Jesus Calling: Stories of Faith
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Life’s Green Light & Red Light Moments: Matthew McConaughey & Rebecca Alonzo

November 26, 2020
00:00 41:37
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Many of us can think back on a moment—or many moments—that defined our lives for better or worse. But when we’re actually in that moment, it’s hard to see how it could potentially shape who we are down the road. It’s not usually until later that we can look back and see how God was working everything together for good. Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey recently pulled out thirty-six years of his journals, prepared to be ashamed and embarrassed by their contents. But when he flipped through the pages, he realized there was a through-line of beautiful moments, lessons, and experiences that all contributed to the man he is today. Author and speaker Rebecca Alonzo’s childhood was tainted by a member of her parents’ church who terrorized their family, ultimately leading to the tragic death of her mother and father. After years of wrestling with God, and being unable to see how He is good, Rebecca realized that she needed Him more than she needed to be mad at Him, and her anger dissolved into forgiveness, mapping out a new course for her future. 

Links, Products, and Resources Mentioned:

Jesus Calling Podcast

Free sample of Jesus Calling: Note-Taking Edition

Jesus Calling book

Past interview: Rebecca Bender and Patti Callahan

Upcoming interview: Zim Flores


Matthew McConaughey 

Greenlights book

Just Keep Livin Foundation 

University of Texas at Austin


Rebecca Alonzo

The Devil in Pew Number Seven book

Ephesians 4:31

Romans 8:28 

John 15:12


Interview Quotes:

“I did go through an, ‘Okay, I need to figure out what matters and what doesn't’, because over one weekend my life changed so much.” - Matthew McConaughey, on the smash success of his film A Time to Kill

“My family, one of the best traits we have is resilience.” - Matthew McConaughey

"We need to take time where we stop and do inventory. That's what church is for me now . . . That's, Let's go back to our last week, who we were in it. How did we do?" - Matthew McConaughey

“The thing that really surprised me about writing is that I was writing about the exact same stuff, the same questions at fourteen is the same question that woke me up at 2:32 AM last night, it's essentially the same stuff. And going back and looking at [my younger self] and really diving into it has been extremely valuable my life.” - Matthew McConaughey, on keeping a journal for 36 years

“I can see myself in them and hear how they got back on the right track when they were on the wrong track. So that feels really good to me.” - Matthew McConaughey, on participants in his "just keep livin'" Foundation for youth

“Our hands are on the wheel, but God's laying out the highway.” - Matthew McConaughey

“I didn’t know if I was going to wake up in my bed, or if I was going to wake up in heaven.” - Rebecca Alonzo, on living through harassment as a child by a fellow townsperson

“When I lost my adoring father, oh, wow. It just spun me into two years of really being angry at God. And I said, ‘Lord, Mom, when she died, a man shot her and took her life. But when dad died, Lord, You took him.’” - Rebeca Alonzo

“I need God more than I need to be mad at Him. I need Him more than I need to blame Him, I need His wisdom, I need His direction, I need His comfort.” - Rebecca Alonzo

“It takes energy to hold on to anger.” - Rebecca Alonzo

“He knows everything that we've been through. He knows every thought that we struggle with. He knows every pain that we carry in our hearts. And every time God kept His promise.” - Rebecca Alonzo


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