Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms
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A Prayer to Choose the Good Portion

April 04, 2024
00:00 05:09
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“But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:41-42).

Most of my life, especially since becoming a mom, I have been in what feels like a constant rotation of busyness, overwhelm, anxiety, and frustration over all there is to do. Marthas, like myself, like to push back against the idea of resting because someone has to do it all. But the truth is that sometimes we need to slow down and sit at Jesus’ feet.

~ Amber Palmer

Do you struggle to be intentional about making space to get with Jesus and receive His peace? If so, this episode of Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms is for you. Tune in now to listen to today's entire devotion and start your day off praying God's Word for your family!


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Meet Your Host
Brooke McGlothlin is the founder of Million Praying Moms, and an ECPA best-selling author. Her latest books, Everyday Prayers for Peace, and Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood speak to the power of a life partnered with God in prayer.

She’s a wife of 20+ years and mom to two teenage boys who make their home in the mountains of Appalachia, calling southwestern Virginia home.

Find more from Brooke at MillionPrayingMoms.com
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