Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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Trusting God and Finding Your True Self: Rachael Lampa and KB
October 26, 2023 - 24 min
When other people's expectations drive our lives, we run the risk of losing our authentic selves, and are subtly steered away from our own unique paths. We’re compelled to show up as others would have us, instead of showing up as our true selves. It can be hard to change our instinct to listen to others and we can get lost in the noise. But when we trust that God will show us who we really are, we are empowered to sift through all those societal expectations and find the courage to stand firm in our truth.  This week, singer and songwriter Rachael Lampa shares how she was thrust into the spotlight at an early age, becoming a number one selling Christian artist at only fifteen years old. After a few years of showing up for her record label, her managers, and her fans, Rachael began to feel her own voice starting to diminish. She shares what brought her back from burnout and how she learned to trust her own voice again. After we hear from Rachael, we’ll talk with Dove award winning rapper KB who shares his own identity crisis as a people pleaser, and whose voice of approval he was really seeking in his quest to feel worthy.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Lauren Alaina Upcoming interview: Daniel Gil Operation Christmas Child   Rachael Lampa People Loving Nashville “Perfectly Loved”   KB His Glory Alone II   Interview Quotes: “It was a really special thing to be able to grow in my faith and also grow in music at the same time and watch how the music reflected where I was with my faith.” - Rachael Lampa  “I'm turning my back on the thing that I thought I was going to do for the rest of my life. It was one of those first moments where I was able to say, ‘I trust God right now, I trust God a lot. I don't have a plan for what this is going to look like.’” - Rachael Lampa  “When we give gifts to people, we don't expect them to take that gift and be like, ‘Here you go, world. You can have it, too.’” - Rachael Lampa “I got to worship [God] in the smallest ways and not always under sound and lights. That is really what brought me to a place where I was able to say, ‘Okay, if music never comes back, I'm okay. I am loved, I still matter, I still have purpose.’” - Rachael Lampa “I fully trust God, and He has just been honestly blowing me away.” - Rachael Lampa “I realized that this unhealthiness that was showing up in my life was connected to me working for the approval of a voice that I would never hear.” - KB  “I'm not able to even taste the fruit of my labor because everything I do is always incomplete because I need the approval of my father. That created all kinds of problems in my heart, but what I found was it made me ripe for the Father God.” - KB  “God's glory doesn't take a backseat, it doesn't suspend itself in our brokenness, in our confusion; it is a part of how God shows up and shows out in our weakness. There is strength in confessing our fragility and there’s strength in owning our need for healing.” - KB  “I've been so grateful for the brothers and sisters that God has assigned to me that make up His church, that helped to hold my arms up, helped calm me to repentance and helped to heal the wounds that I've become so acutely aware of.” - KB  “If God is not holding the leash on my desires, if He's not holding the leash on my trauma and what I'm enduring, if He is not holding the leash on my wo
Give Up Your Despair To God: Nicole Avant & Gary Miracle
October 19, 2023 - 30 min
In the bleak aftermath of unspeakable tragedy, it is faith that dawns as our beacon of survival and healing. Faith, by its very nature, is about trust, hope, and a belief that God is in control. It allows us to seek solace and strength in something greater than ourselves, and it provides a comforting balm for our wounded hearts. Both of our guests this week faced heartbreaking circumstances that could have shaken their faith beyond repair, but each of them chose to wait and see what God would do in their lives as they healed from their scars and faced a new way of living through their pain.   Nicole Avant is an author and film producer who grew up around the music business. Her father, Clarence Avant, was known as the Godfather of Black Music, and as an executive in the music business, he furthered the careers of jazz legends like Sarah Vaughn and Jimmy Smith, and was a sought after mentor for artists like Jamie Foxx, David Geffen, Whitney Houston, and others. Nicole’s family life was steeped in music and in faith. It was the faith she would cling to when tragedy struck twice—first, the devastating loss of her mother to the hands of a gunman who invaded their home, and then, the loss of her father shortly after. Author and speaker Gary Miracle unexpectedly found himself on his deathbed in the emergency room, with a 1.7% chance to survive the night. A series of small miracles lined up, and though he ultimately lost all four limbs, Gary’s life was spared, inspiring MercyMe’s hit song, “Say I Won’t.”    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: The Beathard family Upcoming interview: Rachael Lampa Operation Christmas Child   Nicole Avant Clarence Avant Sarah Vaughn  Jimmy Smith Jamie Foxx David Geffen Whitney Houston Bill Withers “Lean On Me” Philippians 1:11 NIV Think You'll Be Happy: Moving Through Grief with Grit, Grace, and Gratitude   Gary Miracle  “Say I Won’t” septic shock  ECMO machine Depression No More Bad Days   <p dir
Discovering God’s Unique Recipe For Our Lives: Chefs Aarti Sequeira & Darnell Ferguson
October 12, 2023 - 24 min
In a big world, we might feel a little lost in the mix, like there’s nothing really special about us. But much like a chef skillfully combines ingredients to create the perfect recipe, God uses challenges, experiences, and talents to give us all a one-of-a-kind design. This week, Food Network personality and author Aarti Sequeira shares how cooking as a hobby turned into a sacred place for her, and how the conversations she would have with God in the kitchen led to a deep and meaningful relationship with Him, and with others who came to dine at her table. Chef Darnell Ferguson came from a place in the inner city where he couldn’t find much to believe in—much less himself. It took a special teacher to see the spark of talent he had, and though he would continue to struggle with feeling forgotten and alone, an encounter with God at church turned his world around. After we hear Aarti’s and Darnell’s stories, be sure to stay with us until the end of the show for a special reading from Reba McEntire herself, straight from her new audiobook, Not That Fancy.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Melissa d’Arabian Upcoming interview: Nicole Avant Reba McEntire Not That Fancy Operation Christmas Child   Aarti Sequeira Mumbai  Dubai  Gulf War  Larry King Live Suzanne Goen Aarti Paarti Food Network Star Unwind   Darnell Ferguson Emeril Live Superchef Family Cookbook   Interview Quotes: “Growing up in Dubai, I was like, well, I'm not Arab, I'm not English, I've always felt like I don't quite fit in here. But the beautiful thing about that is that I think it put in me this heart of wanting to connect with people, finding something in common with them so that we could feel connected.” - Aarti Sequeira “I started to feel really worthless because my identity was so wrapped up in achieving professionally and being a journalist. Once that was taken away from me, who even was I anymore? I felt like a failure.” - Aarti Sequeira  “I felt like God would teach me and meet me in the slicing of the vegetables, the sizzling of the garlic and those things. He would just remind me, ‘I am Creator and you are made in my image, and so when you are cooking, this is you acting out of Me.’” - Aarti Sequeira “When I cooked, the kitchen became this place of real sanctuary for me, a place where the chaos of my life could turn into order, where I could take a mess of ingred
The Gift of Music to Heal Our Broken Spirits: Kelly Lang and Chris Brown
October 5, 2023 - 18 min
Music holds an incredible spiritual power that can't be easily defined. It serves as a universal language, connecting people across cultures and experiences, and has a mysterious way of mirroring our innermost feelings and thoughts. The gift God gave us through music can heal, uplift, and inspire, providing spiritual nourishment and a deeper sense of connection to the world around us.  Singer/songwriter Kelly Lang found herself in a dark place after an unexpected and frightening breast cancer diagnosis. As she contemplated her mortality, she started to look at the world with different eyes, and was inspired to write songs about her experiences during a season that would greatly test her strength. Chris Brown, a worship leader and songwriter at Elevation Church, has written amazing songs of worship during his life that help people feel closer to God. Chris describes how music got him through some difficult times, including the loss of his mom, and how God shows up for Him in those challenging places.     Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview:  Francesca Battistelli Upcoming interview: Aarti Sequeira Not That Fancy: Simple Lessons on Living, Loving, Eating, and Dusting Off Your Boots   Kelly Lang The Oprah Winfrey Show Mammogram Ascension Saint Thomas Hospitals  “I Think It's Jesus” Kelly Lang’s latest album ‘Dragonfly’ features the single “I Think It’s Jesus” as well as “I’m Not Going Anywhere,” “Life Sentence,” and more! Lang’s advocacy for breast cancer awareness came full circle with her Grand Ole Opry debut at Opry Goes Pink, the annual event honoring breast cancer patients.   Chris Brown Elevation Church Pastor Steven Furtick “Here Again” Can You Imagine? Here Again Written by Chris Brown, Amy Corbett and Steven Furtick © 2018 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing (BMI) (admin. at   Interview Quotes: “I survived with an attitude of gratitude and looking at things positively, like, Okay, I've got breast cancer, but at least I'm here. I was just grasping at every little detail because the people that I surrounded myself with taught me that. You could choose to live in a dark place or you could choose to live in a lighter place.” - Kelly Lang  “It's so important to daily set aside time with [God] so that these truths get rooted deeper into my spirit, into my mind, that whatever I'm worried about or facing right now, God is in it with me.” - Chris Brown “Spending time with Jesus every single day is watering and tending to the garden of my soul.” - Chris Brown  “I need those moments where God can also pull out things in my heart and in my spirit that don't belong there, and He can reveal those things to me.” - Chris Brown ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:</
Casting Out the Shadows of Shame With the Power of Love: Kerry Washington and Anh Lin
September 28, 2023 - 27 min
It doesn’t matter how much we achieve, or how much we do to show ourselves as worthy, haunting doubts can creep in, making us question our value and undercutting our confidence. Sometimes these feelings stem from an internal comparison with others around us, as we measure our lives against others' highlight reels. However, there is a hope for the dark feelings we have that tell us we’re not enough, or that no one truly cares. The transformative power of God’s love encourages us to shed layers of self-doubt and replace them with an armor of self-acceptance and appreciation. In the face of this love, shame dwindles, losing its power to control our emotions and actions.  This week, actress Kerry Washington plumbs the depths of her family history to vulnerably reveal her own history, and found that she carried shame which made her feel unworthy and unlovable—which manifested into anxiety she would carry into adulthood. Through the help of therapy, prayer, and understanding her story, Kerry began vulnerably sharing her deepest secrets, and learned to love herself by letting go of shame. With a mixture of home design styling, DIY projects, and preaching from God's Word, Anh Lin has created a truly unique space on her YouTube channel, Girl and The Word. Anh recalls one of her darkest moments when she thought to herself, No one truly loves you, when she felt God comforting her and assuring her of her worth. Now, she works to help others transform spaces into healing sanctuaries of peace and reflection.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Carley Summers Upcoming interview: Kelly Lang Samaritan’s Purse:    Kerry Washington Thicker Than Water   Anh Lin  Girl and The Word YouTube channel Forever Home   Interview Quotes: “I really have been on a journey to figure out how to take care of myself and provide a sense of safety for myself that helps me stay out of depression and anxiety.” - Kerry Washington  “We are each of us a child of God. We all deserve to be loved unconditionally. We are all worthy. We are no less than or no greater than any other person.” - Kerry Washington  “We don't all have the same journeys, but we do share these common human, unifying experiences of wanting to be loved, wanting to be seen, knowing what it's like to be afraid, knowing what it's like to love, knowing what it's like to have our hearts broken.” - Kerry Washington “My children and my husband are 100% proof of God to me. Each of us is a crazy, brilliant miracle, just a God blessed miracle to be here.” - Kerry Washington “My deepest relationships with God have come in my most challenging times. I think those ebbs and flows in life happen to invite us to get closer to goodness, closer to faith, closer to God.” - Kerry Washington  “I had that experience of [God] coming to me when I was at my darkest stage, when I had wanted nothing to do with Him or anything to do with any religion, He still saw His broken daughter and it broke His heart. And He reached out to me.” - Anh Lin “I generally just look at the things that surround me, such as land or paint or whatever I have within my vicinity, and I really allow the Lord to inspire me in what He wants me to do next, creative wise.” - Anh Lin  “I feel like if we are searching for that next creative project that would really glorify Him, just allow Him to inspire us in unexpected ways, and then open the Bible and see what the scriptures have to
[MONTHLY SERIES] Connecting to God: Prayer & Your Enneagram Type with Jackie Brewster
September 26, 2023 - 13 min
On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we hear from author and Enneagram coach Jackie Brewster. Jackie shares with us how the Enneagram personality test can help us learn more about ourselves and how we can apply that knowledge to deepen our relationship with God. Guest’s Links Facebook: @enneagramwithjb Twitter: @jb_rewster Instagram: @enneagramwithjb ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Your Emotions Matter to God: Julie Chen Moonves & Dr. Anita Phillips
September 21, 2023 - 30 min
Have you ever been told that you are “too emotional?” Perhaps there are times we feel like we’re failing because we’re feeling. But the truth is, God created us to be emotional beings. Jesus Himself experienced an intense spectrum of emotions—He embraced the sadness, the loneliness, and the anger that all of us feel—and by meeting those feelings, He was able to respond to people in ways that demonstrated emotional maturity and love.  News anchor and host of Big Brother Julie Chen Moonves always prioritized her career, and committed herself to every opportunity in her path, until she began to notice a deep sense of loneliness, and realized that in her pursuit of success she had tuned God out of her life. When she started to tune back into Him, she found the peace she’d been so desperately longing for. Dr. Anita Phillips has studied the intersections of mental health, faith, and culture—and made the discovery that Jesus was an intensely emotional being, and through His example, we can know that there’s an incredible amount of good that can come when we learn to embrace our emotions instead of running from them.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Dr. Gary Chapman Upcoming interview: Kerry Washington Samaritan’s Purse:     Julie Chen Moonves  Big Brother Little House on the Prairie CBS News The Talk But First, God   Dr. Anita Phillips Matthew 13 NIV Hebrews 4:15 NIV Hebrews 4:16 NIV The Garden Within   Interview Quotes: “There is no such thing as coincidence. God is in control. God either ordains it or He allows it.” - Julie Chen Moonves “If you don't put God first, what do you have? Everything you have is because of Him, and I didn't realize that until I was closing in on fifty, because I spent the first forty-eight years of my life ignoring God and having false idols.” - Julie Chen Moonves “It's easier to be in this world and look at everything just from your lens. Now, I know it's not about my lens, it's about His lens. Everything is about His agenda, not mine. That's what Amen means, it means Thy will be done. Not my will, Thy will.”- Julie Chen Moonves  “God knows how to give you what you need, depending on what you're going through at that moment in your life.” - Julie Chen Moonves “He has changed how I live, what I prioritize, how I think, how I speak, how I act, how I treat other people, whether I know them or not. Tomorrow is expected, but it is not promised. So having God first in my life has made everyone else in my life have a better relationship with me. It's a trickle-down effect.” - Julie Chen Moonves “God created gardens to give us an understanding of how He created us. Eden wasn't just about where we lived, it was about how we function.” - Dr. Anita Phillips “Every time Jesus allowed the full expression of His emotion, power followed, and I never once saw Jesus repent for feeling.” - Dr. Anita Phillips  “We must recognize that emotion is a bodily experienc
When Our Most Broken Moments Reveal God’s Grace: Madison Prewett Troutt & Dr. Esau McCaulley
September 14, 2023 - 22 min
Making mistakes is an inherent part of our human nature, and a crucial element of our learning and growth. It is through mistakes that we come to realize our imperfections, reassess our actions, and strive for improvement. However, when we are shown grace from others amidst our shortcomings, it transcends the simple act of forgiveness. Grace is a potent demonstration of understanding and compassion, a silent acknowledgment that we are all fallible and capable of erring. It serves as a gentle reminder that mistakes do not define us, but rather, it’s how we rise from them, empowered by the grace we've been granted.  Madison Prewett Troutt, a former contestant from ABC’s The Bachelor who is now an author, always longed to be in a relationship. After breaking up with a person she thought might be “the one” and being thrown into the whirlwind of a reality TV show, Madison found grace through her struggle with finding love by a deeper understanding of the foundation of God’s love in her life. Dr. Esau McCaulley is a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times and an assistant professor of New Testament at Wheaton College. After learning of his estranged father’s death, Esau had to dig deep to find the words that he would use for his eulogy, which led him down a path to renewed empathy and believing that every life, no matter the mistakes made, is deserving of grace.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Matthew West Upcoming interview: Julie Chen Moonves Samaritan’s Purse:    Madison Prewett Troutt The Love Everybody Wants ABC's The Bachelor Matthew 22:35-39 NIV   Dr. Esau McCaulley  New York Times  Wheaton College How Far to the Promised Land tenant farming  Jim Crow Interview Quotes: “Rejection doesn't have to be such a bad thing. Rejection can actually be God's redirection to something better, and it can also be God's protection to keep you from something that you just tried to settle for. He's still in the no’s, just like He's in the yeses.” - Madison Prewett Troutt “I see what God has done and is continuing to do through me and how He's using my life to just encourage people. And man, just what God can do with a surrendered heart and a yes is truly amazing.” - Madison Prewett Troutt “It's by the grace of God that I was really able to experience almost all the different versions of relationships in life: the waiting seasons, the heartbreaks, the rejections, the singleness.” - Madison Prewett Troutt “My goal is to show everybody how to look to God and see ourselves and find deep love amid our culture's shallow ideas about love and romance. Because the truth is, finding love isn't as complicated as we've made it.” - Madison Prewett Troutt “My mom always told me when I was a kid that, ‘When you get where you're going, don't forget where you came from’ And that's true, but I think it's more than simply remembering where you came from, it’s bringing where you came from with you, and that you bring them through the door of opportunity.” - Dr. Esau McCaulley  “When I began to see my father as a person with his own narrative and his o
[BONUS] A Tribute Honoring the Life of Sarah Young
September 11, 2023 - 14 min
Today, we have a very special episode honoring the life of the writer of Jesus Calling and countless other inspiring books, Sarah Young. Sarah left this world for her heavenly home on August 31, 2023. Sarah’s work has had a profound impact, and we’ve been privileged to tell so many stories of that impact here on this podcast with nearly 400 episodes and 700 guests. Nearly 50 million of her books are in the hands of people all over the world, yet Sarah never sought the spotlight for herself. Her sole concern was leading people to a deeper relationship with Christ through her thoughtful and intimate devotionals, which have met so many people in their deepest moments of need. This episode honors her legacy through the heartfelt words of her friend and publisher, Laura Minchew, SVP and Group Publisher of the Children’s and Gift Book Group at HarperCollins Christian Publishing, as well as some special guests whose lives have been directly impacted by Sarah’s work, including:—Lisa Harper, Ainsley Earhardt, Jim Burns, Morgan Harper Nichols, Amy Grant, Margaret Feinberg, and Kathie Lee Gifford.    Links Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Sarah Young Ryan Sheckler Lisa Harper Ainsley Earhardt Jim Burns Morgan Harper Nichols Amy Grant Margaret Feinberg Kathie Lee Gifford ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Life-Changing Grace for Our Darkest Moments: Max Lucado & Jeff Allen
September 7, 2023 - 23 min
We all make mistakes in our lives—big and small—and worry about letting people down, or not living up to who we think we should be. But imagine if someone saw our mistakes, no matter how grave, and instead of chastising us, still believed in us and thought we were amazing? That’s what God’s grace is like. It’s a kind of love that forgives us and gives us a fresh start over and over again, without end.  Author and pastor Max Lucado shares his personal journey from soaring to heights of success to rock bottom moments where he questioned why he was doing what he was doing. Max draws parallels between his experiences and the story of Jacob, and how God’s grace overflows to us, even in our worst moments. Veteran comedian Jeff Allen opens up about the struggles in his life caused by addiction, and the rock bottom moment that led him to seek help, and how he ultimately found his way through a relationship with Christ and the unfailing grace that comes with it.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Michael Jr. Upcoming interview: Madison Prewett Troutt Samaritan’s Purse:    Max Lucado Oak Hill Church God Never Gives Up On You   Jeff Allen Alcoholics Anonymous  Proverbs 17:22 NIV Are We There Yet?: My Journey From a Messed Up to Meaningful Life   Interview Quotes: “It was a wrestling with God moment, and just like Jacob was brought to his knees, I was brought to mine. And I realized that apart from God, I can't even make it through the day.” - Max Lucado  “God found Jacob in the Badlands and came to him and spoke to him, and God will do the same for us. I believe that God will meet us in those times.” - Max Lucado  “Be obedient. Acknowledge what you've done. Find help, confess it, go to a circle of friends, begin to get your life in order, because the longer you resist Him, the harder it is to accept Him. Make sure you give problems to God before the problems get to you.” - Max Lucado  “We have a huge advantage. We know the pilot. We know what He has guided the church through or people through. We know He's not intimidated. We know we'll be okay. And so the key is not trying to live a life in which we are escaping turbulence or trying to manage the turbulence on our own. The key is making sure we know the pilot.” - Max Lucado “If God is big, then our problems are small. But if our problems are big, then it usually means our perception of God is small. So make a big deal out of God.” - Max Lucado  “As you learn in the Bible, anything apart from God that you think will make you whole usually destroys you.” - Jeff Allen “I loved the whole process of standup comedy, but it really wasn't until I got on my knees and I said to Jesus, ‘I'm yours,’ that it all kind of clicked and made sense to me.” - Jeff Allen  “Unless you're doing it for the glory of God, it becomes a chore. But I consider myself blessed that I had the disease of alcoholism because it got me on a journey that ultimately led to Him.” - Jeff Allen  “God knows the world is broken, and He has charged us with repairing a broken world.” - Jeff Allen   “Pray to Jesus and ask Him to show you what He sees in your heart. ‘What do you see in my heart?’” - Jeff Allen _______________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:     <a href="
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Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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