Everyday Prayers with Million Praying Moms
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A Prayer to Hang on the Words of Jesus

May 28, 2024
00:00 05:48
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The temple was a familiar, sacred place to Jesus. He loved His Father’s house, but the leaders there did not love Him in return. He was not only unwelcome, but wanted by the high priests and scribes. They were circling Him as He taught, but there were too many people watching for them to act on their desire to destroy Him. It wasn’t the time. Yet.

I wonder what might have happened if they’d listened to Jesus? If they sat while Jesus spoke, hanging on His every word, ears tuned to Him. Would their hearts have been changed?

Do you crave the Word of God, and a deeper relationship with Christ? Listen to today's episode from Michelle Krol, based on Luke 19:47-48.

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Meet Your Host
Brooke McGlothlin is the founder of Million Praying Moms, and an ECPA best-selling author. Her latest books, Everyday Prayers for Peace, and Praying Mom: Making Prayer the First and Best Response to Motherhood speak to the power of a life partnered with God in prayer.

She’s a wife of 20+ years and mom to two teenage boys who make their home in the mountains of Appalachia, calling southwestern Virginia home.

Find more from Brooke at MillionPrayingMoms.com
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