Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms
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Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms

Brooke McGlothlin
Helping you learn to pray God's Word for your children in the areas they need it most. Join author and speaker, Brooke McGlothlin, in making prayer the first and best response to the challenges of motherhood.
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A Prayer for Finding Your Life
June 14, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Matthew 10:39. Have you ever heard someone say, “I took a year off to find myself”? It seems like a noble goal, to find out who you truly are, to live your most authentic and best life. But what if this was actually the opposite of how God intended for you to live? What if, instead of finding your life, you're actually supposed to lose it for his sake? It's almost as if Jesus has declared that it's “opposite day”, but instead of wearing your clothes inside out or walking backwards you are being asked to live counter culturally in God's upside down Kingdom. Have you considered how God might be leading you to lose your life in order to truly find it? Listen to today's podcast episode from Becky Daye. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Godly Influence
June 13, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Matthew 5:14-16. Hosea was an Old Testament prophet whom God asked to marry a prostitute. Crazy, right? God literally required his prophet to marry someone who not only was already a prostitute when she came on the scene, but also continued to offer herself in exchange for favors after their marriage. It's unthinkable, really, that God would ask a man like Hosea set apart for the work of the Lord to endure such a thing. But at the same time, Hosea's obedience and the circumstances that followed created a perfect picture of what it means to live with the Gospel at the center of our lives. The only way I can make sense of Hosea's story is that perhaps God created him to be a part of his story for a specific purpose. To display his power, love, grace, and plan of redemption to the onlooking world and to us who are reading about it in his word many years later. Are you willing to let God do what he pleases in your life so it can demonstrate his faithfulness to those around you? Listen to today's podcast episode from Brooke McGlothlin. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer to Open God's Word
June 12, 2024 - 5 min
A prayer based on Matthew 13:15-16. As children we tend to be very open. When we get older, we learn to dull our ears and hearts, close our eyes, judge others and forget the precise, powerful teachings of Christ. We say all the right things we think God wants to hear, but we miss the simple things he wants us to know. There can be an erosion of faith—distance from God, apathy, disenchantment with God, disobedience to what he calls us to do, no longer moved by the truths of his word. This can be so dangerous, because we don't see this slow wearing down of our faith over time. What are we dismissing or disregarding? Do we stay in the word so Jesus’s words can live through our words? Listen to today's podcast episode from Michelle Krol. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Being Committed to God's Word
June 11, 2024 - 5 min
A prayer based on Matthew 4:3-4. Do you struggle to find time in the Word? The Bible is so much more than a sentimental piece of memorabilia—it's the living and active Word of God. It's the place where we find God's revelation of himself to us, where we learn of his plans and purpose for us, and where we discover the depths of his love and sacrifice for us. How much time have you invested in study, memorization, and meditation? How integral are these practices to your spiritual life? Listen to today's podcast episode from Teri Lynne Underwood. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Words of Wisdom
June 10, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Ecclesiastes 5:6-7. Our words should be framed with His Word, seasoned with scripture that points to God. The more we meditate upon God’s Word, the more it indwells us and flows over into our everyday speech and actions. Praying God’s Word helps focus us during prayer and reminds us of the One we’re spending time with. Praying the words of scripture and committing them to memory helps us guard our steps. Do you ask God to give you words filled with wisdom? Listen to today's podcast episode from Dr. Laura Lee Groves. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for True Strength
June 7, 2024 - 5 min
A prayer based on Psalm 18:19. Strength is easy to love. It doesn't take convincing to be awed by the power of the ocean, the forces of nature in a storm. We wonder at professional athletes with extreme physical prowess and cheer wildly at the growing strength of our own children on the court or on the playing field. But is this what true strength really is? In Psalm 18, David sings of something greater than flexed muscles. He knows of a strength that is far more than an outcome. What message are you teaching your children about what strength really is? Listen to today's podcast episode from Katie Westenberg. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Trusting God with Our Adult Kids
June 6, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Psalm 139. Having adult children is hard. Part of me is here at home taking care of the child still under my roof and another part of me is also not here. I'm distracted thinking about, wondering about and praying for the ones who are far away. Are they safe, clean? Have they eaten their vegetables, gotten enough sleep, said their prayers? Do they need some encouragement and will anyone notice to give it to them? My heart aches a little, wishing I could just see them right now. How would I know if something were wrong? Is God going to take care of them the way I would? Do you struggle to trust God with your kids when they're outside of your home? Listen to today's podcast episode from Monica Swanson. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer to be Faithful in Prayer
June 5, 2024 - 6 min
A prayer based on Daniel :10. Faithfulness comes with a cost. No one asks to be thrown in a lion's den, but we often are. Sometimes, those dens are full of lions and sometimes they're full of people, and when life brings hard things, we bring out our habits. Dark places expose truth. Do you pray more when it's hard? Or ignore God for earthly strategy? It's important to meet life's hardships with faithfulness because our response reveals God's glory to the earth, including, and most importantly to the people we love the most. How often are we practicing the daily habits that lead to a well-lived Christian life? Tune in to today's podcast episode from Julie Sanders. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Comfort in the Chaos
June 4, 2024 - 5 min
A prayer based on Daniel 4:3. We live in an age where we can know everything about anything going on in the world at any time—whether we want to or not. Some people find this comforting. I find it overwhelming. This especially applies to all things related to hatred and corruption in politics and leadership roles throughout society. It seems we cannot go a day without hearing of these politicians feuding or this leader falling from grace. I tend to internalize and feel things deeply, especially bad news, so just a few minutes scrolling through social media or reading a newspaper can leave me exhausted and depressed. Where do you turn when your life feels chaotic? Listen to today's podcast episode from Erin Mohring. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for a Kingdom-Focused Heart
June 3, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Luke 23:50-51. The year I got engaged, I visited several bridal shops in search of the perfect wedding dress. I scanned for hours looking for “my” dress, but in the end, it was worth every second. Like the biblical story of the treasure in a field—or the perfect wedding dress—when you find the kingdom of God, you’re willing to give up other things to have it. Are you looking for the kingdom of God? When you watch the nightly news, do you pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven? When you interact with your spouse or your children, do you respond with a kingdom-focused heart? Tune in to today's episode with Suzanne Gosselin. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Brooke McGlothlin is the founder of Million Praying Moms, and an ECPA best-selling author. Her latest books, Everyday Prayers for Peace, and Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood speak to the power of a life partnered with God in prayer.

She’s a wife of 20+ years and mom to two teenage boys who make their home in the mountains of Appalachia, calling southwestern Virginia home.

Find more from Brooke at MillionPrayingMoms.com
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