are very contagious, but so are love and kindness.” - Scott Sauls “Every single square inch of the universe—people, places, and things—belongs to God, is created by God, and is entrusted to our care.” - Scott Sauls “Everybody's job is an opportunity to serve God in the same way that a pastor's job is an opportunity to serve God.” - Scott Sauls “Christians have that resource to be more difficult to offend, because Christ chose not to be offended by us. He chose instead to love us and to forgive us and to draw us into His family and adopt us.” - Scott Sauls   “Looking back on your story, it's important and it's profound to see some things you didn't see in the moment because it was up close, and to see how God was putting those pieces together.” - Jay Wolf “The idea that God had spared her life was the beginning of hope for me.” - Jay Wolf ”We thought [Katherine’s being on life support] was really just a sign and a little sort of glimmer that God was saying, ‘I'm still here. I haven't abandoned you, even if I'm silent.’” - Jay Wolf “I think we want to say it's one or the other, ‘Oh, you're in this healing mode,’ or, ‘You're in this despairing mode.’ Sometimes they're right in the same place together.” - Jay Wolf “‘You get to put into practice everything you believe, and I'm going to supernaturally supply you. My divine power will give you everything that you need to
Our Dreams, God’s Calling: Jaci Velasquez and Andy Harrison
July 16, 2020 - 28 min
Dreaming, planning, preparing for the future—it’s in our nature to map out where we’d like our lives to go. But in the midst of our dreaming, it’s important to take a step back and ask God, “What do You want for my life?” Because He might have a different—and better—answer for us. When Christian music artist Jaci Velasquez was pregnant with her son Zealand, she knew he’d have a ministry of his own one day. But when Jaci discovered Zealand had autism, she wondered how he’d ever spread God’s love if he couldn’t communicate. Over time, Jaci learned to shift her perspective from “Why me?” to “Why not me?” and she began to see how God can use anyone or anything for good. Worship pastor Andy Harrison was raised in a Christian home, but never really felt connected to God. After attending a youth camp and a Planetshakers conference, Andy was struck by how passionate the people around him were, and he wanted to discover this Jesus that had everyone so shaken up. Today Andy’s a mentor to youth and shows them how to be strong in faith while growing up, and how, even when we don’t know where to turn, we can find everything we need in Jesus. Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Gary Sinise Foundation Jaci Velasquez When God Rescripts Your Life: Seeing Value, Beauty, and Purpose When Life is Interrupted book IEP—Individualized Educational Program Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder - pervasive developmental delay   Andy Harrison Jesus Over Everything album Jesus Over Everything: Notes for the Next Generation of Planetshakers book Planetshakers Youth Ministry Planetshakers Music Planetshakers Conference (Psalms 139 & Matthew 6:33)   Jay and Katherine Wolf   Interview Quotes: “I stopped asking the question, ‘Why me?’ And I started asking the most important question, which was ‘Why not me?’” - Jaci Velasquez “Sometimes what He wants for our lives and what He wants for our families looks different than what we had pictured.” - Jaci Velasquez “We have to continuously dive into what God is trying to show us.” - Jaci Velasquez “He forgives you sooner than you forgive yourself. So why do we continue putting ourselves on the cross? “ - Jaci Velasquez “Listen for His interpretation. Our dreams and God's calling are not always the same thing.” - Jaci Velasquez “[Growing up] I knew a lot of things about God, but I didn't know Him for myself.“ - Andy Harrison “I'm really passionate about seeing young people encounter Jesus, because that was the season in my life where I came to know Him, and I want to see other young people come to know Him, too.” - Andy Harrison “Everything that we need is found in Jesus.” - Andy Harrison   ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook <a
Turning Love into Action: Cynthia Garrett & Paige VanZant
July 9, 2020 - 22 min
If there’s one thing our world needs at this moment, it’s love—the kind of 1 Corinthians 13 love God asks us to show each other. TBN host Cynthia Garrett walks us through how to understand that love is not found only in words—love is an action. She explains how, when we learn to release society’s distractions, we can truly listen to the hearts of those around us, learn from their experiences, and work together for what is good and right. MMA fighter Paige VanZant turned to fighting as a coping mechanism for the horrific bullying she faced in high school. And when fighting turned into her career, Paige began to use her platform to help others facing emotional trauma, letting love heal both her heart and theirs.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Always devotional The Joy of Spreading Love, One Heart At A Time: Delilah and Gary Thomas episode   Gary Sinise Foundation   Cynthia Garrett Cynthia Garrett Ministries The Sessions with Cynthia Garrett on TBN Cynthia Garrett Ministries YouTube - 1 Corinthians 13   Paige VanZant  Rise: Surviving the Fight of My Life book UFC    Jaci Velasquez   Interview Quotes: “One of the things that I think that we can all do is to listen. We have to listen more. I think we are here because we stopped listening to each other.” - Cynthia Garrett “There's someone you know who’s different from you, and the best way to have understanding and wisdom is to ask them questions about their experience in life and to listen.” - Cynthia Garrett “When you love your neighbor, racism does not exist.” - Cynthia Garrett “If we examine our hearts and seek righteousness in our hearts, we can make a difference.” - Cynthia Garrett “Love is an action. Love is messy. Love is inconvenient. But love is also the most powerful word in the Bible.” - Cynthia Garrett “I know that I can stay positive because it's all in God's plan.” - Paige VanZant “God's given you all these talents. Why waste them?” - Paige VanZant “I think it says, “Do not be afraid,” 365 times in the Bible. So that means every single day you need to be reminded, don't be afraid.” - Paige VanZant “I'm still working every day to try to use my platform to connect to people and help people grow and help people through these emotional times.” - Paige VanZant “In every fight I go through, both in the cage and outside of the cage, I know that there is somebody who is on my side and is fighting with me the entire time, and that's God.” - Paige VanZant ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website
The Journey from Self to Service: Gary Sinise & Dr. Derwin Gray
July 2, 2020 - 28 min
There comes a point when our faith has grown strong enough that we can turn outward and put it to work serving those who need it most. Gary Sinise comes from a long legacy of supporting the military, from brave family members who served as far back as World War I, to portraying wounded Vietnam vet Lt. Dan Taylor in the iconic movie Forrest Gump. After the events of 9/11, Gary was inspired to find more ways to serve those who sacrificed for our nation, which he details in his book Grateful American. Dr. Derwin Gray created a successful life for himself in the NFL, desperate to escape the dysfunction that surrounded him in childhood. But after achieving his career dreams, Derwin realized he wouldn’t ever be satisfied without a greater purpose. He bravely stepped into God’s calling for his life and founded Transformation Church, a multi-ethnic church seeking to help others live a Jesus-centered life—what Dr. Gray calls in his new book The Good Life. These two men have grown their faith and been encouraged by the people they serve, and they demonstrate the beautiful things that can happen when we use our gifts and talents to bless those around us. Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Courage to Use Your Voice: Mark & Danielle Herzlich episode    Gary Sinise Gary Sinise Foundation Grateful American: A Journey from Self to Service book Vets Night Disabled American Veterans Organization Lt. Dan Band Battle of the Argonne Steppenwolf Theater in Chicago Forrest Gump Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance Dr. Derwin Gray Transformation Church The Good Life: What Jesus Teaches About Finding True Happiness book     Paige VanZant   Interview Quotes: “September 11th, 2001, our country is attacked and our men and women start raising their hands to deploy in reaction to that terrible event. And I just felt compelled and called in a certain way to serve. And so you go from this singular focus on self to this broader focus on serving others.” - Gary Sinise  “I am a grateful American. I'm grateful for so many things.” - Gary Sinise “Having veterans in my family, having been involved with supporting Vietnam veterans, I just knew where I was going to employ my services, and it was going to be to help our men and women get through the next phase of deploying to the war zones and helping them and their families get through that. And that just that lit a fire under me.” - Gary Sinise  “The more I got active, the more I gave, the more I healed, the more I wanted to do.” - Gary Sinise “I've seen the needs in all these different places and I want to try to continue to help fill those needs.” - Gary Sinise “When Jesus called me, when Jesus loved me, when Jesus met me, He literally put things in me and brought gifts out of me that I didn’t even know was possible.” - Dr. Derwin Gray “By my third year in the NFL at age twenty-five, I said ‘There's got to be more to life than this.’” - Dr. Derwin Gray “It was like I was chasing my shadow and I finally caught it, but realized it went right through my hands, and I was looking for things that only Jesus can give.” - Dr. Derwin Gray “He gave me unco
Give Your Dreams to God: Morgan Harper Nichols & Kel Mitchell
June 25, 2020 - 26 min
We spend so much time trying to choose a path for our futures, and it’s easy to get wrapped up in what *we* want versus what *God* wants. Artist, musician, writer, and creator Morgan Harper Nichols struggled to find her purpose, her identity, and her place to belong. By pushing herself to go deeper into connection and following God’s nudges to use her artistic gifts, Morgan found hope in showing up for others, and she realized the true definition of “grace.” Actor and producer Kel Mitchell spent most of his childhood in the Nickelodeon spotlight on shows like All That and Kenan & Kel. As he suffered through mistakes in his young adulthood, Kel realized he needed to discover who he was outside of television—and that instead of leading his own way, he needed to let God show him the way forward. Kel came back to his spiritual roots, where Jesus showed him his true calling: youth ministry. Today, Kel reminds us that we can never be too busy for God, because it’s only when we hand over our time and our plans that we see our lives begin to fall into place.  Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young products at When Dream Are Far From Reach, Trust God’s Vision: Matthew Barnett and Richard Cowdrey   Morgan Harper Nichols  Morgan Harper Nichols’s Pinterest All Along You Were Blooming book   Kel Mitchell All That Kenan & Kel Nickelodeon Kel Mitchell’s Facebook   Dr. Derwin Gray   Interview Quotes: “What does it mean to serve and to love and to give to others while also simultaneously feeling like you're not enough?” - Morgan Harper Nichols “But all along, [my purpose] was just about how I can be present to other people with what I have, with what I've been given, even though I don't feel good enough.” - Morgan Harper Nichols  “We're still being called to go deeper. We're still being called to come out on the water and to not be afraid of engaging with what's bigger than us.” - Morgan Harper Nichols “One single word can really, really impact someone in a way that matters in their life, whether they tell you or not. Connection happens through the imperfections and it happens through the broken places.” - Morgan Harper Nichols “I decided to say, ‘Hey, I'll figure this out on my own. I'll figure this out.’ And when I did that, it put me on the wrong path a lot of times.” - Kel Mitchell “As Christians, there are troubles you're going to go through, because we live in a sinful world. But at that same time, you have to know that God knows the way of getting you out of trouble.” - Kel Mitchell “It's awesome to be an ambassador of Christ and lead [kids] to the Lord as they see the light within you.” - Kel Mitchell “I feel like you have to learn and you have to go through those setbacks so you can have an amazing and beautiful, divine comeback.” - Kel Mitchell ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinteres
Hope for Fathers & the Fatherless: Dr. Rick Rigsby and Jerrad Lopes
June 18, 2020 - 30 min
Fathers play a lasting role in our lives, and we learn countless lessons from them, like who we want to be and how we want to lead. Master communicator and motivational speaker Dr. Rick Rigsby grew up with a father who, despite being a third-grade dropout, sailed across the world, learned multiple languages, and instilled in a young Dr. Rigsby the basic life lessons that profoundly impacted the way he viewed himself and his potential. Above all, Dr. Rigsby’s father helped him see how living with faith and keeping our word can grow our influence to impact other people for the better. From the time he was a young boy, Jerrad Lopes couldn’t wait to be the dad he never had. But as an adult, when Jerrad hit a wall of professional setbacks that sent him into depression, he knew he wasn’t being the best dad and husband he could be. After a bitter fight with his wife, Jerrad turned to God to help show him how to lead. Now, Jerrad ministers through his organization Dad Tired to other men who face shame and a lack of confidence, so they can become dads and husbands who help their families grow more rooted in faith.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Dr. Meg Meeker: Seeking the Love of a Father Jesus Calling Large Deluxe Orange, available exclusively at Barnes & Noble Jesus Calling Small Deluxe Blue, available exclusively at Barnes & Noble   Dr. Rick Rigsby Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout: How the Timeless Wisdom of One Man Can Impact an Entire Generation book Texas A&M California Maritime Academy in Vallejo, CA Chuck Noll, Pittsburgh Steelers NFL football coach John Wooden, UCLA basketball coach   Jerrad Lopes Dad Tire Podcast  Dad Tired: Stumbling Your Way to Spiritual Leadership book Psalm 1   Kel Mitchell   Interview Quotes: “How you do anything is how you do everything. It's never wrong to do the right thing. You tell somebody you're gonna get there at five, get there at four. Be ready to work.” - Dr. Rick Rigsby quoting his father “[My parents constantly raising the bar was] something I hated as a kid, something I couldn't stand as a teenager, but something that brings water to my eyes as an adult.” - Dr. Rick Rigsby “If you don't learn character in the trenches, if you don't learn the basics in the trenches, what in the world makes us think that when we get to the big stage, it's all of a sudden going to happen?” - Dr. Rick Rigsby “Faith encourages me to go beyond my comfort zone and to have a visceral reaction for the people of Jesus and encourage them.” - Dr. Rick Rigsby “Your ability to influence people within the sphere of your periphery will determine the impact that you make.” - Dr. Rick Rigsby “Think for a moment about the person who led you to the Lord. Was it that person's words, or was it that person's lifestyle?” - Dr. Rick Rigsby “I’m going to have a bunch of titles on my business card one day, [but] the thing that will go with me to the grave are the titles of husband, father, and disciple.” - Jerrad Lopes “If you believe you're too sinful or you're not equi
Lifting Each Other Up Changes Everything: Dr. Dharius Daniels & Ron Hall
June 11, 2020 - 35 min
Everyone is placed in our lives for a reason. God intentionally chooses to put people in our path to teach us and to mold us into who He created us to be, and sometimes those relationships are not what we would expect. Dr. Dharius Daniels was studying to be a lawyer, until a mentor in college helped him realize that his true calling was ministry. As he began to study the Bible more intently, Dr. Daniels realized how we as individuals (and our relationships) have the ability to change lives, and that adding value to someone’s life is a calling of the highest kind, which he shares in his book Relational Intelligence. Ron Hall had one goal in life: to get out of poverty and create a life that matched his definition of success. He worked hard and achieved his goals, but his pursuit of success led to challenges in his relationship with his wife, Debbie. After reexamining his priorities, Ron committed himself to pursuing God the way Debbie did, and it led him to work with the homeless. On the streets of Fort Worth, Texas, Ron met a remarkable man named Denver, who would teach Ron more about life than he ever expected, as chronicled in the movie and New York Times bestselling book, Same Kind of Different as Me.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Always devotional promotion at Dr. Dharius Daniels Relational Intelligence book Ron Hall Same Kind of Different as Me book Same Kind of Different as Me movie Texas Christian University Ecclesiastes 9:15 (   Dr. Rick Rigsby Interview Quotes: “What I began to see is the need for an expression of the gospel that did more than address people's morals, but addressed people's lives.” - Dr. Dharius Daniels  “You cannot have a high quality of life without doing relationships well.” - Dr. Dharius Daniels  “There is no area of our life that is not directly or indirectly impacted by our relationships: our physical well-being, our financial well-being, our relational well-being, our spiritual well-being.” - Dr. Dharius Daniels “God knew what He was doing when He put [my wife Debbie] in my life.” - Ron Hall “I told people that my wife and I at the time, we were both living purpose-driven lives. My purpose in life was chasing the almighty dollar and her purpose in life was chasing the Almighty God.“ - Ron Hall “‘God is checking you out to see what kind of person you really are,’ Denver said, ‘because most of you folks look at the homeless as a problem. But through God's eyes, He sees this as an opportunity for the faithful to show the love of Christ. We’re all homeless. We’re just working our way back home.’“ - Ron Hall “I witnessed the miracle of a homeless ex-con known as Suicide, who did not know how to read and write, become a number-one New York Times bestselling author . . . My good friend Denver, who was my homeless mentor, taught me more about life than anyone.” - Ron Hall   ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter</
Coping with Grief and Loss: Eddie Montgomery & Kacie Clousing
June 4, 2020 - 28 min
It’s a hard truth that none of us is exempt from the pain of losing loved ones. And while Jesus tells us that, “In this world, you’ll have trouble,” He also promises that no matter what, He will never leave our side, and that He’ll remain a rock we can lean on through the pain of loss. Our two guests, country music artist Eddie Montgomery and Jesus Calling reader Kacie Clousing, have experienced tragic losses. But as they reached for God, He paved the way to survival and healing. Eddie Montgomery, of the award-winning duo Montgomery Gentry, talks about the deep bond he had with his music partner of three decades, Troy Gentry. When he lost Troy in a devastating helicopter crash, Eddie learned how to cope with his pain by remembering the good memories they made together, and turned to “the Man Upstairs” for strength. After battling infertility and having two healthy miracle babies, Kacie Clousing was thrilled when she and her husband discovered she was pregnant again. At a routine twenty-week ultrasound, Kacie learned that although she could feel her son kicking and moving within her, he wouldn’t survive the pregnancy. As she grieved the shattered dreams of what could’ve been, she kept reaching for God during her darkest days and held on to the belief that He would take care of her and her family, no matter how difficult the outcome.  Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Always devotional promotion at Jesus Calling podcast episode:  God Brings Life After Loss: Jonathan Pitts and John Hill   Eddie Montgomery Montgomery/Gentry John Michael Montgomery    Kacie Clousing   Dr. Dharius Daniels   Interview Quotes: “Me and Troy put this duo [Montgomery Gentry] together, Nashville did not. And I think that’s why it was different, because we’d get each other in and out of trouble, we had each other's back. We knew who we were.” - Eddie Montgomery “There’s not a day that goes by I don’t think about [Troy].” - Eddie Montgomery “Before we go on stage, we get together and thank the Man Upstairs that He’s let us live this long and let us do what we do.” - Eddie Montgomery “That's how you get through [loss]. You remember all the smiles and the good times.”- Eddie Montgomery “In a second, our life went from, Oh, my goodness, things are fine. We're having a boy. We're so excited, to just nothing but complete sorrow and grief.” - Kacie Clousing “I started to have a mantra, where when I would start to think about the bad, I would just say, ‘I trust in you, Lord, to stop my negative thoughts and to not fall into the dark hole again.’” - Kacie Clousing  “God will take care of you and your family, and bring to your life what is meant to be.” - Kacie Clousing   ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Joy: God’s Antidote to Pain with Dawn Barton & Ashlyn Grayce
May 28, 2020 - 26 min
Through all the highs and lows that life throws our way, there is one constant: God. Despite uncertainties, despite pain, and despite hurt, God is always there, longing for us to rely on Him to become our source of Joy. Author and joyologist Dawn Barton has faced more fall-to-your-knees pain and loss than most can imagine. And after every setback, Dawn shares she found the secret to moving forward: choosing to stand back up and look for joy. Singer/songwriter Ashlyn Grayce was raised in a home filled with music and faith, and now she’s branching out into a career of her own. Ashlyn dedicates every performance to the One who got her there, and shares her faith and life story to write songs that she hopes will bring healing to people of all ages from the inside out.  Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotionalJesus Calling for KidsJesus Always Jesus Calling and Jesus Always available exclusively at Peace in Uncertain Times YouTube Series with Alena Pitts Dawn Barton Mary Kay Cosmetics Laughing Through the Ugly Cry: And Finding Unstoppable Joy book   Ashlyn Grayce Alan Jackson Lifeway Christian, Isaiah 41:10   Eddie Montgomery Montgomery/Gentry    Interview Quotes: “I've had so much that I think gives me every excuse in the world to be not joyful. But I really want to scream from the mountaintops why we should be joyful and why it's a choice.” - Dawn Barton “It’s no one's job to make you feel better but yours.” - Dawn Barton “I think it's important to have a friend that will say, ‘This is enough. It's time for you to get up.’” - Dawn Barton “I think that's that little gift God gives you, sometimes just that feeling of, ‘Don't let go. Hold on a little tighter, a little longer, this time.’” - Dawn Barton “I'm so glad that I used tragedy as the fuel for something that was beautiful.” - Dawn Barton  “It's just so powerful that one three-minute song can really change the life of a listener or someone writing it.” - Ashlyn Grayce “I just think that it's so important to not be afraid and know that Jesus is right there with you every step of the way.” - Ashlyn Grayce   ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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