Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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[JESUS LISTENS MONTHLY SERIES] Songs and Prayers for Christmas with Ellie Holcomb
December 19, 2023 - 18 min
On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’re talking to author, singer/songwriter and multiple Dove Award winner Ellie Holcomb, who shares about the humbling experience of singing on a stage for an audience, her Christmas family traditions, and the hopes she has for the season.    Guest’s Links Facebook: @ellieholcombmusic Twitter: @ellieholcomb Instagram: @ellieholcomb ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Triumph Over Trials: Rapper Otis Kemp and Softball Star Katelyn Pavey
December 14, 2023 - 17 min
The Bible is filled with stories of people who faced uncertain times; like Joseph who was betrayed by his brothers and was sold as a slave, or Job who went through unbearable pain and loss. But their hardships didn’t cause them to give up—in fact, their lives went on to have profound impact, despite the challenges along the way.  This week’s guests know what it’s like to feel like giving up after enduring a trying season, but instead, persevered in the hope of making their lives count. South Florida rapper Otis has collaborated with artists such as Rick Ross and Flo Rida. As a youth, Otis was kicked out of multiple schools and made some unwise choices due to peer pressure. Instead of succumbing to a label of being a “problem,” he took the challenges he faced in his youth and turned them into a passion to help all kids succeed. Collegiate softball player Katelyn Pavey was born without a full arm. You might think this could have been an impediment to pursuing a sport like softball, but Katelyn was determined to be the best she could be—and ended up becoming one of the top players in her sport.     Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Darnell Ferguson Upcoming interview: Stevie and Sazan Hendrix   Otis Kemp Flo Rida   Katelyn Pavey  Phocomelia Syndrome FCA Midway University  Kentucky Christian University I Can   Interview Quotes: “I’ll never forget. I said, ‘What am I doing? You know, God, you gave me this gifting or whatever it is,’ I didn't understand it, but I knew that I was supposed to be using it for Him. “ - Otis Kemp “It was hard, it wasn't easy, and I think that's why God is faithful and He’s blessing me now, because I gave up something at a time where it was just insane to the normal individual.” - Otis Kemp “It's been ups and downs, but God has been able to sustain us all the way through. He never said it would be easy, but He said, ‘I'll be there with you even until the end of the age.’” - Otis Kemp  “Anything you do for the Lord and you present it to Him in the right heart posture, He will come and consume it and He will dwell there. And so I'm honored that He chose Otis. And that's something no one can ever take from me, that God has smiled on me, and it's just the beginning.” - Otis Kemp “I ended up recovering in four and a half months from this injury, and it just proved to me that trusting in God and trusting that He has a plan, really pushed me to get better and pushed me to come back and play softball again.” - Katelyn Pavey  “I don't need to play for myself. I need to play for Him in all my playing and all my life, my actions and my words should be glorifying to Him and show others to Him through my play.” - Katelyn Pavey “He has a plan for me, even though I didn't know what the future held, I just was reminded that I know who holds my future, and that in the end, there's going to be a reason why these things happened.” - Katelyn Pavey ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:  Peace for Everyday Life:     http
Embracing Serenity Through Letting Go: Father James Martin & Michael Freeland Miller
December 7, 2023 - 20 min
As we celebrate the season of advent, it’s a wonderful time to focus on prayer. This dialogue with God can be an avenue leading us to tranquility by enabling us to articulate our deepest fears, hopes, and concerns. It provides an opportunity to let go and surrender our burdens. In the practice of releasing our worries, we open ourselves up to God’s calming embrace of serenity.  Father James Martin is a Jesuit priest who is a student of scripture, helping bring it to life for people in new ways. In his latest book called Come Forth, Father Martin explores the story of Lazarus and how understanding the context for Jesus’ greatest miracle can have meaning for us as we strive to let go of things that no longer serve us, and have faith that Jesus can give us new life, just as He gave His friend Lazarus. After Father Martin walks us through the miraculous story of Lazarus, he brings a special message for us about the meaning of Advent as we celebrate this special time of year. Michael Freeland Miller is the founder and one of the senior leaders of UPPERROOM. In April of 2010, Michael and his wife started a small prayer meeting in an office space overlooking downtown Dallas. From that initial prayer meeting, God birthed a movement of prayer and worship that continues to grow globally.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Ryan Stevenson Not That Fancy   Father James Martin Come Forth America Magazine Lent Advent    Michael Freeland Miller  UPPERROOM Deuteronomy 10:8 NIV   Interview Quotes: “What do we want to let die? What do you want to let go of? What do you want to get rid of? What patterns, what behaviors, what addictions do we want to leave behind in the tomb to let die so that we can hear God's voice inviting us to come forth?” - Father James Martin  “People feel so stressed at Christmas, and what is really a joyful holiday becomes sort of a burden. There's always this temptation at Christmas to want to do everything, visit every person, write every single person you know a Christmas card, buy everyone a gift, sort of go for broke when it comes to Christmas dinner. And I think doing less might be helpful.” - Father James Martin  “What does it mean that God became human? What does that mean for me? What does it mean that God was human in the most vulnerable way possible? What does it mean that God would choose to be vulnerable and little and dependent on human beings, on Mary and Joseph?” - Father James Martin “Instead of being on Amazon all day and clicking for the next gift, trying to get the right thing—stressing out about it may not be as helpful as just five minutes of prayer. It's about balance, I think. And Advent enables us to slow down a bit.” - Father James Martin  “God becomes human in order that we might relate to God better.” - Father James Martin   “I died a thousand deaths to my various strategies and the resume that I had built up in ministry. And the Lord really stripped me in that season in discovering what it was like to build a church around prayer.” - Mi
Breaking Down The Walls That Divide Us: Eric Costanzo, Yana Sherdis, & Julie Mirlicourtois
November 30, 2023 - 19 min
God's love knows no borders, boundaries, or limitations. It reaches every person, regardless of origin or language. When we strive to follow Jesus’s greatest commandment, “Love one another,” we can begin to break down the walls that often divide us. This week, we speak to pastor Eric Costanzo and one of his church members, Yana Sherdis, who have dedicated their lives to serving and supporting refugees and international families through their church’s powerful outreach program. We’ll also speak with the director of a new docuseries, ACROSS, Julie Mirlicourtois who shares the inspiring faith of Christian asylum seekers from Central America.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Anthony Ray Hinton Upcoming interview: Father James Martin John 13:34 NIV   Eric Costanzo  Yana Sherdis South Tulsa Baptist Church English second language program ESL classes   Julie Mirlicourtois ACROSS Oprah Winfrey Show CBS News  Maybe God  St. Luke's United Methodist Interview Quotes: “The biggest thing that made a difference was when folks who were from our church and had been there for a while really started to interact with their refugee and immigrant neighbors and they realized who they were, and they saw them, just who they truly are.” - Eric Costanzo  “When anyone is looking for a safe place or a refuge—it could be because of physical circumstances or emotional circumstances or legitimate issues of safety or spiritual issues—the church can be that kind of safe harbor, just like a ship comes to the harbor so that it might find safe passage.” - Eric Costanzo  “I think I had this gift of faith all along. I think I could feel God so clearly, I just had no clue who He was.” - Julie Mirlicourtois  “It kind of felt like I had been talking to this person on the other side of a closed door my whole life, wondering if He was real or just part of my imagination, and then He revealed Himself to me in so many undeniable ways.” - Julie Mirlicourtois  “I had believed for so long these lies, lies I'd been told about Christians, about Jesus, and I really became determined to cut through the noise of culture and politics and reach people in those secular audiences where I once was.” - Julie Mirlicourtois  “Following the lives of these asylum seekers for the past two and a half, three years, I've never understood more of what the Bible tells us when it says ‘Blessed are the poor.’ Their faith has enriched and enhanced my faith and countless other people so much. It's taught me to shift my perspective that the hardships are there for a reason. I can't just make my life and my kids’ lives in this comfortable place. I have to really thank God for the good and the bad and keep growing through it.” - Julie Mirlicourtois  <p dir
[MONTHLY SERIES] Praying For Mercy: Jason Crabb
November 28, 2023 - 15 min
We all need God’s mercy at some point in our lives. And for singer Jason Crabb, that time came when he was in a rebellious phase; realizing the faith he had was something passed down from his family–not necessarily his own. Ultimately Jason began a relationship with God for himself–and that “mercy moment”  began a habit of recognizing God’s mercy through all the phases of his life.    Guest’s Links Facebook: @JasonCrabbMusic Twitter: @jasoncrabbmusic Instagram: @jasoncrabbmusic ________________________ Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Cultivating Connection Amidst Loneliness: Levi Lusko & Daniel Darling
November 23, 2023 - 22 min
In today's world, characterized by advanced technology and increasing isolation, there's a pressing need to foster real connection. As technology continues to advance, genuine human connections are taking a backseat. However, in Scripture we find that God recognizes; "It is not good for man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18). As part of God’s unique design, He wired us for meaningful connection where we find strength, love, and support from others. This week, as we celebrate Thanksgiving and a season of connection and gratitude, we have two pastors to help us navigate a season that also can be lonely and disconnected. Author and pastor Levi Lusko sheds light on the growing loneliness crisis in our highly connected world, and Daniel Darling explains the fundamental aspects of healthy relationships, including forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Larry Randolph and Jennifer Bleakley Upcoming interview: Eric Constanzo Not That Fancy Jesus Listens for Advent and Christmas Genesis 2:18 NIV   Levi Lusko  Fresh Life Church Surgeon General Psalms 8 NIV Neil deGrasse Tyson Ezekiel 3:15 NIV Marvel at the Moon   Daniel Darling National Religious Broadcasters Association Land Center for Cultural Engagement  Texas Baptist College 1 Timothy NIV 2 Timothy NIV John 13:34-35 NIV   Interview Quotes: “God said, ‘It's not good that man should be alone.’ And so I think there's something of the human experience where our souls will always crave and always be deficient if we're not having those vital exchanges, those conversations, those moments.” - Levi Lusko  “I think when we lift our eyes, we'll be reminded, Hey, the one who made the moon, the one who with His fingers called out the stars, with His voice, with the word of His power, separated light from darkness, He loves you. He has a plan for you. He came in the person of Jesus to this world. He wants to have a relationship with you.” - Levi Lusko  “No matter what you're facing today, God is safe to build your life upon, and the weather and the wind can change in a moment, but God's Word never will.” - Levi Lusko  “Jesus knows what you're going through and He has a plan for you in it. He
The Power of Our Choices Toward a New Start: Herman Mendoza & Stephen Arterburn
November 16, 2023 - 27 min
Do you ever wish you could simply start over, or that you had a second chance? Maybe you feel like your life is “too far gone,” that there’s no hope of ever going back to what could’ve been. But there is good news to be found in 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, which says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old is gone, the new is here!”” There is always a chance for a fresh start, as our God meets you with compassion, grace and beautiful mercy.  Pastor Herman Mendoza came up through some tough years growing up in Queens, NY, enduring abuse from his father, and finding it hard to find connection from his peers. He ultimately chose to get involved in gang activity and drug trafficking, which brought him the power and sense of connection he had always wanted, but also ended up with run-ins with authorities, and ultimately jail time that he couldn’t negotiate his way out of. He shares how God changed his path to become a force for good in a place where goodness isn’t easily found. Stephen Arterburn, founder of New Life Ministries, has a focus of transformation with God's truth and a genuine desire to see parents shepherd their children well through the pitfalls of the online world. He shares helpful guidance for parents seeking to mentor their children in this screen-saturated time.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: John & Stasi Eldredge Upcoming interview: Levi Lusko 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 NIV   Herman Mendoza Promise Ministries International Powerhouse Kids Rikers Island Proverbs 26:11 NIV Drug Enforcement Agency   Stephen Arterburn New Life Ministries New Life Live Jesus Calling for kids Understanding and Loving Your Child In a Screen-Saturated World Interview Quotes: “This was all God setting everything up. He would have it no other way.” - Herman Mendoza “For the very first time it wasn't about me. It wasn't about excuses. It wasn't about negotiating with God. It was about the wrongs that I've done and that Jesus paid the price for my sins and that He can make it alright, even though the sins that I was committing, there's a price to pay for them, and I had to pay that price.” - Herman Mendoza  “There's hope in Jesus Christ. God is amazing, and when you seek Him, you will find Him. and He will change your life forever.” - Herman Mendoza  “You have to come to that place where you have to know Jesus first. He will navigate you through life’s obstacles and life's challenges. God enables me to have freedom through prayer, to talk to Him and and for Him to remind me that He loves me. He's with me, and the Holy Scriptures are there to guide me each and every day.” - Herman Mendoza  ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories o
Losing Someone You Love, And Losing Yourself: Ed and Lisa Young & Dr. Morgan Cutlip
November 9, 2023 - 22 min
Experiencing a significant loss or trauma often leads to an identity crisis, a sensation comparable to losing footing on solid ground. You may suddenly feel untethered, as if the person you once knew as "you" has evaporated, replaced by an unfamiliar stranger. Your faith may seem hollow, your relationships distant. It’s like you’re lost in your own life, and you don’t know how to get back.  Our guests this week share how they coped with grief and hardship, and how they found their way back from feeling disoriented and disconnected from themselves. Senior pastor of Fellowship Church Ed Young and his wife Lisa share the heart wrenching story of their daughter, LeeBeth, and her struggle with addiction, and how it forever altered the course of their lives. Dr. Morgan Cutlip looked forward to motherhood, but was quickly faced with the real struggles that come alongside it, and made it her life’s work to help mothers cope with that loss of self, and show them how to remember who they are again.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Dr. Lee Warren Upcoming interview: Herman Mendoza Operation Christmas Child Jesus Listens for Advent & Christmas Reba McEntire Not That Fancy   Ed Young Lisa Young Fellowship Church AA [Alcoholics Anonymous] COVID A Path Through Pain   Dr. Morgan Cutlip Philippians 4:8 NIV Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself   Interview Quotes “Through that pain [of losing our daughter], God just surrounded us with His indescribable love. I still can't believe it to this day, but He did, and He has, and I know He will. We had just experienced something together that nobody wants to experience, but it was something that God was walking with us together.” - Lisa Young “Ed said right after LeeBeth passed away, ‘We will never, ever, ever be the same. We won't do church the same, I won't minister the same, I won't pastor the same.’ And that's in a good way, and so it's continually God showing us new ways to live past this point of grief.” - Lisa Young  “Pour your heart out to God, your anger out to God, your questions out to God, but also realize, Man, God’s got this, He's got me.” - Ed Young  “When things started happening, things that were painful, I was able to draw upon what God had given me, what God had instilled in me, and that's how joy and pain can coincide.” - Lisa Young  “Whatever we face, joy can be ever-present. It seems distant at times, but it's ever-present because of His Presence in my life.” - Lisa Young  “I think that we're in a society right now that is like, ‘Feelings are facts,’ and they’re just not. We put a lot of emphasis on feelings, but feelings are signals. Feelings are a warning
Our Faith Will Carry Us To The Finish Line: Daniel Gil & Brad Minns
November 2, 2023 - 21 min
Many writers and philosophers have compared the process of living our lives to running a race, or following a path. The Bible, in Hebrews among other places, makes this comparison as well by saying;  “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith [Hebrews 12: 1-3].” Much as a marathon runner relies on their faith to complete a grueling race, or a mountaineer looks to the heavens for strength to conquer a strenuous climb, our faith can provide a source of strength and motivation to endure life’s challenges, pushing one's limits beyond perceived boundaries.  With unwavering passion and determination, eight time American Ninja Warrior finalist and competitor Daniel Gil shares how his relationship with the Lord has helped him push through some of the toughest challenges–both mental and physical. Professional tennis player and Deaf World Championship winner Brad Minns lost his hearing at the age of three and shares the challenges that brought when entering the world of tennis, how he found the strength to defy the odds.  Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Don Wickstrum Upcoming interview: Pastor Ed & Lisa Young Operation Christmas Child Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV   Daniel Gil American Ninja Warrior Hebrews 12:2 NIV Kingdom Ninja   Brad Minns Never Give Up book Arnold Schwarzeneggerer The Education of a Bodybuilder Deaflympics Never Give Up movie   Interview Quotes: “It wasn't until I was chasing wholeheartedly, fully, and completely after my walk with the Lord that these relationships and these doors began to open for what I feel like God had purposed for my life all along.” - Daniel Gil “I'll put the blinders on, block out all the noise, block out the lights, block out the cameras, block out the audience, and I'll put a smile on my face from ear to ear, because as an athlete and more so as a Christian, I'm grateful for every single opportunity to be there.” - Daniel Gil  “I'll give it everything that I've got, but at the end of the day, I don't find my identity in American Ninja Warrior. I don't find my identity in anything that I do. I find my identity in my walk with the Lord.” - Daniel Gil “I said, ‘God help me.’ And [as] I said [that] prayer, I left the rest to God. And I came back and won the match.” - Brad Minns “There's physical training, and there's spiritual training. Physical training has some value, but spiritual training has far greater value because it has benefits, not just in this life, but the life to come.” - Brad Minns “We all have a gift that God created us for, to use while we are here on this Earth to do what He wants us to do. The only way you are going to use that gift to the maximum is to put God first and let Him have total control in your life.” - Brad Minns  ________________________ Enjoy watching t
[MONTHLY SERIES] Prayers For the Journey of Life: Naomi Raine
October 31, 2023 - 11 min
Naomi Raine from Maverick City Music has been singing since she was just two years old—and the power in her voice comes from a passion to glorify God in her music. Through her life journey, with all its ups and downs, Naomi has kept Christ at the center, allowing Him to shine through in all that she does, which has inspired countless listeners.   Guest’s Links Facebook: @NaomiRaineMusic Instagram: @naomiraine ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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