Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms
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Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms

Brooke McGlothlin
Helping you learn to pray God's Word for your children in the areas they need it most. Join author and speaker, Brooke McGlothlin, in making prayer the first and best response to the challenges of motherhood.
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A Prayer for God to be Your Strength
July 25, 2024 - 3 min
A prayer based on Psalm 10:17-18. You and I may not need to worry about the threat of a jail sentence for our faith, but that doesn't mean life is easy. Cancer, death, heartbreak, chronic pain, and brokenness plague our families, and we ask the same questions that Gulner's son asked. Why doesn't God fix the problem? Why does he let innocent men sit in jail cells? Why does he let children be born with heart conditions? Why does he allow our deep brokenness? In what area of your life do you feel weak, helpless, or afflicted? Listen to today's podcast episode from Christie Thomas. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Christ-Like Friends
July 24, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Luke 5:18-19. There were several times during my college years that I questioned my faith and wondered if God was real. During an especially hard time when my parents were separated, I wondered, “Why do I hurt so bad if God loves me so much?” Instead of answering that question directly, God spoke to me through my friends. How has God used Christ-like friends to speak to you in your life? Are you a Christ-like friend to others? Listen to today's podcast episode from Tara L. Cole.   Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer to Know Real Love
July 23, 2024 - 5 min
A prayer based on 1 John 4:11. But as I look back, I recognize that moments pass very quickly. It's made me look back on the years we have had with my daughter in our home. All the years, and there have been many, and all the good times, and there have been many of those too, play through my mind and I wish I could slow time down. Since I can't, I've spent some time making a list of the things I want my daughter to know about several different topics. One of the most important of these is the truth about real love. What I want her to grasp about love is rooted deeply in what I've learned through the word of God.  How do you practice real love daily? Are there areas in your life where you are living based on the 'feeling' of love, rather than real love? Listen to today's podcast episode from Teri Lynne Underwood.   Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer to Trust God's Timing
July 22, 2024 - 5 min
A prayer based on Psalm 30:5. I often feel guilty about my need to fight, struggle, and strive to believe God when what I can see seems to contradict his truth. I have felt like I should be further along than I really am in my faith journey, and wonder if it lets God down that I'm not. I want to be one of those devoted women of God who says earnestly and with sincere joy, I will trust the Lord while everything is falling apart around her. But the truth is that it takes me a few minutes or sometimes a few weeks to get there. How do you react in the midst of life's storms? How would you like to react? Listen to today's podcast episode from Brooke McGlothlin. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us.   Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Trusted Friends
July 19, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Daniel 2:17-18. This morning I received an email from a friend asking for prayer. Her husband was getting ready to meet with another man for breakfast who was struggling in some pretty big ways…a difficult marriage, lost job, and major car wreck that totaled his only vehicle the night before. Stressed beyond his ability to cope, they actually feared for his life. So she texted and asked a group of close friends, myself included, to pray. And we did.  Over the years, having this group of friends I know will actually pray when I ask for help, who have supported me, encouraged me, corrected me, and poured life into me all in the name of Jesus has blessed me beyond measure. Do you have friends who will do whatever it takes to get you to Jesus through their prayers? Are you that friend? Listen to today's podcast episode from Brooke McGlothlin. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Clean Hands and Pure Hearts
July 18, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Psalm 24:3-4. It seems like such a tall order–clean hands and a pure heart. Knowing we are dust, how can we have clean hands and a pure heart, and how can we encourage our children toward such a lofty goal? Today’s verse doesn't stop with the requirement but tells us how to approach the kind of purity that makes our lives a living testimony. How can we and our children practically work toward this pure life? Listen to today's podcast episode from Laura Groves. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Rejoicing
July 17, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Ecclesiastes 11:5. Certainly, the physical world has many God-given pleasures; gifts to be counted like sunshine on soap bubbles, my child's laughter, and the wind rushing by as I swing with him on the playground. God gives us all things to richly enjoy, yet a life consumed for self doesn't count for much in the end. Is our focus consumed by temporary pleasure, worry, and care? Listen to today's podcast episode from Julie Kieras. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Proclaiming Jesus
July 16, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Mark 5:20. Around the time of my 50th birthday, I began to feel the need to study the word and find out specifically what God desires from me as an “older woman.” I'd raised two children and had been spending time with younger women for several years, but as my children were entering a season that took them away from our home more and more, I found the way I've been living for so long was changing. I felt like the door might be opening for me to be available in new ways, but I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what the scriptures said about my role. How are you proclaiming Jesus? Who are you telling of His faithfulness? Listen to today's podcast episode from Gina Smith. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Deeper Confidence in God
July 15, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Acts 14:21-22. In the movie Miracle on 34th St. the main character convinces herself to believe in Santa. Sitting in her bed, she says, “I believe, I believe…it’s silly, but I believe.” We often approach our Christian faith the same way. We simply close our eyes, tighten our fists, and chant, “I believe, I believe.” But faith isn't about simply believing the doctrines of Christianity. Faith isn't about believing the right thing and therefore being on the right team. At what point in the faith journey are you today? Listen to today's podcast episode from Christie Thomas. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
A Prayer for Broken Friendships
July 12, 2024 - 4 min
A prayer based on Hebrews 12:14. When I was in my early 20s, I had a falling out with a friend I loved dearly. Things were said and done that were difficult to come back from, hard to take back. We were both in the wrong. Now, about five years later, I sat behind my computer screen knowing I had to reach out. Would she respond? Would she even talk to me? Would she even read my email?  Do you lack peace with anyone? How are you making an effort to live peaceably with everyone? Listen to today's podcast episode from Brooke McGlothlin. Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority!  Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the team and systems necessary to bring you a new episode each weekday Would you be a part of His provision? GO DEEPER FREE RESOURCE: Summer of Prayers FREE: Join the Everyday Prayers Podcast Facebook Group Discover more Christian podcasts at LifeAudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at LifeAudio.com/contact-us. Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Brooke McGlothlin is the founder of Million Praying Moms, and an ECPA best-selling author. Her latest books, Everyday Prayers for Peace, and Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood speak to the power of a life partnered with God in prayer.

She’s a wife of 20+ years and mom to two teenage boys who make their home in the mountains of Appalachia, calling southwestern Virginia home.

Find more from Brooke at MillionPrayingMoms.com
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