On the Frontlines of Missionary Work: A Dialogue with Leonard Lee
Have you ever wondered what it's like to spread God's message in uncharted territory? We had an enlightening conversation with Leonard Lee, an extraordinary pastor, fervent missionary, and dedicated disciple-maker. Leonard shared his experiences with his organization, 4-Gen Network, that focuses on training individuals to become disciples. His recent travels to Cuba give us a glimpse into their culture and the Cuban church's state under the communist government - a fascinating exploration into the impact of the gospel message in a different context.
Leonard Lee and I then explored the beauty of interpreting scripture through the lens of mission. Listen in as we contemplate how the Bible is essentially a story of God's rescue mission, the role of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb before the world's formation, and God's profound love. We considered how we could start a movement to share God's good news with every tribe, tongue, nation, and people group. This part of our conversation truly encapsulates how powerful God's love is - it can forgive our enemies and help us love those who are different from us.
In the last part of our enlightening conversation, we discussed the importance of love, faith, and perseverance when serving in dangerous places. Leonard shared his experiences of facing danger while walking through villages and the grace he found in the realization that one's life is settled in terms of dying. We explored the importance of offering what God has to offer in order to truly make an impact. The episode concluded with a discussion on Leonard's resources available at LeonardLee.com, highlighting the significance of security and its impact on our travel plans.
Want More from Leonard? Check out https://www.leonardlee.com/ & https://www.4-gen.net/
Want more from Jason? Check out https://jasonsautel.com/
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