Helping Kids Find Worth in God Instead of Accomplishments
How do we teach our children to find their worth in who God says they are, rather than in what they can do?
That's the question we're asking on today's episode of the podcast. It's way too easy for our children, for us, to feel that our worth comes from what we can do, and not from who we are in Christ. For our children, it can be about sports, friendships, academic success, popularity, clothing, hair...really anything. When I was growing up, and really well into my adulthood, I found most of my self-worth in making good grades, and appearing smart to those around me. I believed that if I worked hard enough, I could accomplish anything I set my mind to...and isn't that just exactly what the world tells our children?
As believers, as parents who are trying to raise our children to know and love Jesus, we want our children's identities to be shaped by what God says about them, and nothing else. In fact, we want what God says about them, and about Himself, to help them stand strong when the events of their lives try to convince them of something else. But how do we do that?
Join me today as we look at what God's Word has to say about who our children are, what makes them unique, their beliefs, and how the world is shaping them in ways that might not be healthy.
Today's show is brought to you by our newest Prayer Guide, Praying God's Word for Your Child's Identity in Christ, by Tara L. Cole. This resource is designed to help you know exactly what to pray for your children, empowering and equipping you in an area where most Christian parents feel a bit lost. If you want to pray purposefully for God to grow your child's identity in Him, this resource is for you.
This month's prayer guide: Praying God's Word for Your Child's Identity in Christ
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She’s a wife of 20+ years and mom to two teenage boys who make their home in the mountains of Appalachia, calling southwestern Virginia home.
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