Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast
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Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast

Dana Che

Welcome to "Rebuilding Us,” a marriage podcast helping to restore intimacy and renew hope in your relationship. Join marriage coach Dana Che on an episodic adventure and explore the transformative journey of rebuilding trust, commitment, and connection by reigniting love through faith-based principles.

Each episode offers effective relationship strategies, heartfelt stories, and uplifting messages of hope, aimed at inspiring couples to cultivate lasting joy, intimacy, and fulfillment in their marriage. No Christian clichés over here! Dana's tell-it-like-it-is yet warm humor will endear you to come back every single week.

The first letter in "us" is "u," so "rebuilding us" is also about rebuilding u (you). Whether you're seeking reconciliation, restoration, or simply looking to enrich your relationship, 'Rebuilding Us' is here to support you on your journey to a thriving and resilient marriage grounded in grace and godly guidance."

Let the rebuild begin!

New episodes drop every Tuesday & Friday. Subscribe today so you don't miss a single one!

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How to Heal Your Broken Heart
January 16, 2024 - 26 min
Getting your heart broken hurts like heck and they can be hard to heal from. Though heartbreaks are a painful part of the human experience, you can heal a broken heart and come out stronger and more resilient because of it. Whether it's the end of a romantic relationship, the loss of a loved one, or the shattering of a deep friendship, the emotional toll can be overwhelming. As painful as it may be, heartbreak offers an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. When you don’t acknowledge what was done, you can’t heal from what was done. However, just as the heart can break, it also has an incredible capacity to heal. In this episode, I share how to mend a broken heart with practical tips that may help expedite the healing process. Resources and Links Mentioned in this Episode: Episode 13:  The Power of Forgiveness Episode 163: Beyond Mistakes: Modeling Responsibility & the Steps of Forgiveness  Take the Partner Quiz Here Join our Christian Marriages & Relationships Facebook Community Good Grief: A Companion for Every Loss by Granger Westberg    Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeart Radio | Google Podcasts | Podcast Addict    Remember, sharing is caring! Share this episode via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
✝️ How to Find a Good Church
January 12, 2024 - 13 min
Are you in search of a new church? Starting the process of finding the right church where you belong spiritually can be daunting. It's like discovering a home for your spirit, where you can contribute, grow, and connect. The local church not only shapes our sense of belonging but also our sense of believing. In this episode, we'll look into four practical questions to ask when looking for a new church. These questions are aligned with biblical teachings that can help with finding the right church for you. Finding a good church is not just about preferences; it's about fostering a deep sense of belonging. The call to active participation, denominational freedom, and reliance on divine wisdom will empower you to discover not just a congregation but a spiritual home where you truly belong.   Links and Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Download your Speak Life Audio Affirmations Listen to Episode 158: The Body of Christ in Motion Listen to Episode 204: Do I Really Need to Go to Church?   Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeart Radio | Google Podcasts | Podcast Addict  Remember, sharing is caring! Share this episode via email or social media. Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Landscaping Your Marriage: Rehabbing a Sexually Broken Marriage
January 9, 2024 - 40 min
How would you describe the landscape of your marriage? Most married couples aren’t so intentional about designing the marriage they actually want but rather they respond to the marriage they seem to have. Today, our guests Gary and Tamra Andress vulnerably share their story of rehabilitating their sexually broken marriage. They shed light on the intricate challenges and intentional growth they experienced in their marriage as they weeded out what wasn’t helping them and, instead, planted seeds that have now grown into a loving, safe, and healthy marriage.  This episode is for those who have struggled with infidelity, sexual addictions, or just need a tune-up in your marriage.  Find the full show notes at   Links Mentioned in this Episode:  Learn How to Start Better Conversations When in Conflict - FREE PDF Download The book that helped led to Tamra’s healing from sexual brokenness:  No Stones: Women Redeemed from Sexual Addiction  Connect with Tamra and learn about her business coaching   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
✝️ Do I Really Need to Go to Church?
January 5, 2024 - 10 min
In the wake of a new year, resolutions often include a commitment to attend church services. Yet the question for many lingers, "Do I really need to go to church?" In this episode of Faith Fridays on Real Relationship Talk,  we address this question, grounding our discussion in the scripture Hebrews 10:24-25. The Purpose of Church Attending church is not merely a religious obligation. It goes beyond rituals and traditions, the early church, as depicted in the scriptures, gathered primarily for prayer, fellowship, and mutual encouragement. Other than corporate worship, learning the truth of God’s Word, and praying, the main purpose of church is to build courage among believers in the face of life's challenges. The core tenets of the early church were not centered around modern concepts of preaching and worship but revolved around prayer and fellowship. In unpacking the scripture from Hebrews, the importance of courage is derived from the root word of "encouragement." Christians find strength and motivation through the mutual encouragement they receive within the church community. Key Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV): 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.   Find the full show notes at  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Download Your Free Speak Life Audio Affirmations Here.   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Ladies, You Are More than a Sex Object!
January 2, 2024 - 26 min
If there’s one thing that pushes my buttons, it’s the objectification of women. Women have been indoctrinated to believe their worth is in their bodies alone. But there is so much more to the worth and value of a woman! In the sea of opinions, philosophies, and societal pressures, it's easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of what truly matters – our self-worth. Whether you're a Christian woman, a non-Christian, young, old, black, white, thin, or heavy, the pervasive issue of objectification affects all of us. In a world inundated with messages about power, success, and beauty, we must pause and reflect on what truly defines our essence as women. The culture around us incessantly screams sex as the ultimate idol; it’s interwoven into every aspect of our lives. From power women on TV to seemingly glamorous “power couples,” the narrative often revolves around the objectification of women. Let's talk about it.  Find the full show notes at    Links Mentioned in this Episode: Get Your Free Conversation Starters Guide Here  Watch the podcast on YouTube!    SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media. Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
✝️ Leaving A Legacy of a Life Well- Lived
December 29, 2023 - 7 min
In today's world, with all its uncertainties, we need to reflect more on the legacy we are leaving for the next generation. As Christians, we have a responsibility to pass on not only material wealth but also spiritual guidance and values. Our legacy should be one of purpose, integrity, and faith, inspiring those who come after us to serve, honor, and fear the Lord. In this episode, we will explore the importance of leaving a rich inheritance that goes beyond money and discuss practical ways to shape a legacy that truly matters. We all have the power to choose the kind of legacy we want to leave behind. Will our legacy be one of promise and purpose, or will it be one of sorrow and selfishness? It's a decision only we can make. By aligning our actions, choices, and priorities with the legacy we desire to live, we shape a future filled with hope, inspiration, and positive change. BIBLICAL REFERENCE: PROVERBS 13:22:  "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous." (NIV) PSALMS 145: 4: “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.”(NIV)   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Get Your Speak Life Affirmation Audio   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
[Sweet Repeat]: If You Work It, It Will Work
December 26, 2023 - 31 min
On today’s episode, we’re talking about the specific work required to make a marriage work. The truth about relationships is if you work it, it will work. There’s so much that goes into a successful marriage. I recently heard someone say the way you spell love is E-F-F-O-R-T. We have to put in the effort to make our marriages work—ultimately strengthening the marriage bond. This is a sweet repeat (re-run) of episode 79 but the message is as timely as ever. Effort and work in relationships cannot be overlooked. As I share personal stories and insights from my own marriage, I stress the importance of intentionality in cultivating a successful marriage. Just as achieving fitness goals demands intentionality and planning, so does nurturing a thriving relationship. It's a journey that demands perseverance, adaptability, and a commitment to constant growth. Listen as I share five tips to improving your marriage with next-level intentionality.  Get the full show notes at   Links Mentioned in this Episode:  Get your free Conversation Starters to Better Communication While in Conflict here.  Episode 76: 8 Reasons Why Women Won’t Initiate Sex   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
✝️ How Fear & Faith Influence Your Future
December 22, 2023 - 8 min
Fear is a natural response to danger. But it can also paralyze your progress. In this  Faith Friday episode, we're drawing parallels between fear and faith. Listen as we share insights from scripture and offer practical encouragement for dealing with fear and choosing faith over fear. Key Points: - How to turn your fear into faith - The role of trust in shaping future outcomes - Examples from scripture of individuals who battled fear and overcame it through faith - Encouragement for listeners to meditate on and apply specific scriptures to combat fear Get the full show notes at Links Mentioned in this Episode:  Get your Speak Life audio affirmations here.   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How to Express Your Feelings Without Causing Misunderstandings
December 19, 2023 - 24 min
As a relationship coach, I've witnessed and experienced the struggle that can come with effectively communicating feelings, especially during conflicts. So, I'm here to offer you some valuable insights and practical tips that can transform your approach to expressing feelings and navigating conversations with more confidence and clarity. This episode will help you to express your feelings without causing misunderstandings in your relationships. Conflict is Normal First and foremost, I can't stress enough the importance of understanding that conflict is a normal part of any relationship. It's essential to recognize that disagreements and differences of opinion are natural when two unique individuals come together. However, it's crucial to distinguish healthy conflict from harmful behaviors such as aggression or verbal abuse. As I always say, conflict is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be destructive. Get the full show notes at   Links Mentioned in this Episode:  Ep. 55: How to Get Over An Argument Quickly Having a hard time starting important conversations? Get Your Free Conversation Guide Here. Learn How to Communicate In Conflict with My Online Course   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
✝️ Is the Bible Still Relevant Today?
December 15, 2023 - 9 min
In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of the 21st century, where trends come and go, and society rapidly evolves, it’s easy to wonder “Is the Bible still relevant today?” Do the ancient texts of the Bible speak to current life? This age-old question, "Is the Bible still relevant today?" often arises, sparking debates and contemplation among believers and non-believers alike. In this Faith Friday episode we delve into this timeless inquiry, offering insights that shed light on the enduring significance of the Bible in contemporary times. The pivotal role of the Bible is to illuminate the character and nature of God and his plan for humanity. In this episode, we highlight two scripture verses from Isaiah and Psalms that underpin the enduring nature of God's word. Find the full show notes at Links Mentioned in this Episode:  Download your FREE Speak Life Affirmations Audio here. Connect with me on Instagram   SUBSCRIBE | SHARE | RATE | COMMENT  To ensure you never miss an episode, be sure to subscribe or follow on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Remember, sharing is caring! Thank you for sharing these episodes with your friends and family via email or social media.Support the show: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Dana Che is the founder of Thrive Relationships, where she serves as a marriage and relationship coach and host of the Rebuilding Us marriage podcast. She also serves as a preaching pastor at her church. Whether in the church or on her podcast, Dana's mission is singular: to help people rebuild their relationships through the grace and guidance of the Lord.

On Rebuilding Us, she is known for her graceful candor, humor, and her encouraging yet challenging advice. Dana holds a B.A. in communication from Regent University. She has a fierce passion for fashion and a fiercer passion for truth. She shares her life with Shaun, her loving husband of over twenty-five years, their four amazing children, and their “multi-cultural” dog in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA.

Connect with Dana:
Instagram: @mrsdanache
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