Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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God Has Everything We Need: Dianne Derby & Jordan Wilson

May 19, 2022
00:00 33:57
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Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a time of desperation—feeling like you’ve come to the end of your rope. When you didn’t think the bottom could be any farther down, and you plummet a little more, who do you reach for when all the things you’ve relied on to give you strength and satisfaction come up empty? In the Bible, it says this, in Philippians 4:19-20: “And my God will fully supply your every need according to his glorious riches in the Messiah Jesus. Glory belongs to our God and Father forever and ever! Amen.” Our guests this week share how God came through by putting people in their lives that helped them in their most desperate hours. Journalist Dianne Derby found hope and inspiration from spending each Tuesday with a ninety-nine year old Pearl Harbor survivor who taught her how to slow down and comforted her through a pregnancy crisis. Minister Jordan Wilson was at a low point in his life due to a drug addiction, when he learned his mother had been praying unceasingly for his recovery, and decided to take his father up on an invitation to a church service that would change the whole course of his life. 


Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Jesus Calling

Jesus Always

Jesus Listens

Past interview: Derek Evans

Upcoming interview: Natalie Grant

Philippians 4:19-20 NIV


Dianne Derby

Pearl Harbor

Two Hundred Tuesdays: What a Pearl Harbor Survivor Taught Me About Life, Love, and Faith

Garden of the Gods Club


Jordan Wilson

Friends of Sinners

Matthew 14:22-33 NIV


Interview Quotes:

“It was so captivating because here [Jim Downing] was in this major, major event at Pearl Harbor. And yet he was turning the focus on to the heroes of today. He said, ‘We only had to endure the bombs for a little while. The heroes today are up against that every day.’” - Dianne Derby 

“It was just remarkable to hear this man run towards danger, memorize the names of the dead, put out fires on this ship so he could help save others, and then write those letters to the families who lost their loved ones. It was just such a beautiful testimony of faith in one of the darkest, scariest moments of their lives.” - Dianne Derby

“I knew that focusing on Jesus and sinking into His love and sinking into my faith were the only ways out of the depths of despair that I faced.” - Dianne Derby

“I tried to get out [of addiction] for so long. I did long term rehab, short term rehab, I [saw a] medicine therapist, the whole nine yards, and nothing ever worked. And the reason that nothing worked was I refused to surrender my heart to Christ.” - Jordan Wilson

“I am a new person in Christ Jesus, and I feel obligated to share what God has delivered me with the next person to show that there is hope, there is freedom from addiction, and that freedom is Jesus Christ.” - Jordan Wilson

“Nothing in this world will ever be able to truly satisfy you. Popularity won't satisfy you. Social status won't satisfy you. Thousands of followers on social media won't satisfy you. You are created by God and for God and outside of a relationship with Him, you'll never be complete.” - Jordan Wilson


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