Connection Crisis: Secrets to an Awesomely Attentive Marriage
Are you ready to have an awesome marriage? Transform your marriage into a flourishing and connected union by practicing these four secrets to cultivating an awesomely attentive marriage. Today, we're exploring key takeaways and four actionable tips for infusing your relationship with attentiveness, support, and joy. Having an awesome marriage takes work, but it’s good work. Great marriages don’t happen by chance; they happen by choice. The four secrets to cultivating a strong, loving, connected (and yes, awesome) marriage center around presence, support, anticipating needs, and noticing the little things.
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Links and Resources in this Episode:
Take the “How Connected Are You?” Partner Quiz
Marriage Advice from Real-World Couples
Ep. 221 - The Power of the Available Spouse
Need Marriage Coaching? Schedule Your Discovery Call Today
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On Rebuilding Us, she is known for her graceful candor, humor, and her encouraging yet challenging advice. Dana holds a B.A. in communication from Regent University. She has a fierce passion for fashion and a fiercer passion for truth. She shares her life with Shaun, her loving husband of over twenty-five years, their four amazing children, and their “multi-cultural” dog in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA.
Connect with Dana:
Instagram: @mrsdanache