Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith

Jesus Calling
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 best-selling 365-day devotional "Jesus Calling." Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.
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The Beauty of Leaning on Each Other: Jordan Davis & Curt Thompson
August 31, 2023 - 26 min
Having friends and being part of a community can give us strength, understanding, and inspiration. When we have friends who share beliefs and/or support us, it’s like having a team that’s there to always lift us up whether it is spiritually, emotionally, or physically. Through friendships, we can actually help deepen and strengthen our faith by reminding ourselves that we are a part of something greater.  This week singer and songwriter Jordan Davis shares his experiences and conversations with friends and family that taught him about his faith, and his music. Psychiatrist Curt Thompson discusses what it’s like when we walk with someone through their pain, and how it makes us grow in spiritual thought and understanding.    Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Victoria Osteen Upcoming interview: Max Lucado Samaritan’s Purse:    Jordan Davis “Church in the Chevy” “Buy Dirt”   Curt Thompson The Deepest Place   Interview Quotes: “Church is right now, us talking about it. Church is waking up and having a quiet time. It's all around. So you could be in a Chevy on a back road. You could be in a deer stand. You can be going through some tough things at home. You just grab your Bible and talk about it.” - Jordan Davis  “We're called to pray for everybody. Seeing the loneliness and some of the mental health issues in the world, like, the only way that I know to combat that is to pray about it and to just say, ‘Lord, I know you have this, but still help me show how I can help in any area….Lord, put somebody in my life today that could use a light, somebody that's lonely that I could help out, somebody that needs some guidance. Put them in the crowd tonight. Let one of my messages get through to them.’ I've just prayed that I get a chance to actually make a difference.” - Jordan Davis  “The reality is that if we have a pulse, if we are human, we suffer.” - Dr. Curt Thompson, M.D.  “Faith in its most real form is really an act of trust that I place in a real person. So when I say I have faith in a person, whether it's Jesus or somebody else, it is because I am offering things about my life to them that I am entrusting to them in real ways. It’s easy for us to talk about having faith in God, we just don't trust human beings. The degree to which we actually trust God is measured in terms of the degree to which we trust others.” - Dr. Curt Thompson, M.D. “Suffering is what draws us together in so many ways that shapes, deepens, authenticates the relationship that we have, and so opens our minds and hearts and awareness to what it means for us to share in the sufferings that Jesus experienced.” - Dr. Curt Thompson, M.D.  “Our God's vision was for us to be those who, as His image bearers, steward and create and curate beauty and goodness in the world.” - Dr. Curt Thompson, M.D. ________________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:  Peace for Everyday Life:  Peace in Uncertain Times:  What’s Good?</a
[MONTHLY SERIES] Prayers for Redemption: Ben Waites
August 29, 2023 - 17 min
On this bonus episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we hear from southern gospel artist Ben Waites, who was born with arthrogryposis, a condition that causes his joints to be locked up. Ben shares what it means to him to share hope through his music, the life changing moment one of his songs went viral, leading to a chance to audition for American Idol, and how he continues to spread the message of redemption through his music and his life.  Guest’s Links Facebook: @BenWaitesMinistries Twitter: @BenWaites Instagram: @bjwaites ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media* Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Surprising Ways to Find Connection in a Lonely Space: Jo Dee Messina & Larry Randolph and Jennifer Bleakley
August 24, 2023 - 23 min
One of the most fulfilling aspects of our lives is the opportunity for connection. We were not designed to live life on our own, but today’s world makes it so easy to be self-focused instead of others-focused. John 13 tells us we should love one another as Christ loved us and “…by this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” When we ask God to show us places we can connect to others, we will begin to reap the many benefits of those bonds, and also find ways to bless others as well.  Country music trailblazer Jo Dee Messina is known for her chart-topping hits, but in the process of building her legendary career, she found that everything she’d built was crumbling, mostly because she’d tried to do it on her own. That’s when she found God (or actually, He found her), and she began to see the importance of connection with Him, which in turn led her to see her music as her connection point to the world. Founder of Canines for Christ Larry Randolph and author Jennifer Bleakley found ways to connect with their faith through their animal friends, and they share how help and hope is brought to the world through the gift of therapy dogs.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Walker Zimmerman Upcoming interview: Jordan Davis Samaritan’s Purse:    Jo Dee Messina  Steve Green “Just To Be Loved”   Larry Randolph Jennifer Bleakley National Dog Day Canines for Christ American Kennel Club  American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizens certification Finding Grace   Interview Quotes: “I think at the very end of myself is where in my spirit, in my soul, I sensed Jesus saying, ‘She's mine.’” - Jo Dee Messina “For me to connect with the fans is more of a humanities thing, being able to have compassion and empathy for someone else's situation, which just happens to be the same as mine.” - Jo Dee Messina “I was a hot mess. I built a kingdom on my own, I watched it crumble, and even at the very end of that—when everyone else was running away—[God] was running towards me.” - Jo Dee Messina  “Looking back, I can see how God planted seeds in my heart that day that would one day sprout into a career of writing books and stories about all the beautiful ways God works through animals to direct people's hearts and minds to Himself.” - Jennifer Bleakley “[God] had planned for me all along to have this dog in my life, this basset hound named Gus, to set up what was going to happen next for me, and that was to create a ministry using therapy dogs.” - Larry Randolph   “[A dog] can just put a little paw up on somebody's hand or in a wheelchair or give somebody a little kiss on the cheek, and wag that tail, and all of a sudden you see the loneliness stop and the sadness just go away. And it's beautiful to see how the dogs can just bring that out. It's just that beautiful way of sharing the powerful love of Christ.”- Larry Randolph “It's so kind of God to provide dogs to step in when people have been hurt by other people. And then here's a beautiful dog that's able to enter into their heart where maybe another person could no
Yearning for the Divine: Dennis Quaid & Makenzie Phipps
August 17, 2023 - 21 min
The search for God is a deeply personal endeavor, often paralleling our journey to self-discovery. As we seek to know more about Him, we might read books, listen to sermons, or study Scripture. These all add to our understanding of who God is, but the best way to find Him is simply to talk to Him like you would a friend. And in case we think that we have to pray a certain way, or act a certain way to talk to God, we can rest in the knowledge that a relationship with Him doesn't demand perfection; instead, it thrives on authenticity and humility, fostering a safe space for exploration, growth, and understanding.  When actor Dennis Quaid was a young man, he went on a quest to find Him by simply asking along the way one question: Who is God? After much searching and not finding anything that filled the vacant space inside him, he returned to the faith of his childhood and found the joys of a relationship with Jesus. Country singer Makenzie Phipps has been playing music from a very young age, much to the delight of her grandmother who has supported her all along the way. But now, Makenzie has found herself in a place of needing to support her grandmother as she faces the long decline of Alzheimer’s disease, and now she’s seeking God through it all.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Cam Ayala Upcoming interview: Jo Dee Messina Samaritan’s Purse:    Dennis Quaid Fallen: A Gospel Album for Sinners   Makenzie Phipps Alzheimer’s disease Alison Krauss Crystal Gayle Evanescence   Interview Quotes: “God was always over there or He was out there and not here, and it was just something about what Jesus said. He's a personal experience that you have with Him, rather than something that's just an idea…It's about letting go and letting God work in your life, that's all.” - Dennis Quaid “There's still room for you at the table.” - Dennis Quaid “We're all sinners, and it's taken me a lot to get the point that Jesus actually came here, and we were forgiven of our sins even before we committed those sins—that's all we need.” - Dennis Quaid  “I just hope people out there do realize that they are not alone, and that everything will work itself out in the end. There definitely will be some things that may take you a step back, but you can only push through and persevere and go to the next step because it's always just a climbing journey.” - Makenzie Phipps  “I just feel like God has a path for everybody and I feel like He's paving the way for me in my music. Every day is just a new opportunity and a new experience, and I just have to leave everything in His hands because He knows what He wants me to do at the end of the day and I just have to trust Him.” - Makenzie Phipps  _______________________ Enjoy watching these additional videos from Jesus Calling YouTube channel! Audio Episodes:  Bonus Podcasts:  Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer:  Peace for Everyday Life:  Peace in Uncertain Times:  What’s Good?     <a href="
Finding Faith In A World of Uncertainty: Austin and Marideth Telenko & Tom Rudelius
August 10, 2023 - 27 min
In our uncertain world, the quest for faith often becomes a beacon of hope and assuredness. Amid the constant fluctuations of the world, God emerges as a grounding force; offering us a sense of purpose and direction when navigating a path we’re not sure of. Even when the world around us is shrouded in uncertainty, faith can illuminate our path, fostering resilience, strength, and optimism. Dancers Austin and Marideth Telenko met in New York, both pursuing dance careers. Barely a month into their dating life, COVID hit, and the jobs they had dancing fizzled as shows and studios closed. Temporarily relocating to North Carolina, and uncertain about their future, they sought God for guidance, and were led to an opportunity that changed everything. Tom Rudelius is a scientist who began studying the mysteries of the universe long before he would ever have questions about the God of the Universe. His twin brother, who had recently become a Christian, encouraged him to explore his faith; so Tom pursued the truth of the Gospel, very much like he pursued scientific truths, and was amazed by what he found.     Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Dr. Myron Rolle Upcoming interview: Dennis Quaid Samaritan’s Purse:    Austin and Marideth Telenko Bible Belt @Cost_N_Mayor   Tom Rudelius Cornell University of California Berkeley Durham University in England Letters from a Skeptic Book of Matthew Book of Revelation Chasing Proof, Finding Faith   Interview Quotes: “There's a lot of people, there's a lot of noise and voices telling you exactly who you should be and exactly what you should look like and exactly what you need to do to get to where you need to go. And I think it's really easy to sort of lose yourself in that noise, which is something that I struggled with a lot.“ - Marideth Telenko “It was really a risky moment of me being like, ‘This is what I have to do for my life, and if that does not align with you, that's okay.’ And I think that I really had to let [Austin] find it on his own.” - Meredith Telenko  “Putting our faith and our careers in His hands—man, look at what the Lord does, because we would have never, ever in a million years thought that coming out of the pandemic we would be in the position we're in.” - Marideth Telenko  “We always try to make sure that the light shining through us is brighter than the light shining on us.” - Marideth Telenko  “I think that science tells us how the world works in the absence of supernatural intervention, but it doesn't tell us whether or not supernatural intervention is possible in the first place.” - Dr. Tom Rudelius, Ph.D. “If we're going to talk about Jesus's miracles, we should really talk about it through the lens of the Christian worldview. If the Christian worldview is true, then the miracles of Jesus aren't just these random acts that happened for no good reason, but they're actually a key part of the whole story of what God was doing through Jesus.” - Dr. Tom Rudelius, Ph.D.  “The moment I became a Christian wasn't the moment that I sat down and I did this calculation and
Finding Our Way Back From Hopelessness: Dr. W. Lee Warren & Lily Taylor
August 3, 2023 - 26 min
Hope holds great significance in our lives and can shape our attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes. As hope affects our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, the absence of it can cause adverse results. For Christians, hope is not merely a positive emotion or wishful thinking but is deeply rooted in faith and trust in God's promises. Life is hard, but we don't have to give in to hopelessness. Though seasons of grief and sadness will come, it is possible, as Paul says in the Bible, to be “Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” (2 Corinthians 6:10). This week, we’ll hear from neurosurgeon Dr. W. Lee Warren, who shares about what hopelessness can do to our minds and spirits, how he wrestled with the idea that we can have a hard life and still have an abundant life, and what he did to cope after tragically losing his son. Author Lily Taylor shares about the devastation she experienced when her son was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and how by keeping God at the center, she was able to hang on to hope for herself and her son.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Kirk Cousins Upcoming interview: Austin and Marideth Telenko Samaritan’s Purse:  2 Corinthians 6:10 NIV   Dr. W. Lee Warren John 16:33 NIV John 10:10 NIV Balad Air Force Base Glioblastoma Romans 8:28 NIV C.S. Lewis Hope Is The First Dose   Lily Taylor Unconfined   Interview Quotes: “I was trying to figure out how to be a good doctor to people when I couldn't save [my patients], and how to be a good brother in the Lord to people when I couldn't save their bodies.” - Dr. W. Lee Warren “The last thing I heard my son say in this life was, ‘I love you.’” - Dr. W. Lee Warren “I had to say, ‘God, this doesn't feel like refinement. It feels like you're burning me up.’ But if I want to move forward in my life, I'm going to have to find some way to redeem this time and make something out of it that [my son] Mitch could be proud of.” - Dr. W. Lee Warren  “What happens with the gift of time, as time passes, God opens your eyes in a new way, and the light comes back on a little bit and you start being able to see ways in which those promises are actually true.” - Dr. W. Lee Warren  “Tragic events happen in our lives, and the bad news is they happen to all of us, but the good news is there really is a way back.” - Dr. W. Lee Warren  “We heard the news that [our son Stephen] was going to be sentenced to a very long prison term, and it was really hard. So we just had to do what we had been doing up to that point when we heard the news, which was to just turn to God and say, ‘Okay, God, you can still work a miracle here.’” - Lily Tayl
Nurturing Faith and Filtering Harmful Voices: Leslie Schilling & Bianca Juarez Olthoff
July 27, 2023 - 21 min
Belief is a crucial factor in personal growth and success. It fuels our determination, inspires resilience, and empowers us to overcome challenges. When we trust what is true we are less influenced by the opinions and judgments of others, which can often be hindered by their own limitations or biases. The object of our faith and belief must be sound, reliable, and constant. When we define our worth by a divine standard instead of the perceptions of others, we find greater self-confidence, authenticity, and ultimately, fulfillment. This week, author and registered dietitian Leslie Schilling shares her philosophy on having a “full and fed” life where we resist what society tells us is “healthy,” and decide that the bodies God gave us, no matter their size or shape, are miraculous. Author and preacher Bianca Juarez Olthoff shares how she defied the voices that told her that she was “prone to fail” by believing her status as a child of God would bring her a true definition of success.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Upcoming interview: Dr. W. Lee Warren Samaritan’s Purse:    Leslie Schilling  CSI University of Memphis  University of Tennessee NBA  Cirque du Soleil  diet culture Feed Yourself   Bianca Juarez Olthoff Grit Don’t Quit The Father's House Bill Gates Millennium Scholar Harvard Business Review  Interview Quotes: “It's important to have a healthy relationship with food so we can actually feed ourselves, so we can have the energy to go out and connect with others and take care of those we love around us and do our jobs. We have to be fed to live this life well.” - Leslie Schilling  “My hope is that people realize that it's never wrong to feed yourself and that we are diverse by design so we can move into more of a fed and full life.” - Leslie Schilling  “Diet culture has made us not trust our bodies and not believe that body diversity is by design.” - Leslie Schilling  “I think connecting with God daily helps us have a healthy mindset. If we really think about what healthy means, it's our own definition of healthy and not the world's definition of healthy. And for me, that's starting my day with time with God.” - Leslie Schilling “I think pursuing health in a way that aligns with our individual values can help us spiritually by being fed. If you are living a fed life and not a restricted one, you can do more.” - Leslie Schilling  “No matter what I walked into, no matter what people said, no matter what my test scores evaluated me as, I knew that I was a child of God, and with God on my side and a whole lot of work, you can step into the God call upon your life with or without a traditional educational story or a traditional story of how you were raised.” - Bianca Juarez Olthoff “We all love an underdog story, but I think it was more the Spirit of God reminding us of our truest identity, that we have a good Father who hears us and loves us.” - Bianca Juarez Olthoff  “This idea of grit, this idea of resilience, this idea of perseverance has been something that has been fostered and fought for in my life.” - Bianca Juarez Olthoff  “Our God is the
[MONTHLY SERIES] Securing Our Identity in Christ: Nona Jones
July 25, 2023 - 13 min
On this bonus episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Prayer, we’re talking with the head of faith-based partnerships at Facebook, preacher, and author Nona Jones about why we often compare ourselves to other people and their accomplishments, using that as a marker of our worthiness, and how she has had to deliberately learn to refocus her mind on her spiritual value as God’s beloved child.    Guest’s Links Facebook: @NonaNotNora Instagram: @nonanotnora ________________________  Connect with Jesus Calling Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube Jesus Calling Website   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
When Our Losses Take Us To Healing: Philip Yancey & Mike Nappa
July 20, 2023 - 32 min
Even though it may not feel like it, grief can be a source of great hope. The way that we react against what is wrong comes from a deep desire for things to be made right. Our loss may actually lead to healing and restoration. The Bible assures us that better days are coming when God Himself will wipe every tear from our eyes. “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain,” it says in Revelation, “for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-4) Our guests this week have walked through deep and unexpected grief and what even seemed like unfair losses. Best-selling Christian author Philip Yancey uncovered a shocking secret about his father’s death while he was still in college, one that illuminated the sometimes overbearing religious convictions of his mother. Yancey shares how he dove into his family’s origins and how he ultimately found healing from what he calls “toxic faith.” After nearly thirty years of marriage, author Mike Nappa lost his dear wife, Amy, to cancer. Mike turned to scripture to help him get through the day and to cope with processing his grief—and even today, he sees how grief and joy can coexist.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interview: Eddie Montgomery Upcoming interview: Leslie Schilling Samaritan’s Purse:  Revelation 21:3-4 NIV   Philip Yancey Christianity Today magazine  The Jesus I Never Knew What's So Amazing About Grace? Where the Light Fell  Polio iron lungs American civil rights movement Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Disease Control G.K. Chesterton Columbine High School Virginia Tech Sandy Hook   Mike Nappa Reflections of the Grieving Soul Psalm 16:8 NIV Queen Elizabeth John 15:11 NIV Matthew 26:38 NIV Interview Quotes: “When you grow up in a church environment, it's easy to learn how to b
Country Music & Faith: The Stage, the Songs, and the Soul
July 13, 2023 - 39 min
In celebration of CMA Fest 2023—a country music festival that takes place in Nashville, Tennessee—we’ve got a special episode showcasing country music and faith. We’ll revisit some favorite episodes from country singers who share their stories of heartache, joy, struggles and success–—and how they trusted God through it all, including interviews with Brett Young, Lathan Warlick, Tayla Lynn, Granger & Amber Smith, Reba McEntire with her sisters Susie and Alice, and Travis Tritt.   Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned: Jesus Calling Podcast Jesus Calling Jesus Always Jesus Listens Past interviews: Larry Fleet, Lauren Alaina, Randy and Mary Travis, Aaron Tippin, Gary LeVox Upcoming interview: Philip Yancey CMA Fest 2023 Samaritan’s Purse:    Brett Young   Lathan Warlick Luke 15 NIV   Tayla Lynn Loretta Lynn Coal Miner's Daughter   Granger & Amber Smith   Travis Tritt “Everything Is Beautiful” Carlos Santana  Ray Charles Eagles  Common Thread   Reba McEntire with her sisters Susie and Alice Opry    Interview Quotes: “I moved to Nashville and God said, ‘Here you go, here's your career.’ And from that moment on, I made writing songs important and I made being authentic in my songwriting important, because I feel like that is the only way to connect with your fans.” - Brett Young “God was calling me to be a light out int
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Meet Your Host
Millions have been encouraged and inspired by the words of the #1 bestselling 365-day devotional “Jesus Calling.” Listen to real-life stories of faith as told by those who have experienced the power of living in His presence.

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