Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Shattering Doubt and Believing in Yourself: Taraji P. Henson & Sope Aluko
June 13, 2024 - 21 min
When we face self-doubt, we may find ourselves not believing in our own innate abilities, or we might even decide to turn away from our aspirations in the belief that we’re not “good enough” to get where we want to be. When we willfully stop listening to the voices that tell us we can’t do it, and replace our fears with faith, a transformative effect takes place that allows us to believe in ourselves again and realize that our dreams are worth chasing.  Our first guest is the multi-talented Taraji P. Henson. Taraji is not only a renowned actress but also a dedicated mother, philanthropist, author, director, and producer. Though Taraji had dreams of becoming an actress, early rejection caused her to question herself, and move in a different direction. It took the words of her trusted father to remind her what she was made for, and to find the courage to chase her dreams. Later in the episode, we’ll hear from actress and filmmaker Sope Aluko. For over two decades, Sope built a successful corporate career. However, the passion for acting never left her. After the loss of her parents, and a time of personal reassessment, she awakened the dream in her heart and decided to pursue her first love of acting.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Brett Young Upcoming interview: Chris and Lindsey Wheeler Jesus Listens Notetaking Edition   Taraji P. Henson Duke Ellington High School of the Performing Arts North Carolina A&T The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation You Can Be A Good Friend   Sope Aluko Black Panther Parkinson's Disease Chadwick Boseman   Interview Quotes: “I could go anywhere and make friends with anyone, because I came from a great foundation of love. And when you have that foundation, you can turn negatives into positives.” - Taraji P. Henson “God did an amazing thing by putting us on this earth. We're all humans and we all look different. And it is our charge, as humans on this earth, to learn how to get along.” - Taraji P. Henson  “I keep God close to me at all times, and I'm constantly in communication with God at all times. I'm nothing without God, like, the fact that I'm here? I'm blessed and I know why.” - Taraji P. Henson  “These roles that I booked, every single time I would pray to God, I said, ‘Lord, let it be a role that really speaks to me, that resonates with me.’” - Sope Aluko “It's amazing how God works because He is a planner and He planned every single detail ahead of me.” - Sope Aluko ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:  Peace for Everyday Life:  Peace in Uncertain Times:  What’s Good?  Enneagram:  <p dir=
Navigating Life’s Dark Valleys: Jesse Hutch & Randy Frazee
June 6, 2024 - 27 min
The most valuable life lessons often emerge from our most difficult circumstances. While these experiences give us insight into our own lives, they also provide meaningful stories to share with others and point them towards God, who can ultimately give them comfort through their darkest moments.  This week, we’ll hear from Jesse Hutch, a Canadian-born American film and television actor, who recalls how a near-death experience taught him the peace that comes from fully trusting in God’s control and the importance of using scripture and prayer to ground your beliefs. Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Randy Frazee, author of The Story, which arranges the Bible chronologically so that readers can experience it as one, whole narrative. He shares how his journey through depression deepened his empathy and reliance on God, and how he now uses this experience to support others facing similar struggles.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Jeff Allen Upcoming interview: Taraji P. Henson   Jesse Hutch Hebrews 4:12 NIV   Randy Frazee The Story Philippians 1:3-6 NIV The Joy Challenge Interview Quotes: “It really is a miracle that I'm alive, and I owe all that to God.” - Jesse Hutch “You still have an option. If you're still breathing, if you're still above ground, you have an option, and that option is to completely give it all over to God, because that honestly is the most peaceful place you can be.” - Jesse Hutch  “I'm very interested in the human heart. I think God made it very unique and it's awesome and it's amazing and special. And so I can go play a character that I've never done in real life, and yet I can understand hurt and pain and sadness, joy, jealousy, and all these different emotions that we all go through at times, and you bring that to the table.” - Jesse Hutch  “God has this beautiful way of never taking you back on the same trail you walked on. He always brings you back to Him in a new, fresh way.” - Jesse Hutch   “I really am mindful to stop and to speak into the life of somebody, whether it's a kid or an adult, a person who is discouraged, because that speaking vision into them, what you see, could really change the outcome of their life.” - Randy Frazee  “I think it's important for people to realize that the feelings of anxiety or depression are not sinful. These are emotions that God has given us to alert us and to allow us to go through seasons of difficulty.” - Randy Frazee  “He is going to carry us along. He's going to encourage us. He's going to walk us through it. And He factors in our weakness in selecting us.” - Randy Frazee  “God offers us in our relationship with Jesus, a joy that's despite our circumstances, despite other people, despite our past, and a level of joy that can actually defeat worry in our lives.” - Randy Frazee  “God is writing a story. And you are a character in that story, He deeply loves you and He wants you to look up. And if you look up, He promises that everything is going to turn out just all right for you, it’s going to turn out great for you, and He wants to give you His joy.” - Randy Frazee ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stori
Finding Stability and Peace in the Shifting Sands of Change: Emily P. Freeman and Stephanie May Wilson
May 30, 2024 - 30 min
There is an intricate dance between the difficulty of making changes in our lives and a profound trust in God to guide us through. When we have to make the decision to leave something behind and start anew, there is an emotional toll and a fear of the unknown. However, there is much to be learned from endings and new beginnings, and how sometimes we end up finding peace in the midst of our turmoil.  Emily P. Freeman is a spiritual director and author who hosts The Next Right Thing Podcast. Emily shares practical thoughts on how to navigate change, taken from her new book, How to Walk Into A Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away. Stephanie May Wilson is a Tedx speaker, author, and podcaster who speaks to young adults who are facing crucial years where they will make some of their biggest life’s decisions, and advises them on how they can faithfully move forward by trusting God with their questions and their fears.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Reba McEntire Upcoming interview: Jesse Hutch   Emily P. Freeman  The Next Right Thing Podcast How to Walk Into A Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away   Stephanie May Wilson Tedx speaker Create A Life You Love Interview Quotes: “I have a lot of compassion for anyone who is standing in the threshold of a room that they have been in for a really long time, and maybe feel a really deep sense of belonging, to walk out of that room into something that could be amazing and beautiful, but something that also might come with some risk.” - Emily P. Freeman  “In reality, there is both beautiful and terrible in probably every space that we're in. And so if we decide to walk away, I think it's so good to do it with our eyes wide open, not just at the hesitations, but also to the gifts, so that we're having a truer experience of not only the room, but also our leaving of it.” - Emily P. Freeman “I truly believe God is always aware of us, that God is fully love and fully attentive and and God will not let us miss our own future. Which means that as I make my decisions, I'm not making them in a room by myself.” - Emily P. Freeman “Even if I make a move in a direction that turns out terrible and I learn something from it, God was still with me. And in that move, I am becoming someone. Because what is infinitely more important than the decision that I make, ultimately, is the person who I am becoming as I make my decisions.” - Emily P. Freeman  “True peace is not the absence of discomfort or conflict, but it is an inner brokenness and an inner wholeness and an inner knowing that even though chaos may be all around me, I can still be aligned with what I know and who I am, I can live in congruence with my own core values, with my true identity, with the common good, with my life and God.” - Emily P. Freeman “The ‘everything era’ really is this super tricky period of time where a bunch of different forces are pushing and pulling us in different directions, and where I think it leaves us constantly feeling like we're falling short and falling behind.” - Stephanie May Wilson “I don’t know that I knew that I got to participate in my life. I felt like there was one exact right way to do it, and I had to figure it out. And if I couldn't figure it out, then I was going to mess it all up. And I think that that's a really big lie that I had to combat.” - Stephanie May Wilson  “I started to learn that a beautiful life isn't one size fits all, and that there are a whole bunch of different ways that life can be lived, that are all right
[JESUS LISTENS MONTHLY SERIES] Prayers To Be Used By God: Evan Craft
May 28, 2024 - 9 min
On this episode of Jesus Listens, we hear from Evan Craft, a singer-songwriter who discovered the importance of loving and serving others during a mission trip to Mexico. Through his music, Evan now spreads messages of hope and love while raising awareness for causes like homelessness.    Guest’s Links Evan Craft’s Facebook: @evancraftmusic Evan Craft’s Twitter: @EvanCraft Evan Craft’s Instagram: @evancraft ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website TikTok   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Through Prayer Comes Healing: Lauren Green and Carrie Sheffield
May 23, 2024 - 17 min
*Content Warning: This episode mentions suicide and depression and may not be suitable for all listeners.* We all carry scars, both visible and invisible, that life's challenges leave behind. Far from permanently marring us, our scars can become sites of incredible healing and strength when we open ourselves to faith.This faith doesn't erase the pain or revert the past, but transforms our relationship with our scars. It encourages us to see them not as symbols of hurt but as markers of healing and resilience: vibrant signs of what we've overcome through faith. Lauren Green is a seasoned journalist and the chief religion correspondent for Fox News Channel. Exploring the intricate intersection of religion and journalism, Lauren found herself reporting on stories ranging from everyday news to the profound mysteries of faith that shaped her perspective on communication and human connection. Later in the episode, we’ll hear from Carrie Sheffield, whose troubled, nomadic childhood eventually gave way to a season of academic success and achievements, where her agnostic beliefs were challenged by a quest for deeper meaning.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Jana Monroe Upcoming interview: Emily P. Freeman Jesus Calling for Graduates   Lauren Green  Fox News Channel Miss America Pageant  Medill School of Journalism AME church Light For Today   Carrie Sheffield Harvard Kennedy School of Government You Are The Universe Jeremiah 29:11 NIV Curt Thompson Motorhome Prophecies   Interview Quotes: “When I became a journalist, it was as if I was trying to translate from one language to another. I was trying to find words to communicate something that I only felt in music.” - Lauren Green “That is one of the challenges for living in a very secular world, is understanding and seeing God in the everyday.” - Lauren Green  “Everyone is made in God's image. So first and foremost, whoever they are, whatever they've done, you have to see them first as someone made in God's image.” - Lauren Green  “You cannot know God's will for your life unless you read His words.” - Lauren Green “I kind of took pride in what I thought was being humble about being a shoulder shrugger, but part of why I did not believe in God was because I just felt anger toward if there was a God, why would He put me in such a horribly abusive family that eventually led three of my siblings to attempt suicide? That I would think about suicide and have depression and PTSD and anxiety for many years? Why would God do that?” - Carrie Sheffield  “Mathematically and statistically and probabilistically, it actually takes a lot more faith to believe in random chance than in some type of divine order.” - Carrie Sheffield “I think trusting that God can help us to do differently and to ch
Coming Together In Our Weaknesses: Willie Robertson & Ben Fuller
May 16, 2024 - 22 min
When things get tough, and it feels like hope is barely hanging on, it always helps to remember we’re not alone. Haven’t we all benefited from a friend or a loved one who reached out, was able to lend an ear, or who was just there for us when we were going through a rough patch? It's amazing how a little kindness and understanding can bring us back to life. In Ephesians from the Bible, we are instructed to “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. [Ephesians 4:32]” We might never know how the smallest kindnesses we show could have a life-changing impact on those who receive it. Our first guest is Willie Robertson, the CEO of Duck Commander and a familiar face from the Duck Dynasty television series. Willie shares a story about the transformative power of being there for one another—about a minister who showed up for his father, Phil, in one of his darkest hours—and how it inspired a new found faith that would eventually turn his life, and the lives of his family, in a new direction. We’ll also hear from Ben Fuller, a Nashville-based singer/songwriter, who faced addiction in his youth and early twenties. When he lost a close friend to addiction, Ben’s future seemed destined for a similar, dismal outcome. But a family who’d known Ben as a child decided to take him under their wing, invited him to church, and Ben found the hope he’d been looking for all his life.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Delilah Upcoming interview: Lauren Green Ephesians 4:32 NIV Jesus Calling for Moms  Grace for the Moment for Moms Jesus Calling for Graduates    Willie Robertson Duck Commander  Duck Dynasty television series John 4 NIV fruit of the Spirit Gospeler   Ben Fuller Romans 10:9 NIV “If I Got Jesus”   Interview Quotes: “If you talk to someone and they change their lives, all that could be generational change for them, for their children, for their grandchildren. And all that could take place just by telling someone a story.” - Willie Robertson  “Whether I'm studying the Bible with someone and trying to teach someone, or if I'm just literally trying to figure out some of the answers to life, I always just go into the Bible and see what it says.” - Willie Robertson “What I find is when you share your faith, when you do that a lot, it starts fixing a lot of the
Wherever Life Takes You, God Is There: Stephanie Quayle & Anna Broadway
May 9, 2024 - 28 min
Traveling far from home can reframe our perspectives on the world, ourselves, and our faith. But more than the places we go, the people we surround ourselves with, and the stories we share with one another, will profoundly shape our lives. Country singer/songwriter and author Stephanie Quayle shares her journey from growing up in Montana to traveling to Switzerland and California before settling in Nashville. Tragic loss in a plane crash compelled her to confront grief and forgiveness, shaping both her life and her music and ultimately, strengthening her faith. We’ll also hear from Anna Broadway, an author who traveled the globe to gain new perspectives on singleness in the church, advocating for a more inclusive and understanding approach.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Glo Atanmo Upcoming interview: Willie Robertson Jesus Calling for Moms  Grace for the Moment for Moms Jesus Calling for Graduates  Not That Fancy audiobook   Stephanie Quayle Godwinks On the Edge Why Do We Stay?   Anna Broadway Solo Planet   Interview Quotes: “I had so many questions of God; why? Why would You let this happen to me?” - Stephanie Quayle “I went into the water one way and I came out different. It was immediate. I'd already been forgiven by God; I didn't get that forgiveness of myself until that moment.” - Stephanie Quayle  “What I love about country music is its storytelling and it’s a very simple version when it comes to complex conversations. I think that sometimes in the way I structure my songs, I can take something that's very heavy and give it a little bit more softness around the edges.” - Stephanie Quayle  “Forgiveness, that is such a powerful word. Because you only get forgiveness through faith.” - Stephanie Quayle  “We need each other to be different, but we have to figure out how to love and support each other in our differences.” - Anna Broadway  “When you do study the Bible for yourself, I think that's the first and most important place to see, Wow, singleness is not necessarily what I make of it.” - Anna Broadway  “When we reshape our narrative for life from one that's about finding a relationship or not, and having children or not, to one that's about following Jesus and seeking first God's kingdom, it really changes how we think about singleness.” - Anna Broadway  “God can show up where you think it's almost impossible. There is no limit to how and where God can meet us.” - Anna Broadway  ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  <p dir="l
Your Pain and Your Story All Make Sense to God: Dr. Josh Axe & J.S. Park
May 2, 2024 - 27 min
The content in this episode is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician to see what works best for you. During times of pain, loss, and grief, faith and a close relationship with God can serve as a profound source of comfort, strength, and hope. Prayer, meditation, and the study of scripture can be vital practices in nurturing our spiritual resilience, offering a refuge and a sense of peace. In these ways, our faith acts not only as a beacon of light amidst the shadows, but also as a foundation upon which we can rebuild and heal. Dr. Josh Axe, a functional medicine doctor, shares his personal health experiences that have shaped his approach to health and wellness. He recounts his mother's battle with cancer and her successful remission through natural approaches. When Josh had a back injury that turned into a serious infection, his connection to God provided faith and hope that he would make a full recovery. J.S. Park, a hospital chaplain, discusses the importance of being present for people in their most difficult moments and the profound impact of grief support and crisis assistance. J.S. also opens up about his struggle with faith and finding comfort in difficult times.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Leslie Schilling Upcoming interview: Stephanie Quayle Jesus Calling for Moms  Grace for the Moment for Moms Jesus Calling for Graduates   Dr. Josh Axe functional medicine hyperbaric chamber Think This, Not That   J.S. Park As Long As You Need   Interview Quotes: “One of the things I know that God always does is He can turn pain into purpose.” - Dr. Josh Axe “I've found that sometimes if people just break through one limiting belief, it can radically change their life.” - Dr. Josh Axe  “If we're having right and positive thinking, it's a major, major contributor to us healing and achieving our optimal level of health.” - Dr. Josh Axe “It was the love of this small, little church that invited me–despite us believing different things, despite the life that I was living at that time–and just kept loving me. And that's how I came to understand God and God's love.” - J.S. Park “It's such a rare thing in life to be in a room where suddenly all the pieces—your experience, your pain, your story, your gifting, your calling, all of it—somehow clicks into place. What a rare and beautiful thing that is.” - J.S. Park “Chaplains fit the space between the sacred and the system, between the medicines and the machines. And so I do my best to be there for anything that my patient needs.” - J.S. Park “Ca
[JESUS LISTENS MONTHLY SERIES] Prayers for the Middle Of Your Life: Dawn Barton
April 30, 2024 - 11 min
Do you ever feel like life has passed you by, or that the best days of your life are gone and done? Self-proclaimed “joyologist” Dawn Barton has experienced those same feelings, but even through the worst heartbreaks and devastating losses, she believes there’s always time to write a new story.    Guest’s Links Dawn’s Facebook: @dawnrbarton Dawn’s Instagram: @DawnRBarton  ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website TikTok   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
God Is Listening and He Cares For Us: Andre Ward & John Burke
April 25, 2024 - 22 min
It’s often said that hindsight is twenty-twenty, and our guests this week look back on how God has shaped their own lives in profound ways—though it might’ve been hard to see at the moment.  Former boxing champion Andre Ward shares his life story, both inside and outside the ring, marked by struggles with family addiction and a sense of aimlessness. He reveals how he turned his life around and reignited his faith after the passing of his father, and became determined to become a warrior for God. John Burke shares insights he gained from researching over a thousand near-death experiences. These firsthand accounts convinced him—as an agnostic at the time—of the existence of God, and of the notion that God hears us and is answering our prayers.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Tamera Mowry-Housley Upcoming interview: Dr. Josh Axe Jesus Calling for Moms  Grace for the Moment for Moms   Andre Ward  Killing the Image   John Burke Acts 14 NIV 2 Corinthians 12 NIV 1 Corinthians 15 NIV Guillain-Barré syndrome Canadian Royal Mounted Police Imagine The God of Heaven  Interview Quotes: “Instead of me trying to lean into my faith and let God be my outlet and communicate with Him, I shut down, I went inward. I didn't speak to Him, I didn't speak to the ones around me.” - Andre Ward  “It's just amazing to me that God will take people and put them in these different spheres and use them even in spite of where they are, and what the atmosphere is calling for.” - Andre Ward “My rags were filthy, I was dirty, I was in the thick of my mess. But the fact that I called out and said, ‘Can you help me?’—that's when my life started to change for the better.” - Andre Ward  “We love putting God in a box and saying, ‘He will do this. He won't do that.’ He can do what He wants to do. And if He’ll take someone like me who's flawed, messed up, and is no good without Him, and put me in a flawed sport like boxing, and say, ‘I want to use this for my purpose. I want to use you as a light,’ He not only can do it, but He will do it.” - Andre Ward  “I'm really focused on helping people understand how God is raising up near-death experience testimonies all over the world that are pointing not only to the reality of the life to come shown in the scriptures, but also the reality of this amazing God of light and love who is personal and who revealed Himself through Jesus.” - John Burke  “We learn to listen to those quiet, prompting thoughts, and the way we know we're hearing is when we act in faith.” - John Burke “You are unique and you have a unique purpose. And it h
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Meet Your Host
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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