Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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God Is the Restorer of Our Hearts: John & Stasi Eldredge and Chris & Emily Norton
March 19, 2020 - 34 min
In our darkest moments, when we’re searching for hope and healing, we can take comfort in this: we serve a God of restoration, and His greatest desire is to heal our hearts. And all around us, we can see God’s handiwork in the living testimonies of lives restored by Him. Husband-and-wife ministry team John and Stasi Eldredge share how they help others discover (and, for some, remember) the life-changing power of turning your focus back to God, which John outlines in his devotional Restoration Year. Chris Norton was a young college football player when he suffered a devastating injury that left him paralyzed below the neck. With grit and faith, he worked hard to overcome negative diagnoses and met the goal of walking across the stage at his college graduation. Chris and his wife Emily share how they’ve weathered some of their toughest times. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Life Is Hard, But God Is Good: Anne Belier and Nancy Hicks
March 12, 2020 - 33 min
God works in mysterious ways. When we have the road mapped out, He can take us in an entirely different direction than where we thought we were headed. Auntie Anne’s Pretzels founder, Anne Beiler, shares how she was striving to keep up the pretense of a perfect life, but when her daughter was tragically killed and Anne was manipulated and abused by someone who should’ve been a counselor, Anne buried herself in secrets. Eventually Anne discovered the power of confession, and she decided to let go of guilt and live with transparency. And today God has taken Anne’s pain and used it to help her lead a life of compassion. Starting her entertainment career as a professional singer, Nancy Hicks felt God pulling her away from music to become a host at QVC, where she ministered to others on and off screen. As her life changed, Nancy felt God guiding her to a life in ministry, and today Nancy’s mission is to share God’s love with the world.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Calling for Easter  Lifeway’s $5 Promotion on Jesus Always Jesus Calling episode, “Women Leading through Forgiveness and Grace: Nona Jones & Alex Seeley”   Anne Beiler Auntie Anne’s Pretzels Anne Beiler’s new book, “The Secret Lies Within: An Inside Out at Overcoming Trauma and Finding Purpose in the Pain Bible Gateway Bobcat Equipment   Nancy Hicks QVC Broadcast Programming Nancy Hicks’s new book, “Meant to Live: Living in Light of the Good News” Parsons Institute (Fashion) FIT in New York (Fashion) Wheaton College (Chicago, IL) Mayo Clinic (Colon Cancer) John and Stasi Eldredge   Interview Quotes: “Secrets leave you powerless, they keep you in a place of darkness, keep you defeated. These secrets that talk to us inside do not allow us to live in freedom.” - Anne Beiler  “Confession can change the trajectory of your entire life and your family.” - Anne Beiler “I had to experience all this pain so that I could be compassionate with those who are suffering in our world today. “ - Anne Beiler “Guilt says, ‘I did something wrong.’ Shame says, ‘I am something wrong.’ So in our pain, we believe lies.” - Anne Beiler “When I feel decisions are tough, and things don’t always turn out the way I prayed for or believed that they should turn out, that's my go to: Life is hard, God is good. ” - Anne Beiler “I was like, Where am I going here? At the end of this one event that I was singing at, I sensed the Lord saying, “Continue to use the gift to honor me.” - Nancy Hicks “If you call yourself a follower of Christ, you don't get to pick whether or not you get to be a minister of the gospel, or whether you're in ministry. Everything is ministry.” - Nancy Hicks “It didn't matter what time, I was in my car, I'd be praying and saying, “Abba, use me today. Use me in the green room. Use me in the makeup chair. God, use me as light and salt.“ - Nancy Hicks, on ministering while she was at QVC “I remember holding my arms wide out, tears streaming down my face, and just saying, ‘God, what are we gonna do with the next chapter of this one life? I am all in for the kingdom, and I don't have anything holding me back.’ I just begged Go
Keeping Hope Alive Through Unexpected Losses: Lauren Alaina and Kreis Beall
March 5, 2020 - 30 min
God will always be with you, supporting you in times of joy and carrying you through times of despair. This week’s guests tell how, after weathering success and loss, sharing their artistic talents with others have brought hope and healing: country music artist Lauren Alaina and hospitality pioneer Kreis Beall. Lauren traces her path as a young singer from the American Idol stage to Dancing with the Stars and beyond. After American Idol, Lauren remembers how, as a 15-year-old, the sudden pressure in the spotlight alongside horrific social media comments about her appearance spawned an eating disorder, and how her faith and family helped her through that dark time. And Lauren shares why she knows God is real, after her beloved stepfather described heaven as he slipped away from the earth. In the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, Kreis Beall and her husband Sandy slowly built a luxury destination resort called Blackberry Farm, where Kreis’s talents soared as she shared her gifts for design and hospitality. Though she’s won considerable success, it wasn’t until she developed a relationship with God later in life that she truly felt successful—and she recalls how her new-found faith helped her through the devastating loss of her son, Sam, which she shares in her memoir called The Great Blue Hills of God.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling devotional Jesus Calling for Easter  Lifeway’s $5 Promotion on Jesus Always   Lauren Alaina American Idol (Season 10) Dancing with th Stars (Season 28) Mayo Clinic (Melanoma Cancer) “The Other Side” lyric video   Kreis Beall Blackberry Farm The Great Blue Hills of God: A Story of Facing Loss, Finding Peace, and Learning The True Meaning of Home book Bible Gateway (Matthew 10:25)   Anne Beiler, the founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels   Interview Quotes: “There are always going to be people who are going to have something to say that is not nice. But if I feel good about myself, and I have people around me that lift me up, that takes the power away from them.” - Lauren Alaina “We turn our back on Him, but He never turns his back on us. And [if] we're willing to go back to Him, He's always there.” - Lauren Alaina “I don't want some young girl out there looking at me and thinking that I'm just the most confident person in the world, because I choose to be confident. . . . I was very insecure for a long time, and I've had to work really hard on learning to love myself.” - Lauren Alaina  ”I think the most important thing we can do is lift people up and love others and and know that someday we're all going to be reunited in the kingdom of heaven.” - Lauren Alaina “I'm constantly thinking about the next step, where we're going, what we're going to do. I love to set goals, but I think it's also really important to count your blessings where you are right now.” - Lauren Alaina “It's super important to find what God means to you. He means something different to everyone. He is my best friend and my Father and all of these things, but for me, He is just a source of strength, and someone that I can talk to when I'm weak.” - Lauren Alaina “I think having someone who totally believed in me fueled the fire. And it kept pushing me to dream and create.” - Kreis Beall “Sometimes the role of success can pu
When We Can’t See God’s Plan, Trust His Heart: Dave Pittman & Rachel Van Kluyve
February 27, 2020 - 30 min
“Why me, God?” Sound familiar? We’ve all questioned why God has allowed bad things to happen in our lives, but this week’s guests, musician Dave Pittman and home designer Rachel Van Kluyve, have faced serious trials that caused them to question their purpose and how to move forward. Growing up, Dave faced bullies because of his Tourette’s Syndrome. After a deep, dark battle, Dave learned to embrace what made him different. As he’s built his music career post-American Idol, today Dave uses his music and experiences to help others find their reason to live. After Rachel had her first child, she grappled with postpartum depression that isolated her. As she began to post online about her decorating hobby, she began to build a supportive, close-knit online community that now helps women and girls around the world. Today Rachel shares her book She Built Herself a Home and how people can easily create spaces to build closer connections to God and to each other. Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling for Easter  Jesus Calling ‘What’s Good’ YouTube series featuring Dave Pittman Jesus Calling podcast episode with Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Jeremy Cowart   Davd Pittman “Crazy Brave’ song “Different Kind of Love” album Tourette Syndrome ABC’s American Idol Neil Patrick Harris Bible Gateway   Rachel Van Kluyve She Made Herself a Home: A Practical Guide to Design, Organize, and Give Purpose to Your Space book Facebook Marketplace   Lauren Alaina Interview Quotes: “I was more afraid of living through that again than I was of dying.” - Dave Pittman, on being bullied as a child with Tourette Syndrome ”My mom—both my parents—just drilled into my head and my heart the importance of accepting yourself for who you are, and not just who you are, but who you are in Christ, your identity, who you've become in your walk with Christ.” - Dave Pittman “I think it's okay to ask why, even now, because Job did. We look at Job in the Bible, he asked God, ‘Why? Why is this happening to me?’” - Dave Pittman “Anyone can accept something they have to do, but when you can embrace something that you get to do, it’s different. It changes things.” - Dave Pittman ”After I had my first baby, it just kind of all fell apart. I got postpartum [depression]. I lost myself. You know, I was a smart magna cum laude graduate, and I just didn't know what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be, and it spiraled quickly out of control.” - Rachel Van Kluyve “When I started my Instagram journey, I felt the Lord specifically saying, ‘Everyone knocks social media for not being a good thing for this generation. But I want to use it for good.’” - Rachel Van Kluyve “We have the power to do so much as moms, as women. [We can] sit at home with a touch of a button and some ingenuity, and we can put together this great thing for people around the world.” - Rachel Van Kluyve “When we built this house, I prayed specifically that we'd always be hospitable. And it's really the home that's never closed. So because of that, our why has become hospitality, and letting people see Christ at all times, and that they're welcome here.” - Rachel Van Kluyve  “It's all about creating that space that gives security and peace so that you can give it to others.” - Rachel Van Kluyve ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  O
Growing Brave to Become More: Rebecca Bender and Patti Callahan Henry
February 20, 2020 - 32 min
Fear of the unknown and fear of change are some of the greatest struggles we will ever face. How can we possibly leave behind what’s familiar to us? How will we know where to go next? What will happen to us and our loved ones? It can be terrifying, lonely, and confusing. Today’s guests share how they found the courage to make a change, which led them to freedom and joy like they had never experienced. Human trafficking survivor and activist Rebecca Bender opens up about the life she was manipulated into and how, by listening to God’s voice and the strong spirit that He gave her, she found a way out. Novelist Patti Callahan Henry shares how she left her job as a nurse to become a writer, and the story she wrote about C.S. Lewis’ wife, Joy, who also took a leap of faith that led her to a love that she never could’ve imagined for herself. If you’re considering making a change in your life, remember this: it is in the uncomfortable and the unfamiliar that we grow and have an opportunity to depend on God like never before. And He has plans for hope and a future for each one of us.  Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling: The Jesus Calling MagazineJesus Calling for Kids at Barnes & Noble (PINK and BLUE versions) Rebecca Bender Rebecca Bender InitiativeIn Pursuit of Love: One Woman’s Journey from Trafficked to Triumphant bookNational U.S. Trafficking Hotline: 1 (888) 373-7888 to get help today Patti Callahan Henry Becoming Mrs. Lewis: The Improbable Love Story of Joy Davidman and C.S. Lewis book Behind the Scenes of Becoming Mrs. Lewis [Podcast]   C.S. Lewis Yale Younger Poets Award   American Idol finalist Dave PittmanTourette’s Syndrome Interview Quotes: ”I felt like an outsider, which pushed me, I think, even further away from wanting to be a part of a community of faith.” - Rebecca Bender  ”You can't imagine going back to hopelessness, so you choose to look the other way because you really want the dream that's being dangled in front of you.” - Rebecca Bender “I was so, so filled with knowing that I could hear the voice of the Lord, the voice of the Creator of the universe who chose to talk to me, and that really kept me through some of my darkest times.” - Rebecca Bender “This is my favorite part about God: how He breaks off chains, He breaks up shame. He can completely redo our lives.” - Rebecca Bender “You have to be real with God. He knows what you're thinking, and He knows even more than you do what's happening in your brain and in your mind and your heart. So just crying out to Him helps really shift and give you some revelation and helps you take your eyes off of your circumstance to see what He has in store.” - Rebecca Bender “What I love about the work that God allows me to do today is not only do we get to bring justice for the victim . . . but I love that it's also creating constant change in the community.” - Rebecca Bender ”You know, Jesus loves girls like me—we’re all over the Bible. Put the shame on who should own the shame, which is the perpetrators.” - Rebecca Bender “[My faith] transforms, and it transforms me. As long as it's always about the indwelling God, I feel fairly safe in my faith.” - Patti Callahan Henry “I do believe that it was the first ti
Seeking a Life of Love & Truth: Rev Run & Justine Simmons and Matt Brown
February 13, 2020 - 24 min
We’re able to share our hearts and to love others because God chose to love us first. Today’s guests, Joseph “Rev Run” Simmons of RUN-D.M.C. and his wife Justine, along with evangelist and founder of Think Eternity Matt Brown share how they’ve learned to develop qualities of pure, selfless love and how this love has profoundly changed their lives. When he was at the height of his music career, Rev Run couldn’t ignore the void inside him, and it wasn’t until he discovered Jesus that he finally felt whole. He and Justine share their marriage secrets and what it takes to make a relationship work (spoiler alert: put God first!). There’s one nagging thought that keeps Matt Brown up at night: how will the world ever feel God’s love if Christians don’t accurately represent it? If we want to experience the full love that God has for each of us and spread that love to others, we need to set our intentions of seeking that love daily. Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling bookJesus Calling for Kids, Girls Edition devotional BibleGateway   Patti Callahan Henry Becoming Mrs. Lewis book Rev Run & Justine Simmons Old School Love: And Why It Works bookJoseph "Rev Run" Simmons God, Can You Hear Me? Children’s bookRolling Stone Magazine   Matt Brown Think Eternity Truth Plus Love: The Jesus Way to Influence book   Interview Quotes: ”It's just funny how you can visualize and set your intentions, and things just come to pass.” - Rev Run “There's this void that success and money can't fill.” - Rev Run “You’d think that making hit records or money or cars or fame or people saying, "Oh, you're the greatest," people praising you for making your music would do it. But actually, when you start praising God, that's when you get happy.” - Rev Run  “I love [my husband] so much, but I love God more.” - Justine Simmons “Spending and dedicating time with God leads to a better hearing ear.” - Rev Run “Enjoying each other's company is probably a big part of staying together.” - Rev Run “God has a way of making it clear to us where He wants us to go and what He wants us to do. . . . To grow in the Lord, and to reflect God to the world around us, we need both truth and love.” - Matt Brown “How is the world supposed to see the grace of God if the people of God are not gracious?” - Matt Brown ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertis
Meeting the Healer of Broken People: Amy Kavelaris & Austin French
February 6, 2020 - 27 min
Jesus didn’t come for perfect people—He came to heal the broken and the hurting. Today’s guests, artist and author Amy Kavelaris and Christian music artist Austin French, share how God met them in their broken places and healed their lives and hearts. Amy draws inspiration from the awe-filled way her three little girls see the world, and it reminds her of the light God is in her life. When she gets overwhelmed by demands on her time or struggles to navigate life’s changing seasons, Amy remembers that God is creating opportunities for her. Austin French faced an internal battle with Christianity for years, only to realize he wasn’t hurt by a broken God, but by broken people. He finally found peace and healing when he learned that Jesus wants every piece of us. We are not defined by our scars—we’re defined by His.    Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling AppJesus Calling® for Easter. With 50 Jesus Calling devotions Jesus Calling interview with Mercy Me’s Bart Millard Amy Kavelaris Bloom Print Studio Harper Collins / Thomas Nelson / Tommy Nelson Good Night, My Darling Dear book   Austin French ABC’s “Rising Star” NBC’s “The Voice,”   Interview Quotes: “I just had this innate feeling that God existed and that I just wanted to follow Him with my life.” - Amy Kavelaris ”I think it's so important that we celebrate God's creation. It's fun to add a little whimsy and sparkle into the everyday, because our kids see the everyday as wonderful and extraordinary.” - Amy Kavelaris ”I get so much more from watching [my girls] and seeing how they react to [the world]. It's just this beautiful relationship that we have, where it 100 percent inspires what I do every day.” - Amy Kavelaris ”This is all about Him. He’s the only reason I'm doing any of this.” - Amy Kavelaris  “I find that the only joy and freedom is when we gaze upon His light and His truth. It's then that we find that true, indescribable joy, and stop chasing after what the world tells us we need.” - Amy Kavelaris “I didn't understand why we had to change who we were at church and why we couldn't be who we were all the time. As an eight-year-old kid, I wrote down: I never want to be a Christian.” - Austin French “I realized that I had been hurt by broken people, not Jesus. Jesus is what He told me He was—He was the Healer of broken people.” - Austin French  “We're very needy people, all of us. We need people. We need a God who's with us and working with us.” - Austin French ”I think the only way to find a relationship with Jesus and truly find freedom in Jesus is to understand that brokenness is a part of this story.” - Austin French “We're not defined by our scars or the scars that you're walking through right now— we're defined by His. - Austin French ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Callin
Discovering Light When Our Hearts Are Breaking: Linsey Davis & Grace Anna Rodgers
January 30, 2020 - 25 min
Life will give us our share of dark times, but we can choose to be the light. Today’s guests share how they use the power of story to share messages of hope and purpose. Award-winning ABC News correspondent Linsey Davis shares how she has taken lessons from her childhood in church, her time as a reporter, and the values she’s trying to instill in her young son to show that what’s important is loving people, not focusing on our differences. After several miscarriages, when Angela Rodgers discovered she was pregnant again, she was told the baby would have several health issues—but Angela loved her little girl and knew God had a plan for her life. Dynamic mother-daughter duo Angela and Grace Anna Rodgers are now sharing nine-year-old Grace Anna’s gift of singing with the world, spreading happiness and reminding others that what matters about people is who they are on the inside, not the outside.    Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling Family Devotional Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for KidsJesus Calling App   Linsey Davis ABC’s World News Tonight ABC’s Good Morning America ABC’s Nightline The World is Awake: A Celebration of Everyday Blessings book One Big Heart: A Celebration of Being More Alike Than Different book   Angela and Grace Anna Rodgers  Grace Anna Sings: A Story of Hope Through a Little Girl with a Big Voice book Who Do You See When You Look at Me? book Grace Anna singing the National Anthem (Facebook video) Conradi Hunermann Syndrome Sammy Kershaw Bobby Henline   Contemporary Christian Music artist Austin French   Interview Quotes: “[My mom was] very much responsible for my falling in love with storytelling and with writing and with the English language.” - Linsey Davis  “When I look back now, I think [my time in church as a child] was so important to who I am today.” - Linsey Davis  “I can see God's hand in other people's lives, for sure. But when truly catastrophic things happen, I don't know how to explain it. But I have to believe that God has a plan.” - Linsey Davis “My son's five, and when he comes home and he's met a new friend, he doesn't tell me about their race or their background or religion or culture. He just says what they have in common.” - Linsey Davis “Let's say, ‘Hey, we have different color skin and hair and features and likes and dislikes. But guess what? God gave us all this one unique gift. He gave us all one big heart and that's the most important part, because that's where love starts.’” - Linsey Davis “From the very beginning, we wanted Grace Anna, even when the doctors didn't give us a whole lot of hope.” - Angela Rodgers “What would touch my heart so deeply is you would see these colonels and these generals with all these medals be b
Women Leading through Forgiveness and Grace: Nona Jones & Alex Seeley
January 23, 2020 - 31 min
Our planet holds more than seven billion people, and each one reflects who God is—because He created every one of us in His image. Today we hear from two women who have learned the value of who God created them to be and now lead others into finding their own worth as they carve out new spaces to foster connection. Nona Jones, head of faith-based partnerships at Facebook, shares how she overcame years of abuse and trauma to learn that she’s more than what happened to her, and chose forgiveness as a way out of her shame. Today she connects with churches all over the world and people searching for God’s purpose for their own lives. Pastor Alex Seeley shares how difficult it was to uproot her life in Australia to follow God’s calling for her family in America, only to discover that churches in the US didn’t seem to have a place for her. Alex shares how she and her husband Henry created The Belonging Co as a place to help artists and musicians in Nashville without a church home to experience God’s presence, and the life-changing power of discovering His presence in our own journeys.   Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling book Jesus Calling Weekly Prayer Call Nona Jones Success From the Inside Out: Power to Rise from the Past to a Fulfilling Future Book    Alex Seeley The Belonging Co Church The Opposite Life: Unlocking the Mysteries of God’s Upside-Down Kingdom Book  Biblegateway (The Beatitudes) Planetshakers Ministry   Interview Quotes: “The reason I was acting out [was] because of so much chaos at home. I was responding and reacting to trauma, and nobody ever asked me why I was acting that way. They just assumed I was a bad kid.” - Nona Jones “I have this scar on one of my wrists that's a constant reminder of what I tried to do [to end my life], but it's also a reminder of God's grace, because He determined that my life was worth living, even when I didn't see it.” - Nona Jones “Trauma really changes the way you see yourself. The thing I would like to encourage other people to know is you are not what happened to you.” - Nona Jones “Twenty-five minutes after I resigned from my job in faith, Facebook called me out of the blue.” - Nona Jones “If you look at the life of Jesus, He didn't tell people, ‘Hey guys, come see me at the temple on Sunday at 11:00, I have this amazing series that's coming up.’ He didn't do that. He ministered to people wherever they were.” - Nona Jones “Just like a healthy family needs both parents to bring balance to home life, I think a church so needs the balance of male and female attributes of the father heart of God.” - Alex Seeley “There are so many people that are hungry for an encounter with God, but they're being given a religious experience, but not this amazing encounter with the Holy Spirit and Jesus.” - Alex Seeley “To have an encounter where Jesus changes your life, and then people take note of the change that's happening.” - Alex Seeley “I think the world is confused, because people who call themselves Christians are not acting in an opposite spirit. They're acting like everybody else.” - Alex Seeley “I've been a Christian for thirty-five years, and I can't get past the fact that He loved me while I was a broken mess.” - Alex Seeley ________________________ Enjoy these videos on Jesus Calling YouTube channel: Audio podcast:  Original Series video podcast:  ________________________    Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Faceb
His Hand Will Guide Us Through the Darkness: Luke Pell and Jack Deere
January 16, 2020 - 37 min
None of us is guaranteed a pain-free life. But when we can’t see the right way to move forward, that’s where God steps in to take us by the hand and leads us out of the dark. On today’s episode, Army veteran and Bachelorette contestant Luke Pell and author/speaker Jack Deere share some of their painful moments—an unexplainable, near-death experience; watching a spouse slip into an alcohol addiction; losing a child—events that almost caused them to give up. But each man reminds us: when it feels like we have nothing left to cling to, God is there. And He’s ready to guide us through those experiences so that later, we can support others who may not be able to find their way out, either. Links, Products and Resources Mentioned: Sarah Young Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling books Jesus Calling book Jesus Always Family Prayer Calendar   Luke Pell ABC’s The Bachelorette show West Point - United States Military Academy Mayo Clinic (PTSD) BibleGateway   Jack Deere Dallas Theological Seminary Even in Our Darkness: The Story of Beauty in a Broken Life book Young Life C. S. Lewis John Snyder Oil Company   Nona Jones, Facebook’s Global Faith-Based Partnerships   Interview Quotes: “As you become an adult, you have to figure out what your faith really means to you.” - Luke Pell “If you're not growing and getting stronger and [going in] the direction of your goals, you're going to be digressing in the wrong direction.” - Luke Pell “One of the biggest victories in my faith was that I came back to a spot where I was completely surrendering my plans and my expectations back to God, and what purpose I was put on this earth for, instead of [wondering] what I could get out of this world and what people thought of me.” - Luke Pell  “Only one thing does matter: it’s the legacy that you left, the inspiration that you left in the world, the people that you inspired, your faith that you were able to show to the rest of the world around you, and the lives that you were able to change.” - Luke Pell “Then God shows up and comes alongside you through somebody [who] gives you inspiration, or however that message comes, ‘You're gonna be okay. You're gonna make it through.’” - Luke Pell “I've really learned to appreciate those moments of uncertainty, when you're feeling more alone and you're feeling like you don't know what tomorrow holds. . . . Those are the times when I get the most direct purpose from God in my life.” - Luke Pell “We have to really stay true to ourselves and true to our faith, and keep that faith walk intact, regardless of what the rest of the world is throwing at you every day. The more we're thinking about the rest of the world and what they're thinking about us, the less we're thinking about what God has for us and where our faith walk should be.” - Luke Pell  “[My] childhood produced this desire to keep really tight control in my life. I blocked out some of the stuff and thought, Feelings are bad. Stay in your mind. Don't go to your feelings. That was the hardening effect that my childhood had on me.” - Jack Deere  “When you're seventeen years old and everybody you've ever loved has left you, to hear that God won't leave you is just too good to be true.” - Jack Deere “The only Person who never needed any help chose twelve helpers. Why? For the pleasure it gave Him to love those twelve apostles and to teach them to love what He loved.” -
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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