Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms
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Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms

Brooke McGlothlin
Helping you learn to pray God's Word for your children in the areas they need it most. Join author and speaker, Brooke McGlothlin, in making prayer the first and best response to the challenges of motherhood.
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How Anxiety is Different in Boys, with Dr. Gregory Jantz
September 12, 2023 - 30 min
THIS MONTH'S PRAYER GUIDE: Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety I'm so glad to have you join me for this important podcast series on anxiety in children. last week we talked to Nashville counselor, Sissy Goff. Sissy is a wealth of information for the girl moms, so if you missed it, please go back and listen to that one. Today though, we're focusing on boys. Anxiety can be just as much a problem for boys as it is for girls, but it isn't talked about as much, and it doesn't always look the same. To help us learn what it looks like, so that we can get our boys the help them need, we have Dr. Gregory Jantz. Dr. Jantz is the founder of The Center • A Place of HOPE in Edmonds, Washington, voted a Top Ten facility for Depression Treatment in the United States. Dr. Jantz pioneered Whole Person Care in the 1980’s and is a world-renowned expert on depression, anxiety, eating disorders, technology addiction and abuse, and is the author of many books on the subjects... In this episode, Dr. Jantz walks us through how anxiety presents differently in boys... You won't want to miss this episode! *********** Today's show is brought to you by our newest Prayer Guide, Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety, by Becky Keife. Pray for God to work in your children’s hearts to: Learn to recognize anxiety for what it is... Keep their eyes on Jesus... Find sure footing that withstands the storm... Know who they are in Christ... Let go of the need to control... And gain compassion, understanding, and the ability to find peace for your own heart. With biblical teaching on anxiety, and scripture-inspired prayers this digital prayer guide is perfect for the busy mom who needs God to move in the hearts of her kids. LINKS:  THIS MONTH'S PRAYER GUIDE: Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety Counseling Referral Show Notes Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Addressing the Epidemic of Anxious Girls
September 5, 2023 - 46 min
THIS MONTH'S PRAYER GUIDE: Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety To kick off our conversation about anxious kids this month, I dug all the way back in the archives of the Million Praying Moms podcast to episode #21, where we interviewed author, podcaster, and counselor, Sissy Goff about her new book at that time called Raising Worry Free Girls. Since that time, Sissy has released several more books on this topic. I'm going to list them all in the show notes for you so you can get your hands on them... but as I tried to plan for this season, I just couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather have share with you on this topic, so I decided to clean up the older episode a bit and share it again today. For those of you who are new around here, the extra voice you'll hear is that of my previous ministry partner and cohost, Erin Mohring. In this episode, Sissy walks us through what she's learned from spending the last 30 years helping girls and their parents find confidence in who they are and hope in who God is making them to be, both as individuals and families. You won't want to miss this episode! *********** Today's show is brought to you by our newest Prayer Guide, Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety, by Becky Keife. Pray for God to work in your children’s hearts to: Learn to recognize anxiety for what it is... Keep their eyes on Jesus... Find sure footing that withstands the storm... Know who they are in Christ... Let go of the need to control... And gain compassion, understanding, and the ability to find peace for your own heart. With biblical teaching on anxiety, and scripture-inspired prayers this digital prayer guide is perfect for the busy mom who needs God to move in the hearts of her kids. LINKS:  THIS MONTH'S PRAYER GUIDE: Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety Counseling Referral Show Notes Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Praying for Your Anxious Child
September 4, 2023 - 11 min
Anxiety is at an all time high in our teenagers. One study found that the number of girls who often felt nervous, worried or fearful jumped by 55 percent over a five-year period. And while anxiety might look different in boys, it is still very much there. Our children are experiencing an all out war for their peace. An epidemic of anxiety. I don't know all of the reasons it seems so much more prevalent now than it did when I was growing up, but I do know that our children need us to pray for them in this specific, challenging area. All this month we'll be diving into the topic of anxiety in our children: Tomorrow (9/5) Sissy Goff will join us to talk about anxiety in girls. On September 12th, Dr. Gregory Jantz will join us to talk about anxiety in boys. September 19th Becky Keife will talk to us about building a bridge between parents and anxious children. And on September 26th, Lauren Gaines will remind us that God put us here, and gave us these children, for such a time as this.  Mark your calendars now for this important season! *********** Today's show is brought to you by our newest Prayer Guide, Praying God's Word for Your Child's Anxiety, by Becky Keife. Pray for God to work in your children’s hearts to: Learn to recognize anxiety for what it is... Keep their eyes on Jesus... Find sure footing that withstands the storm... Know who they are in Christ... Let go of the need to control... And gain compassion, understanding, and the ability to find peace for your own heart. With biblical teaching on anxiety, and scripture-inspired prayers this digital prayer guide is perfect for the busy mom who needs God to move in the hearts of her kids. LINKS:  Counseling Referral Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Root of Impatience #5: A Lack of Trust in God's Plan
August 29, 2023 - 10 min
GET YOUR FREE DEVOTION: Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer It is so hard to be silent before the Lord and wait on Him to act. Psalm 37:7 says we should wait patiently, like we believe with all our hearts that God is about to move. I don't about you, but I think I'm more likely to wait impatiently—grumbling, complaining, and struggling to believe God is going to come through somehow. In my heart, I'd love to be the kind of woman who is full of faith in the God who can. I want to be someone whose overflow is trust, faith, and joy, but the truth is that I have to work for those things.  I think it's the more common human experience. In fact, I think long life‚ maturing and growing in our faith as we face adversity and challenge—is the classroom where faith, trust, and joy are learned. This week, on the Million Praying Moms podcast, we're talking about learning to trust that God has all things covered...even the things that come out of left field and make us feel shaken to the core.  ********** LINKS:  Today's Show Notes Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow.   Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Root of Impatience #4: The Need to Control
August 22, 2023 - 9 min
Proverbs 16:32 says, "Patience is better than power, and controlling one's emotions than capturing a city."  This verse grabbed my attention because I like to be in control. In fact, most of the time when I lose control of my emotions it's because I feel out of control in some way.  I lose my power over a situation to make it be what I think it should be, and it doesn't feel good.  But my ability to control to this degree is an illusion anyway.  This week, on the Million Praying Moms podcast, we're talking about how a mom can learn to control herself, letting go of her need for power and doing battle in God's power instead. Tune in now! This episode is a reading from day seven of  Everyday Prayers for Patience. ********** LINKS:  Today's Show Notes Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow. Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Root of Impatience #3: A Lack of Faith When We Can't See
August 15, 2023 - 9 min
"What are You doing, God??" I've asked that question more times that I can count in my 45 years. So any times I've wondered why, how, and what when it comes to the circumstances in my life, and in that of my children. If you've struggled to trust what you can't see, today's episode is for you. Together, we'll learn more about what faith really is, and the dependable gift God promises us in every circumstances if we'll only press into Him. This episode is a reading from day six of Everyday Prayers for Patience. ********** LINKS:  Today's Show Notes Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow. Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Root of Impatience #2: Fighting the Hard Seasons
August 8, 2023 - 8 min
There can be no doubt...God uses motherhood to train our character.  In fact, motherhood is almost directly responsible for the deepening of my personal prayer life BECAUSE it was hard. And that's ok.  Motherhood will bring trials and tribulations unlike any other, but what will we do with them? How can we understand them, and use them to grow in our ability to trust and wait on God?  Tune in to today's episode to find out! This episode is a reading from day three of Everyday Prayers for Patience. ********** LINKS:  Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow. Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Root of Impatience #1: Not Understanding the Cost of Salvation
August 1, 2023 - 10 min
Are you afraid to pray for patience? Since I started talking about our newest prayer journal, Everyday Prayers for Patience, I've realized that many people are afraid to pray for patience. I think this stems from years of hearing people warn against it. It gets a bad rap, doesn't it? All my life I've heard people say, "Don't pray for patience. God will answer by testing yours!" We've almost trained ourselves not to ask for patience from the Lord, despite the fact that most of us need it on a daily basis. We need others to GIVE us patience, and we need Divine help giving it to those we love (AND those who drive us crazy ;) but we won't ask for it. It's my experience that half the battle in overcoming this fear is learning what true biblical patience actually is, so today, we're going to start getting to the root of our impatience by discovering why it's so important to REALLY understand the cost of salvation, and what impact that has on our ability to trust God's timing. This is excerpted from day TWO of Everyday Prayers for Patience. ********** LINKS:  Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow. Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
The Story Behind Everyday Prayers for Patience
July 31, 2023 - 12 min
GET YOUR FREE DEVOTION: Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer All this month, we're going to be talking about praying for patience... Listen...I know what you're thinking...​​​​​​​​​ You've heard people say, "Don't pray for patience. God will answer by testing yours!" Me too. In fact, last summer, when I told my pastor what topic I was writing next, he said, "GIRL! You know what they say about that?" Yep. I do. And yes...there was some healthy concern about it. But my concerns don't change the fact that patience is an important part of the Christian life....of parenting. I'm not sure God is sitting around in heaven just waiting to test our resolve, but parenting, and the Christian life itself, is fundamentally built on trusting something we can't always see...a master plan that reveals itself little by little and often takes turns we can't predict. We could wish that we had all the knowledge of God, & all of the wisdom we need to parent our kids just the right way without having to be patient, but that just isn’t the way God designed it. We were born with a purpose, but like it or not, our purpose isn’t always about getting to a finish line. It’s about living today, right now, in each experience parenting & life bring with the perspective that says, “God is leading me, & He isn’t finished. What can I learn from this experience that will keep my family on the right path and bring glory to Him?” And that requires patience. My goal is to help you understand what biblical patience really is (hint...it looks a lot like grace) and learn to trust in God's character when you have no idea what He's up to, giving yourself and your kids grace to grow into everything He has planned for you. You won't want to miss this episode as I share some of the back story of our newest 30-day prayer journal, Everyday Prayers for Patience! You can pre-order it now anywhere books are sold. Learn more here! ********** LINKS:  Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow. Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Helping Your Kids Discern Their Calling, with Pam Farrel
July 25, 2023 - 46 min
GET YOUR FREE DEVOTION: Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer We've been talking all this month about our children's purpose. And in the big picture, the message that I've tried to make run throughout each episode is that the main purpose God has for our children doesn't have anything to do with what they do for a living, or what job they have, or even what person they marry. Ultimately, God's purpose, in Christ, for each believer is to love God and love their neighbors as themselves. If we took just an hour, and tried to write down all the ways the Bible tells us to do live this out, we'd quickly find that doing these two things would take up most of our time. And it's my belief that when we focus our time being faithful to this, God tends to make our paths straight. But today, I want to talk about learning to see those unique giftings each child has from God so we can help them step into the practical ways God might call them as individuals to love God and love their neighbors. Join me as I interview author, speaker, and mom, Pam Farrel! You won't want to miss this episode! *********** Today's show is brought to you by our newest Prayer Guide, Praying God's Word for Your Child to Find Their Purpose. Pray for God to work in your children’s hearts to: Draw near to God in sincere faith Be guided by the Holy Spirit Learn how to love sacrificially and with intention Learn to walk in God’s strength instead of their own Find rest in God alone Understand God’s bigger plan Submit their plans to God’s And more! LINKS:  This month's prayer guide: Praying God's Word for Your Child to Find Their Purpose Today's Show Notes Pam Farrel's Website Grace to Grow: A 5-Day Study of Patience and Prayer Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Brooke McGlothlin is the founder of Million Praying Moms, and an ECPA best-selling author. Her latest books, Everyday Prayers for Peace, and Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood speak to the power of a life partnered with God in prayer.

She’s a wife of 20+ years and mom to two teenage boys who make their home in the mountains of Appalachia, calling southwestern Virginia home.

Find more from Brooke at MillionPrayingMoms.com
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